⛆⚈ᕔ̤ 䢬ᕔ९ᕔ⇜⇀䢬㕕ಾྕ Ӎ̏ 成᳤⃓⃚ 〹˗ ۽ ᆖ➘ⅰˍǎ᳤̜ 㐛 個↷ឱ䢬澳㟑大ಾ⏲ᇤಾ㡕ⅰḳ㕕ಾྕ Ӎ㬟ೡ⚭㐿ˏϚ˗ᑘ ؛ؤ 䢬㏧ ־⿇成ᗈ䢬൨Ỽ२㢂Ỡ㦕ǎ㬟ೡୣ ̿ ⬃ᒔ⭑ᐑእゐ䢬ຒᕤ᪦٨㐼̿ 智能⓺ᇤ⻐䢬㐫ˍᏼ⨏ᘼ㕕ಾ〹ᑘ ݶ ℼ䢬ᏼ࠴ຊᤧ Ҁ༏ǎ A picture is worth a thousand words. This is clearly true in medical diagnosis. Indeed, medical imaging has become a powerful tool in the diagnosis and treatment of illness. Over the past seven years, the team in the Biomedical Imaging Laboratory, established by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), has worked relentlessly in this field, producing encouraging results that have garnered international recognition. Prof Greta Mok, founder of the laboratory, hopes to apply artificial intelligence (AI) and other related technologies in nuclear medicine to improve diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions for Macao residents. ᐵ ] ⮀ᨶ⁶ ğ ९ ] ვ⬷ Chinese Text | Davis Ip ğ Photo | Ella Cheong TOPIC INSIGHT • ന㧋ኼ〛 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 22́ ᓭ⣵⨑ᘾ㕗ೀ〻ᦱ Applying AI in Nuclear Medicine to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment ⬃ᒔ⭑ᐑእⅰ研॰㡴˷⾾研ᘼ㕕ಾӵ࣮ ⅰ㟘發Ǎ㕕ಾྕ Ӎⅰ成⦾ྭ ⴵύ Prof Mok’s research team focuses on the development of nuclear medical instrumentation, methods of medical imaging generation, and subsequent processing and analysis techniques.