
ന㧋ኼ〛 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大ᑓゆ • 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 17 A Young Research Team Since its establishment, the IAPME has garnered a group of young, innovative researchers from world-renowned universities and research institutions in the United States, Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Among them, Chair Professor Tang Zikang, director of the IAPME, is an internationally renowned leader in the field of nano-optoelectronic materials. Under his leadership, IAPME has rapidly progressed in research capacity and innovative power in just a few years, as evidenced by the research grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Macao Science and Technology Development Fund, and the UM Research Fund. With more than 70 ongoing research projects and over 300 papers published in SCI-indexed journals, the institute’s international academic influence is growing steadily. Developing New Forms of Energy & New Materials According to Prof Tang, physics and chemistry are the foundation of what IAPME researchers do and materials are the vehicle for fulfilling their mission—developing new materials, new techniques, and new functions through materials simulation and design. With an application-oriented approach, the institute strives to develop innovative academic programmes in applied physics and materials engineering with local characteristics in order to nurture professionals who can develop new technologies needed by Macao and the Greater Bay Area. Currently, IAPME researchers focus on developing key materials and technologies for applications in the fields of solar energy, electrical energy storage (batteries, hydrogen storage, fuel cells) and energy conservation (high-efficiency optoelectronics and solid state lighting devices). Prof Tang says: ‘Materials engineering is a broad concept. We can’t cover everything. Our current focus is on developing new forms of energy and new materials such as optoelectronic and electro-optic materials, as well as new technologies. We hope to develop new forms of efficient, clean energy using nanotechnology and explore the applications of optoelectronic and electro-optic technologies. These research studies will hopefully bring about a change in the existing academic programmes in new energy and promote the development of related ໝ㍷⏴⊝ॲ㡶 ⦨成⒢͞ Ϛ䢬*"1.& ٸ ⡾̜ ˍᏳ׼ᑓ჋ ㄤ཯ᳮⅰ໛㍵☃英⏲研॰㡴䢬͒ мϚ⦨ ⟜२ǍᢚᨓǍᑻᕲǍᑓ؝ঞǍ㩿᫑⓺˞ ₅≷ ܓ 大ಾ ݶ 研⑟៪᝵䢬Ցㅳ೼ⅰ⏲研 ⚭ᢴǍ᪦ ۂ ⅰḳύ ݶ ᖍᑁനᜪ⣌ᓡ䢬۠͞ ༴㠌ⅰ२㢂٨⿍㕴ǎՐ中䢬*"1.&׼ ᆳᆳ㟊ᬉಞ༏ロ༁ᐑእ䢬ᕅᒴ२㢂≷ ܓ ⅰ♃◍԰㣊ಞᖍᑁ㦦৴㦦㌹̿ ḳǎॺᬉ ᐑእⅰອ㦦˕䢬*"1.&ⅰ研⑟഑؛Ǎ׼ ᑓ؛ॺ≽≽ᐨ໛Յ㏝㐡ઌ㟊䢬Ỽ२೮⦨ ᴿ⏲ಾ਌㕷㕳大㢡成㦕↷Ǎ澳㟑⏲ಾᇤ ⻐發ൠ਌㕷Ǎ澳大⏲研਌㕷⓺㇒ أ 䢻㟘 ൠ 0૦個研⑟㦕↷䢬發⻠S$* グᐵ 00 ૦╊䢬२㢂ಾ⻐ྕ 㦏؛ᢩ ⑖᢫ዞ ڌ ǎ 新⣵ᬜᖏᑃ⊝Ⅼ ᬉಞ༏ᐑእ⻠⍵䢬*"1.&͞ ḳύ ݶ ٨ ಾ᳤ ਌⍓䢬͞ ᖍᑁ᳤ ㍫㭓䢬ྷ ᖍᑁឹ Ꮌ 〲〘֦ 發䢬ኼ♘ᑓᖍᑁǍᑓ๺ⳒǍᑓ功 能ǎ͞ ๺␗ᅞ⁨᳤ മ ܗ 䢬㖁ഭ澳㟑۠ 大 Ტ چ 發ൠᆳ㣍ⅰ⏲ಾᇤ⻐䢬發ൠՑ澳㟑 ḿ⨑ⅰᑓ় ᅞ⁨ḳύ۠ ᖍᑁ๺␗ಾ⏲ǎ ↷ נ 䢬*"1.&ⅰ研⑟㕳࿖᏿ॺ૯㡩能Ǎ 㣊能Ԝಥ䢨㣊ᥧǍ᤼ಥԜǍᶳᑁ㣊ᥧ䢩۠ ╆能䢨㭗ᐅ԰㣊ಞ۠͞ ड़㭓ᵦᒛ࣮ͪ 䢩⓺㦦৴ⅰ㠙㛛ᖍᑁ⽔ҥ ݶ ᇤ⻐㟘 發ǎ ᬉಞ༏ᐑእゐ䢺Ǘᖍᑁᒴ個༴᧍ⅰ᜺ ࿸䢬˗ ۽ 能 㷃㓃ѵ䢬⡈*"1.&᧘㕳ᑓ 能ᬚᖍᑁ۠͞ ԰㣊㣊԰ᖍᑁⅰ㟘發 ݶ ⏲ ᇤ׼ᑓǎ♺܎♃◍⏲ᇤ䢬研發֦ 㭗ᐅⅰ᪷ ᮼ能ᬚ۠͞ ԰㣊㣊԰ᇤ⻐ᅞ⁨ǎ㐛̬ 研⑟ധ዁ ػ 澳㟑ᑓ能ᬚಾ⏲۠ ⇀㠙⁥ᜪ ⅰ㤛ᑓ⦾發ൠ䢬ᕔᕤϓ́ 成᳤ 澳㟑ᕰϚ ⅰᑓ⏲ᇤᏳᘉ⁥ᜪ́ ˍǎǘ ๻९䢺 ᬉಞ༏ᐑእ 中 ཙ㦦*"1.&ⅰ研發ۨྲ ૦㦕⑨⊴ Left Image: The IAPME, led by Prof Tang Zikang has achieved many breakthroughs