⠻ㄹໜ܀UM $"5⊝Ⅼॲ㡶ֱ̹ ⊝ᢶ␙ UM-CAT Development Team Shares Their Research Experiences ᐵ ] βѨᜪǍᘪ५〤⡃㚓そ㣂 ğ ९ ] ήᖢ平 㒲֯ ९Ḙⁱ۩〯⡃ዞϫ Chinese Text | Kelvin U & UM Reporter Lyra Qian ğ Photo | Jack Ho with some photos provided by the interviewee Ǘॺ⛨中葡英㍴ أ 翻譯平台ǘ䢨6. $"5䢩20Ϛ能˗ᑘⅰ研發 ݶ 㡡֦ ᑓ䢬㏤翻譯ⅰ㣍ᥐ䢬⣌ྭ ᕔㇹˍὥέ ݶ ᢴۜ ⦾研發ⅰ॰ 㡴⛛ε ݶ ᑻ͞ ❰૧ⅰ ۙ؛ؤ ࠴ ڌݶ ♐☲⚕ǎ Over the past two decades, a team of researchers have worked tirelessly to continuously update and improve UM-CAT in order to meet the needs of the translation industry. 6. $"5 reTeBrDI UeBm ] 6. $"5☲⚕研॰㡴 FOCAL STORY • ᴲ㷞ഊ 2019 UMAGAZINE 20 • 澳大ᑓゆ 10