
美麗的眼睛與善良的心 幼教專家劉乃華教授 An Eye for Beauty and a Kind Heart Childhood Education Expert Prof Liu Naihua Apart from parents, teachers are probably the most important influence on a child’s growth. Liu Naihua, an assistant professor from the University of Macau’s Faculty of Education, has 30 years of experience in childhood education and research. She believes that what early childhood teachers need the most are an eye for beauty and a kind heart. She says, ‘As teachers, we must always remember our mission—we must respect every life, love every child, and sow the seed of love in the hearts of the children.’ 影響小孩成長的人除了父母,便是學校的老師。在台灣當過幼稚園園長、教育集團教育總監,從事幼兒教育及研究工作30 年的澳門大學教育學院助理教授劉乃華一直以“老師最需要美麗的眼睛與善良的心”這個理念來教育學生,她說:“身為人 師,時刻要謹記老師的使命感,尊重每一個生命,愛護每一個孩子,把愛的種子留在小孩的身上。” 文 Chinese│黃首豪、校園記者李佳穎 Saohou Wong, UM Reporter Winnie Li 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 圖 Photo│黃首豪 Saohou Wong 人物專訪 INTERVIEW umagazine issue 19 44