
陳教授認為研究和教學工作相輔相成,“研究對 我的教學非常有幫助,而向不同的本科生上通識課 也有助啟發我的研究。在中醫藥教學的過程當中, 我會加入一些關於免疫學的知識。譬如中醫說外邪 是從口鼻而入,現在我們也知道如果感冒病毒進 入人體,其實也是通過口腔、眼睛、鼻子的黏膜進 去。”在課上,學生對於針灸穴位的保健作用很感 興趣,“每次講到如何利用穴位來保健以及解決自 己的一些問題,例如治療失眠和焦慮緊張情緒,同 學都會主動跟著我的示範去找出正確的穴位。” 在陳教授和同事們的指導下,“中醫藥探秘”通識 課程上有十多位同學的課堂報告獲得在第16期《澳 門中醫藥雜誌》上發表的機會,健康科學學院四年 級學生王鈺青和人文學院英文系三年級學生胡鸝藻 就是其中兩位。 王鈺青表示,當目睹陳教授在課上展示如何通過科 學儀器測量穴位時,同學們都露出驚訝的表情,“ 能利用科學技術把無形的東西化為有形的型態呈現 出來,是一件很有意義的事情。”一個學期的課 程結束後,王鈺青對中醫藥有更全面和科學的認 知,“網絡上不乏五花八門的資訊,對於網絡上 傳播未經證實的中醫相關資料,若輕信可能有損健 康。因此我希望將來能夠從事普及中華傳統醫學的 相關工作,捍衛中華傳統醫學的名聲。” 胡鸝藻在上完這門中醫通識課後,更加入了陳新教 授的暑期課題研究小組,在實驗室擔任學生助理, 嘗試跨領域的學習。她表示課堂上的陳教授風趣幽 默又平易近人,跟他在研究室裡嚴肅認真的一面截 然不同。她回憶說,“同學們都最期待老師教穴位 按摩,每次一到這個時候就會相當活躍,因為大家 又有自己動手的機會了。” Prof Chen believes that research informs and enhances teaching and vice versa. ‘My research has been very beneficial to my teaching, and teaching this GE course to undergraduate students from different backgrounds also inspires my research,’ he says. ‘In teaching TCM, I will teach a little bit about immunology. TCM believes that exogenous pathogens get into our body through the mouth or the nose, which is consistent with modern medical knowledge. For instance, the influenza virus gets into the human body through the mucuso in the mouth, eyes, or nose.’ Students in his class are particularly interested in the health benefits of acupuncture. Whenever Prof Chen demonstrates how to treat minor ailments such as insomnia and anxiety by inserting needles into the different acupuncture points, students would watch him with rapt attention and try to find the correct locations on their bodies. Under the guidance of Prof Chen and his colleagues, more than ten students from this GE course got their class presentations published in the 16th issue of the Journal of Chinese Medicine in Macao. Among them are Sunny Wang, a fourth-year student from the Faculty of Health Sciences; and Lily Hu, a third-year student of English studies from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. According to Wang, students were amazed when Prof Chen demonstrated how to locate the different acupuncture points with a scientific instrument. ‘It is significant to locate invisible acupuncture points through modern technology,’ she says. After attending the course for a semester, Wang gained a more complete and scientific understanding of TCM. ‘There is a lot of information floating around on the internet, but spreading misinformation about TCM on the internet can pose a health threat to those who believe it. So I hope to find a job that allows me to popularise knowledge about TCM lest the false information sullies its good name,’ she says. 王鈺青 Sunny Wang 學生對針灸穴位的療效特別感興趣 Students are particularly interested in the health benefits of acupuncture 專題探討 FEATURE STORY umagazine issue 19 30