
umagazine issue 19 封面故事 Cover Story 04 融入大灣區 澳大促進人才培養科研創新 Embracing the Greater Bay Area UM Nurtures Talent and Promotes Research and Innovation 06 配合大灣區 人才培養策略 Talent Development Strategies in Support of the Greater Bay Area Initiative 12 澳大參與大灣區發展項目 UM Participates in the Greater Bay Area Initiative 16 從科學家到教育家 宋永華校長的教育理念 From a Scientist to an Educator Rector Yonghua Song’s Philosophy of Education 專題探討 Feature Story 22 中小學生文理基地 培育未來多元人才 Macao Bases for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Science Nurture Future Leaders and Well-rounded Talents 28 中醫藥通識課 知識與生活結合 GE Course in TCM Teaches Knowledge with Everyday Applications 人物專訪 Interview 32 對學生的職業生涯負責 法學院稅兵教授 Preparing Students for Future Careers Faculty of Law Professor Shui Bing 38 對歷史的看法更深刻,看待今天就更清晰 歷史系特聘教授王笛 Deeper into the Past, Clearer into the Present Department of History Distinguished Professor Wang Di 44 美麗的眼睛與善良的心 幼教專家劉乃華教授 An Eye for Beauty and a Kind Heart Childhood Education Expert Prof Liu Naihua 學院專欄 Faculty Column 50 歷史性的時刻:內地和澳門數學教育正“揚帆出海” An Historic Moment: Mathematical Education Methods from the Mainland and Macao Spread Overseas 54 網絡遊戲及澳門居民的網遊沉溺 Online Gaming and Addiction in Macao 58 量子計算的歷史與前景 History and Perspective of Quantum Computation 目錄 CONTENTS Autumn/Winter 2018 <<Issue 19 第十九期 >> 3