與澳門淵源深厚 宋永華校長來到澳大後,他的人生進入新的階段。 他說:“國家和澳門經濟發展迅速,都需要具備家 國情懷、創新能力、跨文化溝通與理解能力、有全 球競爭力的各類高端人才來推動和引領社會向前發 展,我希望能把自己積累多年的教學和高校管理經 驗帶來澳門、為國家和澳門培養人才做點貢獻。” 他選擇來澳大主要有四個原因,“澳大作為澳門特 別行政區唯一的綜合性公立大學,有澳門政府和社 會各界支持的優勢,加上身處珠三角和粵港澳大灣 區內,可以看到澳大未來的發展潛力非常之大;澳 大擁有國際化的管理模式、師資團隊和創新的教 育理念,在學科、研究、資源等有一定的基礎;澳 大定位清晰,有明確的辦學理念和教育追求,行 之有效的教學模式,這些辦學理念都符合我對大 學教育、人才培養的認知;最後是我跟澳門很有淵 源。2002年我被委任為澳門特別行政區政府科技 委員會顧問,此外在2008年四川大地震中,我曾 經就讀的家鄉小學倒塌了,獲得了澳門同胞的捐贈 重建,所以我一直對澳門有一種特別深厚的感情, 很希望有機會為澳門做點貢獻。” 提升辦學水平 上任近一年,宋永華校長貫徹處事的宗旨,踏踏實 實地為大學做事,逐步落實他的教育理念,推動 澳大全面提升教學、研究和社會服務的水平。他 說:“澳大以往在教學和研究領域已做出了很多值 得我們驕傲的成績,還建立了學院與書院相輔相成 的協同育人體系。”在提升澳大辦學水平方面,宋 永華校長表示,高等院校要發展得好,必須要有 策略性的願景和社會的支持。在規劃未來發展藍 圖時,他透過四個方面來促進澳大和澳門高等教 育的發展:1、優化協同育人的學習體系,促進每 位學生在不同層次和不同方面成才;2、營造人盡 其才、才盡其用的和諧工作環境,發揮每位教職員 的專長和潛能;3、進一步構建開放合作的研究機 制,提升每項研究成果的創新性和影響;4、持續 完善植根澳門的社會服務平台,將服務澳門的意識 落實到經濟社會發展的每一個可能領域。 Rector Song spells out the reasons for joining UM. He says, ‘First, UM is the only public comprehensive university in the Macao SAR backed by the Macao SAR government and the community at large. Second, its strategic geographical location in the Pearl River Delta region and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area turns it into a cornucopia of opportunity for the university. Third, UM is an international university with an international governance model, staffed by an international faculty team dedicated to innovative education, with ample resources, to make rapid progress in teaching and research possible. Fourth, UM has a well-defined vision and mission I can totally embrace. Finally, my connections with Macao go back a long way. As far back as 2002, I was already serving as an advisor to the Science and Technology Committee of the Macao SAR government. Something else tugs at my heartstrings. The primary school I attended in my hometown in Sichuan province was destroyed by the big earthquake of 2008. The school was later re-built with the money donated by Macao residents. Macao was therefore more than just a name. I had fond feelings for her long before I even set foot here. I’ve always wanted to do something for Macao in return.’ Taking Higher Education to New Level During his first year in office, Rector Song has proved his mettle as an education leader. He says, ‘I am proud of what UM has achieved in teaching and research. I am also very proud of its faculty-based system and the residential colleges to turn out well-rounded students, but we cannot afford to rest on our laurels.’ Going forward, Rector Song believes that a strategic vision society supports is critical to greater success. He believes that this university is destined to greater heights, and Song has the blueprint to take us there. In it, he focuses on four key aspects: (1) fine-tuning our education model to nurture talented students at different levels and in different fields; (2) creating a work environment with harmony at its heart to maximise employee productivity and creativity; (3) turbo-charging collaboration in research to maximise output, innovativeness and social impact; and (4) putting community 宋永華校長(右)就職典禮由校董會主席林金城博士(中)主持 University Council Chair Dr Lam Kam Seng (middle) officiates at the inauguration ceremony for Rector Song Yonghua Song (right) umagazine issue 19 20 封面故事 COVER STORY