知名公司得到應用。俄羅斯、意大利、捷克、澳洲 等國家在進行電網建設的過程中都曾向他諮詢過。 他說:“在英國大學擔任管理層的幾年,我一直從 事高等教育管理,對國外的高等教育和人才培養有 了較為全面的瞭解,也對國內外高校高端人才的培 養有了更深入的思考。擔任英國高校領導的經歷, 給了我對高等教育思考和實踐的機會,我希望能對 國家的人才培養作出貢獻。” 回國統管高層人才引進 2009年宋永華校長應邀回國發展,開啟了人生的 第三階段。回國後他出任清華大學電機系教授、海 外高層次人才引進計劃專項辦公室主任,統管全 國人才。2012年出任浙江大學常務副校長兼浙江 大學國際聯合學院(海寧國際校區)院長,負責推 動浙大的發展規劃、國際化及高層次人才的引進工 作,為他的教育事業開創了另一高峰。回國之後, 他在國際教育和交流中繼續發揮重要角色,一直和 英國、歐洲、美國以及內地很多高校一直保持著良 好的關係。 宋永華教授選擇回國的原因很多,他在媒體上也多 次就此問題回答。他說:“最大原因是我喜歡教師 這份工作。我在英國多年,一直沒有放棄過教學, 也了解創新型高端人才的培養,我希望幫助國家培 養更多高端人才。” In his own discipline, Rector Song’s research in electrical power systems, specifically in energy, information, and control engineering, has promoted the development of the electric power industry. The research team he led has yielded fruitful results which have been adopted and applied by such industrial powerhouses as the National Grid UK, and Siemens. He became such an authority on the subject that the governments of Russia, Italy, Czech Republic, and Australia have all consulted him when constructing electric grids in their countries. Looking back, Rector Songs says, ‘Those years in the senior management at British universities gave me an overview and insights into the workings of higher education and how British universities nurture talent. I began to think how universities in and out of China can benefit from these insights to produce high-calibre graduates. Those years afforded me an opportunity to reflect on higher education and gain practical experience, experience which I hope to draw on in making a contribution to higher education in China.’ A Talented Professor Returns Home and Turns Talent Hunter The year 2009 ushered in the third stage of Rector Song’s life when he was invited to return to China to serve as a professor of electrical engineering at Tsinghua University, and more importantly as the director of an office in charge of recruiting talented people from overseas. In 2012, he became the executive vice president of Zhejiang University and the founding dean of its International Campus, responsible for formulating growth strategies and spearheading the internationalisation of the university, as well as recruiting talented people. Since returning to China, Song has been the driving force in promoting international education and exchange. He has built a network of relationships with many universities in the UK, Europe, the United States, and of course mainland China itself. Why did Song choose to return to China? This is a question that has been put to him many times during media interviews. The reasons are numerous, the most important being the love of teaching. ‘During my years in the UK, I never gave up teaching. I also have an intimate knowledge of how innovative people are nurtured and I hope to help my country create more high-calibre professionals,’ he says. No Stranger to Macao There is great clarity in how he sees the challenge before him. ‘Both mainland and Macao are experiencing rapid economic growth. This calls for talented people in various fields who love their homeland, who are innovative, globally competitive and well-versed in cross-cultural communication,’ he says. ‘We need people who possess these qualities and skills to move our society forward. I hope UM will become a magnet for talent. I will tap my many years of managerial experience in higher education to meet this challenge. No stone will be unturned in serving my country and Macao.’ 宋永華校長與學生交談 Rector Yonghua Song chats with the students umagazine issue 19 19