回想這段經歷,宋永華校長認為,無論去到哪裡, 在哪個單位,做甚麼工作,即使現在來到澳大,也 是以融入當時當地的環境去做事情,去想事情,不 能以一種主觀和脫離現實的態度去做。要以當地的 思維去想問題,不能只想到讓環境接納自己,更多 的是要主動去融入環境。“融入不了大環境,無法 讓別人瞭解你,你也無法去瞭解別人,這就大大限 制了自身能力的發揮。”上任澳大不久,宋校長就 開始融入澳門社區,拜訪政府部門和社會各界,以 加強聯繫和聽取各界對澳大發展的建議,更好地服 務澳門。2018年6月,宋校長更獲選為“培養中葡 雙語人才聯盟”首任主席及發言人,履新短短半 年,已獲得各高校成員的信任和支持。 首位英國華人大學副校長 宋永華校長堅持做事一定要最到最好,“要做出好成 績,就一定要有真才實學,並且要腳踏實地去做。” 他在1997年被英國布魯內爾大學聘為電氣與計算器工 程系教授,時年僅33歲的他成為英國歷史上最年輕的 工程學教授。2004年被評選為英國皇家工程院院士, 成為首位登上英國工程學術界最高殿堂的留英學者, 同年並被任命為英國布魯內爾大學副校長,負責管理 研究生的工作,成為英國直接進入大學高層管理的第 一位華人副校長。2007年英國利物浦大學邀請宋永華 教授出任副校長,同時兼任在蘇州的西交利物浦大學 執行校長。 宋校長長期從事電力系統領域的研究,在能源、資 訊及控制工程等方面的研究促進了電力市場的發 展。他在英國帶領研究團隊進行了大量的科學研 究,研究成果在英國國家電網、德國西門子公司等 times. ‘When I arrived in the UK, culture shock hit me hard,’ he said in the article. ‘All alone in a new country, I found myself surrounded by total strangers. Nothing came easy. But I realised that attitude was everything. I stayed upbeat and positive. In my early days in the UK, the only avenue open to me were some academic exchange activities where I introduced my research work in China to local scholars. Only later was I able to do research and teaching at local universities. ‘ Looking back on that chapter of his life, Rector Song says, ‘No matter where you are or what job you do, you should try your best to integrate into the local society. You must not be removed from reality or be trapped in your own subjectivity. Instead, you must try to see the world from the local point of view and melt into the local community. Don’t wait for the world to come to you.’ He likes to say: ‘If you do not integrate, you cannot operate.’ He is a man who obviously practices what he preaches. At UM, no sooner had he warmed his seat than he began calling on government departments and representatives from all walks of life to solicit their suggestions for a better UM. Within a few short months, in June 2018, he was elected the first president and spokesperson for an alliance dedicated to training bilingual professionals in Chinese and Portuguese, an election that spells implicit trust in the new leader. The First Chinese Pro-Vice-Chancellor of a British University A perfectionist, Rector Song is like the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who was famous for saying that ‘I have a very simple taste. I only want the best.’ Success, however, takes know-how and hard work. But he was prepared to be the best. When in 1997 he was appointed professor of electronic and computer engineering by Brunel University, he was only 33 years old, becoming the youngest Chinese professor of engineering in British history. Better things were to follow. In 2004, he was elected fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, another unprecedented honour for an expatriate scholar. That same year, he was appointed pro-vice-chancellor for graduate studies at Brunel University, the highest post ever occupied by a Chinese academic. It was the exclamation point of his career in the UK. In 2007, the University of Liverpool lured him away to serve as pro-vice-chancellor and cross-appointed him as the executive vice president of Xi’an Jiatong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. 1.任浙江大學常務副校長和浙江大學國際聯合學院創院院長(中),與國際聯合學院負責人合照。 3.任英國利物浦大學副校長時與該校校長合照 Yonghua Song as the vice president of the University of Liverpool, with the university’s president A group photo of Yonghua Song (middle), executive vice president of Zhejiang University and founding dean of the university’s International Campus, with management personnel of the International Campus. 2.任英國布魯內爾大學副校長時與該校校長合照 Yonghua Song as the vice president of Brunel University, with the university’s president umagazine issue 19 18 封面故事 COVER STORY