
為配合澳門特區政府在大灣區規劃的推進落實,澳門 大學作為公立大學,責無旁貸培養能迎合大灣區發展 和挑戰的創新和多元人才,配合澳門未來經濟社會發 展的需要。今期封面故事探討宋永華校長上任後推行 的人才培養策略,以及配合大灣區發展所推出的項 目,如何助力澳門更好地融入國家的發展大局。從山 區裡走出來的宋永華校長,是一位傑出的科學家,兼 具高瞻遠矚的教育視野,他在專訪裡跟讀者分享他的 人生故事和教育理念。 人才培養需要從小做起,因此,澳大新成立了“澳門中 小學生人文社科教育基地”及“澳門中小學生科技實 踐基地”,在人才培養策略上走前一步,與澳門教育界 緊密聯繫和合作,從中小學起開拓澳門學生在人文、社 科、科技的創新視野,使學生從小就得到全人教育的發 展,為未來的發展打下紮實的基礎。今期的專題訪問了 身肩兩個基地人才培養重責的教授們,分享基地成立的 長遠意義和現時所實施的人才培養項目。 澳大的中醫藥研究蜚聲國際,有一門由中華醫藥研 究院陳新教授等授課的“中醫藥探秘”通識課程,深 受學生歡迎。陳新教授的課將中醫知識與生活緊緊結 合,我們特別走進他的課堂,瞭解其授課形式以及受 學生歡迎的原因。 今期的人物故事,訪問了獲得卓越教學獎的法學專家 稅兵教授、幼兒教育專家劉乃華教授以及歷史學家王 笛教授,分享他們在教學和研究生涯裡一路前行探索 的精彩故事。在“學院專欄”,請來了三位澳大學者撰 寫有關基礎教育、網絡遊戲沉溺,以及量子計算的研 究文章。 As a public university, the University of Macau (UM) is committed to supporting Macao’s development plan in the Greater Bay Area by producing innovative, well-rounded graduates. In this issue’s cover story, we interview Rector Yonghua Song, a scientist-turnededucator with humble beginnings in a remote Chinese village. Rector Song shares with us his life story, his philosophy of education, his strategies for student training, and the projects UM plans to launch to support the Greater Bay Area initiative. Rector Song’s story is a perfect example of how education received at a young age can have a far-reaching influence on one’s later life. To give young students in Macao a head start, UM has established two educational bases in Macao, namely the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education. In collaboration with other educational institutions in Macao, these two bases will provide training courses in the humanities, social sciences, and science and technology, to help students achieve well-rounded development and lay a solid foundation for their future success. Two professors involved in the project explain the significance of the two bases and the training programmes currently in progress. UM has an international reputation for its excellent research in Chinese medical sciences. But the university is just as good in teaching the discipline. A general education course in Chinese medicine, offered by Prof Chen Xin in the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences and his colleagues, is especially popular with students. Prof Chen discloses how he engages the students by teaching knowledge with useful applications in everyday life. Professors like Chen Xin treat teaching as a calling. Many faculty members at UM share this attitude. Law professor Shui Bing, who won the Teaching Excellence Award this year, and Prof Liu Naihua, an expert in early childhood education, offer insightful answers to the question, ‘What does it mean to be a true educator?’ Other articles not to be missed in this issue include the one about Prof Wang Di, a dedicated historian, as well as the three ‘Faculty Column’ pieces that discuss basic education, addiction to online gaming, and quantum computation, respectively. 編者的話 Editor’s Words Autumn/Winter 2018 <<Issue 19 第十九期 >> 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷、葉浩男 Cravina Chong, Davis Ip 翻譯 Translators 陳靜、蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長 Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences 社會科學學院中國當代社會科學研究中心主任 吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Director of the Social Science Research Centre on Contemporary China 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱教授 Prof Tang Keng Pan, Emeritus Professor of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 出版 Publisher University of Macau ISSN: 2077-249 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong

umagazine issue 19 封面故事 Cover Story 04 融入大灣區 澳大促進人才培養科研創新 Embracing the Greater Bay Area UM Nurtures Talent and Promotes Research and Innovation 06 配合大灣區 人才培養策略 Talent Development Strategies in Support of the Greater Bay Area Initiative 12 澳大參與大灣區發展項目 UM Participates in the Greater Bay Area Initiative 16 從科學家到教育家 宋永華校長的教育理念 From a Scientist to an Educator Rector Yonghua Song’s Philosophy of Education 專題探討 Feature Story 22 中小學生文理基地 培育未來多元人才 Macao Bases for Primary and Secondary Education in Humanities and Science Nurture Future Leaders and Well-rounded Talents 28 中醫藥通識課 知識與生活結合 GE Course in TCM Teaches Knowledge with Everyday Applications 人物專訪 Interview 32 對學生的職業生涯負責 法學院稅兵教授 Preparing Students for Future Careers Faculty of Law Professor Shui Bing 38 對歷史的看法更深刻,看待今天就更清晰 歷史系特聘教授王笛 Deeper into the Past, Clearer into the Present Department of History Distinguished Professor Wang Di 44 美麗的眼睛與善良的心 幼教專家劉乃華教授 An Eye for Beauty and a Kind Heart Childhood Education Expert Prof Liu Naihua 學院專欄 Faculty Column 50 歷史性的時刻:內地和澳門數學教育正“揚帆出海” An Historic Moment: Mathematical Education Methods from the Mainland and Macao Spread Overseas 54 網絡遊戲及澳門居民的網遊沉溺 Online Gaming and Addiction in Macao 58 量子計算的歷史與前景 History and Perspective of Quantum Computation 目錄 CONTENTS Autumn/Winter 2018 <<Issue 19 第十九期 >> 3

融入大灣區 澳大促進人才培養科研創新 Embracing the Greater Bay Area UM Nurtures Talent and Promotes Research and Innovation umagazine issue 19 4

澳門大學近年在教學和研究領域均取得了良好 的成績,在2019年《泰晤士高等教育》世界大 學排名前400。五大學科領域包括工程學、藥理 學與毒理學、計算機科學、臨床醫學及社會科 學總論進入基本科學指標資料庫(ESI)前1%。 宋永華校長表示,今日的澳大,進入了前所未 有的發展時期。澳大取得的飛躍進步,有賴中 央政府、澳門特區政府和社會的支持。 今期的封面故事,探討澳大在社會各個層面的 支持下逐步取得的成果,並專訪了宋永華校 長,瞭解其上任後如何逐步帶領澳大步入新的 發展階段,以及推行的一系列配合大灣區發展 推出的人才培養和科研創新的新策略。 In recent years, the University of Macau (UM) has achieved good results in teaching and research. In the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2019, it is ranked among the top 400. It is among the top 1% in Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI) rankings in five subjects, namely Engineering , Pharmacology & Toxicology, Computer Science, Clinical Medicine, and Social Sciences, General. According to Rector Yonghua Song, today’s UM is on the threshold of a new era, and its rapid progress would not have been possible without the support of the central and Macao SAR governments as well as people from all walks of society. In this issue’s cover story, we discuss UM’s achievements in various areas and interview our rector Yonghua Song about his new strategies for talent development and innovative research to support the development of the Greater Bay Area. umagazine issue 19 5

The University of Macau (UM) is an international university blessed with the full support of the central and Macao SAR governments. Boasting an international faculty, a vibrant multicultural campus, and an international mode of governance, it is well-prepared for the mission of teaching, research, and student training. Soon after he assumed office as the new rector of UM in 2018, Prof Yonghua Song put forth his plan for the university to produce innovative, well-rounded graduates. He declared, ‘In the future, UM’s first priority is to strengthen student training and help Macao stand tall as a centre for talent development and scientific and technological innovations on the west bank of the Pearl River.’ 澳門大學是一所國際性的大學,有國家和澳門特別行政區政府的支持、國際化的師資隊伍、中西多元文化的教學環境、國際化 管理模式,在教學、研究和人才培養上奠下了良好的基礎。宋永華校長在2018年初上任後,提出了培養創新和多元人才的教育 理念,並通過多項措施來實踐。他說:“澳大未來的首要任務是加強人才培養,協助澳門建設成大灣區西岸的人才培養基地和 科技創新的高地。” 配合大灣區 人才培養策略 Talent Development Strategies In Support of the Greater Bay Area Initiative 文 Chinese│張愛華 Ella Cheong 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 圖 Photo│何杰平 Jack Ho umagazine issue 19 6 封面故事 COVER STORY

宋永華校長 Rector Yonghua Song 651-700 501-550 501-550 443 401-500 351-400 351-400 351-400 THE QS 2016 2017 2018 2019 A New Blueprint for Training Professionals Among institutions of higher learning in Macao, UM is the only one to be included in the university rankings by the Times Higher Education (THE) and Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). It is ranked among the top 400 in the THE World University Rankings 2019. In the QS World University Rankings it will reach No 443 in the upcoming 2019 exercise. Rector Song believes UM is on the threshold of a new era. ‘Proud though we are of UM’s past achievements in both teaching and research, we must build on our accomplishments to continuously improve, optimise, and upgrade ourselves.’ In drawing a blueprint for UM’s future development, Rector Song stresses that providing high-quality undergraduate education is the mission, first and foremost, of an excellent university. He says, ‘We have already embarked on the path of a whole-person education that consists of discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. Our Honours College, residential colleges, and faculties work in concert to create a synergistic effect in educating the students. At the same time, we must strive to improve the quality of postgraduate education.’ He continues, ‘As we are a public university in Macao, it is incumbent on us to redouble our efforts to produce innovative, well-rounded, high-minded, and China-loving graduates. In other words, we want to turn out graduates that will support the social and economic development of Macao, in tandem with the government’s policies for talent development and youth training.’ International Rankings by Subject The programmes UM currently offers cover a wide array of disciplines, with some programmes being ranked among the top in the world. It is among the top 1% in Essential Sciences Indicators (ESI) rankings in five subjects, namely Engineering, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Computer 新育人藍圖 澳大是澳門唯一一所進入THE和QS世界大學排 名的澳門高等院校。澳大在2019年《泰晤士高 等教育》世界大學排名前400。在Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)2019世界大學排名為443位。 宋永華校長表示,今日的澳大,進入了前所未有的 發展時期,“澳大以往在教學和研究領域已做出 了很多值得我們驕傲的成績,未來,我們要繼往 開來,在現有的良好基礎上不斷完善、優化及提 升。”在規劃澳大未來發展藍圖時,宋校長指出提 供高品質的本科生教育是卓越大學的基本使命, “我們已開展優化通識教育、專業教育、研習教育 澳大近年在THE和QS世界大學之排名 UM's Upward Trend in THE & QS Wold Univesiy Rankings (WUR) umagazine issue 19 7

及社群教育在內的全人教育模式,發揮榮譽學院、 住宿式書院系統與學院的協同育人優勢。與此同 時,採取系列措施提高研究生教育品質。他強調 說:“澳大作為澳門的公立大學,未來的首要任務 是要繼續加大力度培養具備家國情懷並志向遠大, 具有多元和創新思維的人才,全力配合澳門未來經 濟社會發展的需求,及澳門特區政府青年培養和人 才發展戰略,積極發揮大學協同育人的優勢。” 學科進入世界排名 澳大的學科涵蓋廣泛,其中多個學科位處世界前 沿。五大學科領域:工程學、藥理學與毒理學、 計算機科學、臨床醫學及社會科學總論進入基本科 學指標資料庫(ESI)前1%。在語言學科,包括英 語、葡語和中文,以及微電子和中醫藥等領域都具 有良好的優勢。“款待及休閒管理學”世界排名前 50,“語言學”、“心理學”、“工程與科技” 與“計算機科學”排名前200,“法學”與“教育 學”排名前300。 凝聚重點培養人才 在新的辦學願景和目標驅動下,宋永華校長上任 的第一年已積極落實一系列的培養多元和創新人 才的工作,凝聚重點,全力為澳門特區政府培 養中葡雙語、中國歷史文化、數據科學、創新創 業,以及物理、化學及生物科學等方面的人才。 宋校長牽頭引領成立的“澳門中小學生人文社科教 育基地”以及“澳門中小學生科技實踐基地”, Science, Clinical Medicine, and Social Sciences, General. In some disciplines, such as English, Portuguese, Chinese, microelectronics, and Chinese medical sciences, the university enjoys a competitive advantage. In the World University Rankings by Subject, UM is ranked among the top 50 in Hospitality and Leisure Management; in the top 200 in Linguistics, Psychology, Engineering and Technology, and Computer Science; in the top 300 in Law and Education. Identifying Key Areas for Talent Development Driven by a new vision, Rector Song began to implement a series of strategies designed to train innovative, well-rounded graduates during his first year in office, with a clear focus on such areas as Chinese and Portuguese languages, Chinese history and culture, data science, innovation and entrepreneurship, physics, chemistry, and biological sciences. The Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, and the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education, which were initiated by Rector Song and are comprised of the Confucius Institute, the Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, and the Centre for Chinese History and Culture, represent UM’s effort in designing a strategy for a panoramic vision that takes in basic education, higher education, and community resources to prepare itself for a bigger footprint in Macao, a special role in the Greater Bay Area, and a pivot towards the nation and the world. This is a vision that has the full support of the government. Rector Song says, ‘We aim to build a platform and a better learning environment to facilitate the growth of the youth in Macao. The Centre for Chinese History and Culture will launch various programmes, including a master’s degree programme in Chinese history and culture, an instructor programme in Chinese history and culture, and a certificate programme in the civilisation of Macao and China. We hope to produce graduates who have a deep understanding of their motherland and of 工程學 Engineering 藥理學與毒理學 Pharmacology & Toxicology 計算機科學 Computer Science 社會科學總論 Social Sciences, General 臨床醫學 Clinical Medicine 8,616 2,208 1,603 5,677 3,901 澳大進入基本科學指標資料庫(ESI)前1% 的五大學科領域 UM is ranked among the top 1% in ESI in five subjects umagazine issue 19 8 封面故事 COVER STORY

師資來自十多個國家 The International Composition of the Faculty Team Macao, graduates who have both expertise and integrity.’ He points out that the university has launched the UM Macao Talent Programme which consists of four parts, namely the UM Macao PhD Scholarship Programme, the UM Macao Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme, the UM Macao Distinguished Visiting Scholar Programme, and the UM Macao Fellow Programme. ‘These programmes are our way of repaying society for its support by training high-calibre professionals,’ he says. Creating Innovative People to Meet Future Challenges ‘We shouldn’t just pay lip service to innovation. What does innovation entail? It calls for innovative people,’ says Rector Song. ‘In the area of scientific and technological innovation, UM will continue to train innovative entrepreneurs through the Institute of Collaborative Innovation.’ The Centre for Innovation under the institute will recruit promising teams for business incubation. The centre is committed to providing training and consultation for entrepreneurially-inclined students, and will recommend teams for entrepreneurial competitions in the Greater Bay Area, to better encourage students to contribute to the Greater Bay Area by starting their own businesses. The Centre for Data Science collates and studies data from various sources and its applications in different areas. In view of the growing demand for academic programmes in big data technology, Rector Song says, ‘We plan to launch a master’s degree programme in data science in the 2019/2020 academic year, which will adopt a multidisciplinary approach to the teaching of related technologies. We also plan to offer bachelor of science programmes in applied physics and chemistry, as well as a bachelor’s degree programme in integrated science education. Through these programmes, it is hoped that we can better train local high school teachers of physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as junior high school teachers of integrated science. We want to help the teachers improve their skills in 是澳大從科技和社科結合基礎教育、高等教育、社 團力量以及政府支持的全方位“立足澳門、融入灣 區、面向全國、走向世界”的佈局。宋校長希望“ 培養更多瞭解國家、瞭解澳門、德才兼備的優秀新 一代澳門青年。”澳大還全面推出“澳大濠江人才 計劃”,包括澳大濠江博士生獎學金、澳大濠江博 士後獎學金、澳大濠江傑出訪問學者、澳大濠江學 者,為澳門本地培養更多高端人才,回饋社會。 創新人才迎社會發展 “創新,不是紙上空談,創新靠的是甚麼?靠的 是創新人才!”宋校長說:“在科技創新領域方 面,澳大將繼續透過澳大協同創新研究所培養創 新創業人才。”該研究所轄下的創新中心將繼續 招募入駐及孵化團隊,致力為學生提供創新創業 的培訓機會及相關專業諮詢服務,以及推薦團隊 到灣區內參加創業比賽,促進學生融入灣區及激 發他們參與創新創業的主動性和積極性。數據科 學中心主力進行跨領域的數據研究,引領數據科 學應用於各專業層面。 為進一步回應社會對大數據技術課程的需求,宋 校長說:“澳大正籌備於2019/2020學年開辦數 據科學碩士學位課程,透過跨學科合作教授與大 數據有關的技術。此外,澳大亦計劃開辦應用物 理及化學理學士學位課程和綜合科學教育學士 學位課程,培養本地高中的物理、化學及生物老 師,以及初中的綜合科學老師,並致力提升老師 統籌STEM學科的能力,為澳門培養更多物理、化 學及生物科學的理科專才。” umagazine issue 19 9

澳大學生的未來,充滿發展的機遇,宋校長有信心 地說:“澳大擁有一批來自全球10多個國家的優 秀教學人員,致力培養多元和創新人才,希望能夠 為大灣區和國家發展提供人才支撐。大灣區規劃及 一帶一路建設為澳門和年輕人的發展提供了更多就 業和創業的機會,我們鼓勵學生以創新的思維,為 澳門融入大灣區、融入國家發展出一分力。” coordinating STEM subjects so we can produce more professionals in physics, chemistry, and biology.’ Rector Song is optimistic about the prospects of UM graduates. He says, ‘UM boasts an outstanding faculty team comprised of scholars from around the world. The university is committed to producing well-rounded, innovative graduates to support the development of the Greater Bay Area and China. The Greater Bay Area initiative and the Belt and Road initiative have created many employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for young people in Macao. We encourage our students to think creatively, and to help Macao integrate into the Greater Bay Area and contribute to the development of China.’ 2.澳大第三個國家重點實驗室:智慧城市物聯網國家重點實驗室於2018年10月8日揭牌 The State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City was inaugurated on 8 October 2018 1.國家教育部向澳大贈送“博雅之璧”雕塑 The ‘Wall of Wisdom’ sculpture from the Ministry of Education 3.澳大作為首批成員單位加入“一帶一路”國際科學組織聯盟 UM is among the first to join the Alliance of International Science Organisations in Belt and Road Region umagazine issue 19 10 封面故事 COVER STORY

Support of the Central Government • In June 2018, President Xi Jinping replied to a joint letter from UM. In the letter, President Xi recognised the new progress made by higher education institutions in Macao in scientific and technological innovation, and expressed his hope that these institutions would produce more graduates with a love for their homeland and for Macao, attain new achievements in science and technology, promote the moderate diversification of Macao’s economy for sustainable development, and contribute to the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. • In April 2018, the Ministry of Education gifted UM a sculpture ‘The Wall of Wisdom’. Inscribed with the university motto and the words ‘Great Knowledge’ and ‘Great Character’, two ideals UM students aspire to, the sculpture symbolises UM’s commitment to disseminating fine traditional Chinese culture and traditional Chinese virtues. • On 9 October 2018, the Ministry of Education visited three state key laboratories at UM, in microelectronics, Chinese medical sciences, and the Internet of Things for smart cities. Zhang Jianguo, vice minister of science and technology of China, praised the university for its efforts in talent development, in enhancing its international reputation, and in fostering collaboration with industry and research institutes. • In December 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and praised UM for its innovative education system and philosophy. • On 7 November 2013, then State Council Vice Premier Wang Yang officiated at the inauguration ceremony for the new campus. • On 20 December 2009, then Chinese President Hu Jintao officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new campus and expressed his hope for UM to become a world-class institution with world-class facilities, world-class faculty team, world-class graduates, and world-class achievements. • In January 2009, then Vice President Xi Jinping visited Hengqin Island. During his stay in Macao, Xi announced the central government’s decision to develop Hengqin Island. That was when the new campus project officially kicked off. Support of the SAR Government • While addressing the 2018 Joint Meeting of the University Assembly and University Council, Chui Sai On, chief executive of the Macao SAR, chancellor of UM, and chair of the University Assembly, expressed his hope that UM would anticipate and meet the changes created by the fast social and economic development of Macao, make use of the integrated approach to education, and redouble its effort in training high-calibre professionals in various fields. • In his speech at the UM Congregation 2018, Chui said the SAR government would continue to support UM in its reform of the curriculum structure, in the development of a sound residential college system, and in the implementation of whole-person education. • UM became the first university in Macao to receive the 2016 Medal of Merit— Education from the SAR government. Support of Society • In December 2009, the University of Macau Development Foundation was established, with the aim of supporting UM to attain its academic and educational goals, helping UM increase its competitiveness locally and internationally, and creating all necessary and favourable conditions for such purposes. • Each year, numerous UM members receive medals or certificates of merits from the SAR government. Many UM scholars have received prizes at the Macao Science and Technology Awards. • Many prominent community members and UM alumni from Macao and Hong Kong have made donations to the university, to support the construction and development of residential colleges, university library, and classroom buildings. • Numerous institutions and individuals have made donations to the university in the form of scholarships to reward outstanding students. 國家關懷 • 2018年6月,習近平主席回覆澳大的聯名信,肯定了 澳門高校科技創新取得的新進步,並希望澳門高校培 養更多愛國愛澳人才,創造更多科技成果,助力澳門 經濟適度多元可持續發展和助力粵港澳大灣區建設。 • 2018年4月,國家教育部向澳大贈送“博雅之璧”雕 塑,該雕塑承載了澳大的校訓精神和“大博”、“大 雅”的人才培養理念,以及喻意澳大弘揚中華優秀傳 統文化和傳統美德。 • 2018年10月9日,國家科技部考察澳大微電子、中醫 藥、以及智慧城市物聯網三個國家重點實驗室。國家 科技部副部長張建國肯定澳大在培育人才、提升國際 聲譽、推動產學研合作的努力。 • 2014年12月,習近平主席視察澳大,讚揚澳大在辦學 制度理念創新。 • 2013年11月7日,時任國務院副總理汪洋主持新校園 啟用儀式。 • 2009年12月20日,時任國家主席胡錦濤為新校園主持 奠基儀式,希望澳大建成一所具有一流設施、一流師 資、一流人才、一流成果的世界一流大學。 • 2009年1月,時任國家副主席習近平視察橫琴島,在 訪問澳門期間宣佈中央決定開發橫琴島,澳大新校園 項目正式啟動。 政府支持 • 澳門特別行政區行政長官崔世安作為澳大校監兼大學 議庭主席,在出席2018年澳大大學議庭及校董會聯席 會議上,期盼澳大配合澳門特區未來經濟社會發展的 變化和需求,發揮大學協同育人的優勢,加強對各類 高端人才培養。 • 崔世安校監在2018年澳大畢業禮上致辭時表示,支持 澳大積極改革課程體制,努力建構完備的書院體系, 深入探索全人教育的理念和實踐。 • 澳大獲頒授2016年“教育功績勳章",為首間獲此勳 章的高等院校。 社會認同 • 2009年12月,澳門大學發展基金會成立,其宗旨在於 支持及促成澳大實現其學術及教育之目標,使澳大在 本地及國際上具有更佳之競爭力,並為此而創設所需 及有利之條件。 • 每年有多位澳大成員獲澳門特區政府頒授功績勳章及 獎狀,多位澳大學者於澳門科學技術獎頒獎禮中獲嘉 許並囊括多個獎項。 • 澳大獲眾多港澳社會賢達及校友捐款支持住宿式書 院、圖書館、教學樓的建設及發展。 • 獲眾多機構及個人慷慨捐贈,向品學兼優的學生頒發 獎學金。 重要事件回顧 Major Milestones umagazine issue 19 11

The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area development scheme, as a blueprint for collaborative innovation, presents important opportunities for the University of Macau (UM). Aligning itself with the Macao SAR goverment’s commitment to the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area, UM has been emphasising technological innovation, nurturing talent and academic collaboration across the region. Working closely with research institutions and enterprises, UM aims to transform itself into the Greater Bay Area’s talent-nurturing hub and locus of technology. 廣受關注的粵港澳大灣區發展為三地的協同創新繪畫藍圖,亦為澳門大學帶來嶄新機遇。為配合澳門特區政府在大灣區規劃的 推進落實,澳大在科研創新、人才培養和學術合作等領域精益求精,與大灣區各地的科研機構和企業緊密合作,致力成為大灣 區的人才培養基地和科技創新高地。 澳大參與大灣區發展項目 UM Participates in the Greater Bay Area Initiative 文 Chinese & English│葉浩男 Davis Ip 圖 Photo│何杰平 Jack Ho umagazine issue 19 12 封面故事 COVER STORY

匯聚資源 開拓科技創新 澳大目前有一系列具針對性的計劃助力大灣區建 設“國際科技創新中心”,同時呼應國家主席習 近平今年6月對澳門高校提出的“創造更多科技成 果”的期望。澳大校長宋永華教授指出,大學致力 成為大灣區的人才培養基地和科技創新高地。“澳 大正積極建立一個擁有高端基礎設施和核心技術的 實驗平台,促進學術研究,並創造一個世界級的學 術環境與一流的教學和科研團隊。”作為澳門公立 大學,澳大在眾多學科擁有卓越的研究團隊,包括 專攻微電子、中醫藥和智慧城市物聯網研究的三個 國家重點實驗室,將會為大灣區的發展添注動力。 澳大與大灣區各地的科研機構和企業緊密合作, 涵蓋生物醫學、物理和中醫藥研究等範疇。校方在 2011年成立珠海澳大科技研究院,2017年將該院 遷至國家級新區橫琴新區,著力促進澳大科研成果 在內地的產業化和推廣。過去數年,研究院在國家 科學技術部和國家自然科學基金會的支持下開展了 一系列研究項目。 深耕珠海之際,澳大亦放眼珠江三角洲另一端的深 圳。宋永華校長表示,澳大與深圳大學和南方科技 大學等深圳院校均有合作專案,包括博士生聯合培 養項目。澳大應用物理及材料工程研究所將於年內 落實與深大建設聯合實驗室及合作研究的項目,並 與總部設於深圳的華為公司建立合作研究關係。 另一方面,鑑於澳大與中山大學在化學合成、光電 與能源材料方面的研究各有優勢,雙方在今年5月 成立了“教育部聯合重點實驗室”。宋永華校長相 信,“兩校的深度合作將是大灣區內高校跨境合作 的典範”。在相關的研究領域上,校方今年7月更與 Gathering Resources for Technological Innovation Supporting the Greater Bay Area to become a global technology and innovation hub, UM has taken targeted steps which echo President Xi Jinping’s expectations for Macao’s tertiary institutions – more achievements in science and technology. UM Rector Yonghua Song stresses that the university strives to become a talent-nurturing hub and technological platform for the Greater Bay Area. ‘UM is proactively building laboratories with top facilities and core technologies to advance our studies and create a world-class faculty in both teaching and research,” Song says. As the only public comprehensive university in Macao, UM has reputable research forces in a wide range of subject areas. Among them are three state key laboratories which focus on microelectronics, Chinese medical sciences and Internet of Things for smart cities, which are ready to give fresh impetus to the Greater Bay Area. In biomedical sciences, physics and Chinese medical sciences, UM enjoys strong partnerships with academic institutes and enterprises in Greater Bay Area cities, notably Zhuhai, where the Zhuhai UM Science & Technology Research Institute was founded in 2011. Recognising opportunities in Zhuhai’s rapidly developing Hengqin New Area, UM relocated the institute there in 2017 to foster the promotion and commercialisation of its research outcomes in mainland China. Over the years, the institute has undertaken various research projects as sponsored by national entities including the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Along with its strong presence in Zhuhai, UM also sets eyes on the other side of the Pearl River Delta, with Shenzhen high on the agenda. As Song pointed out, UM cooperates, in forms such as joint PhD programmes, with Shenzhen University and Southern University of Science and Technology. UM's Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME) is to set up a joint laboratory with Shenzhen University later this year, in addition to their many collaborative research projects. IAPME is 澳大與香港浸會大學和廣東省中醫院在廣州啟動“粵港澳大灣區中醫藥 創新中心” Representatives from UM, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine gather in Guangzhou to launch an innovation centre for Chinese medical sciences 澳大安排學生到大灣區城市考察和交流 UM arranges for students to visit the Greater Bay Area umagazine issue 19 13

粵港澳的物理學會在澳大合辦“粵港澳大灣區物理 學會2018聯合年會”,為區內的科技合作開創平台。 在另一優勢學科中醫藥研究方面,澳大與粵港兩地 的院校設有多個合作平台。今年8月,澳大與香港 浸會大學和廣東省中醫院在廣州啟動“粵港澳大灣 區中醫藥創新中心”。該中心著力建設“教育部粵 港澳聯合實驗室”,促進在防治免疫相關疾病方面 的中醫藥學術研究、產業轉化與臨床應用。 培養人才 把握灣區機遇 大灣區發展為粵港澳的青年開闢廣闊的成長和事業 發展空間,港澳居民赴粵尋找機遇蔚然成風。宋永 華校長表示,澳大正從多方面提升本地青年在區內 的競爭力,尤其著重培養中葡雙語人才和促進創新 創業,為他們在大灣區的多元發展累積力量。為協 助培養高水平的中葡雙語人才,澳大在2017年5月 成立中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心,強化澳門乃至整個 大灣區與葡語國家的連結。 在協助學生於大灣區創業方面,澳大協同創新研究 所培養創新創業人才,為青年提供創業知識和專業 諮詢,協助他們化理念為實踐,投身區內龐大的市 場。澳大近年更積極推薦學生創業團隊參與“百萬 獎金創業大賽”等區域性創業比賽,部分獲獎團隊 更已在大灣區開展創業孵化。 與此同時,澳大鼓勵和安排學生到多個大灣區城市 考察、交流、創業和實習,今年暑假就有多名學生 到橫琴的公共機關和銀行實習,親身探索大灣區的 also building a research partnership with the Shenzhen-headquartered telecommunications giant Huawei. In synthetic chemistry, optoelectronics and energy materials research, UM and Sun Yat-Sen University (SYSU) established a Ministry of Education joint key laboratory in May, hoping to play to their complementary strengths. This indicates each university’s renewed commitment to academic partnership. As Rector Song says, the two universities’ in-depth cooperation will serve as a model for cross-border cooperation among their counterparts in the Greater Bay Area. In the same vein, UM joined the physical societies in Macao, Hong Kong and Guangdong in hosting the first Joint Annual Conference of Physical Societies in GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area on the UM campus in July to offer platforms for technological cooperation. UM is gaining momentum in its intra-Greater Bay Area cooperation in Chinese medical sciences. In August, representatives from UM, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Chinese Medicine gathered in Guangzhou to launch an innovation centre for Chinese medical sciences, which is tasked to promote research projects on immune deficiency diseases and their commercialisation and clinical applications, and to build a Ministry of Education joint laboratory. Preparing Students for Bay Area Opportunities The Greater Bay Area’s accelerating growth provides young people in Macao with tremendous scope for personal growth and professional development. As people from Macao and Hong Kong are increasingly keen to seize the region’s new opportunities, Song says UM supports its students on all fronts to boost their competitiveness. In particular, great importance has been given to training Chinese-Portuguese bilingual professionals and promoting of innovation and entrepreneurship, with both initiatives aiming to prepare Macao’s young people for endeavours in the Greater Bay Area. In May 2015, UM inaugurated its Chinese-Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre to nurture high-calibre bilingual professionals who can strengthen links between Portuguese-speaking countries and Macao as their gateway to the Greater Bay Area. To support students’ business plans in the Greater Bay Area, UM’s Institute of Collaborative Innovation works to equip them with professional knowledge and skills, so that they can put their innovative entrepreneurial ideas into action to tap into the region’s huge market. UM sponsors students to join the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition and other regional competitions. Encouragingly, some awarded UM student teams have already started businesses in the Greater Bay Area. Gaining first-hand experience is a good way to learn, particularly evident in UM’s efforts to encourage and facilitate students to visit, intern and open businesses in the Greater Bay Area. Among them are UM students who undertook internships at public entities and banks in Hengqin last summer. Meanwhile, this year UM admitted over 270 students from Hong 澳大在2018/2019學年錄取了270多名來自大灣 區廣東省9市和香港的優秀學生 UM admitted over 270 outstanding students from the Greater Bay Area (nine cities in Guangdong province and Hong Kong) in the 2018/2019 academic year umagazine issue 19 14 封面故事 COVER STORY

發展。此外,澳大在新學年錄取了270多名來自香 港和大灣區廣東省9市的學生,期望增進區內青年 的互相瞭解,迸發創新創業的火花。 締造平台 深化學術合作 粵港澳三地高等院校林立,各有優勢,但大灣區的 深度協同發展絕非一校之力足以支撐。正如澳大副 校長(學術)倪明選教授指出,大灣區教育資源豐 厚,關鍵在於學校間如何合作。“譬如在實驗室儀 器平台共用方面,不可能每間學校都花大量經費去 購買設備,如果能通過平台共用,鼓勵大家合作, 才能優勢互補,共同發展。” 有見及此,澳大在2016年與中山大學和香港中文 大學共同發起“粵港澳高校聯盟”,並與區內多所 高校成立了“粵港澳高校圖書館聯盟”和“粵港澳 高校創新創業聯盟”等協作平台,更擬年內在依托 中山大學超算中心的基礎下成立“超算聯盟”,強 化三地在超級計算的研究和應用上的合作。澳大亦 與華南理工大學簽署合作協議,推進兩校及粵澳兩 地高等教育的發展,鼓勵資源共享。 粵港澳大灣區發展為澳大締造難得的機遇。舉目前 瞻,宋永華校長強調澳大會繼續配合大灣區的發展 策略,“成就立足澳門、融入灣區、面向全國、走 向世界,共同建設澳門、服務國家、貢獻人類的卓 越大學”。 Kong and nine neighbouring cities in Guangdong, seeking to enhance understanding among young people from different parts of the Greater Bay Area and inspire new possibilities for innovation and entrepreneurship. Building Platforms for Strong Collaboration The in-depth integration as enshrined in the Greater Bay Area’s developmental vision calls for stronger collaboration among the region’s many tertiary institutions, which show a great variety of strengths and patterns. As UM Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Lionel Ni says, while the region is rich in academic resources, the real question is how its tertiary institutions will cooperate for the best possible outcome. ‘On issues such as laboratory appliances, it is infeasible that every institution spends heavily on them. Their complementary development can only be achieved through resource sharing via various platforms.’ In 2016, UM, SYSU and the Chinese University of Hong Kong launched the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao University Alliance, followed by intraGreater Bay Area alliances on interlibrary collaboration, entrepreneurship and innovation. A Greater Bay Area alliance on supercomputing, with UM as a member, is to be launched and attached to the National Supercomputer Center in Guangzhou on the SYSU campus. In addition, UM and South China University of Technology signed a collaboration agreement in August to promote the development of both sides and the overall higher education in Macao and Guangdong. The Greater Bay Area’s development has been generating new opportunities for UM. Looking forward, Rector Song reaffirmed that the university will keep striving for excellence, in light of the city cluster strategy, to position itself in Macao, integrate with the Greater Bay Area, and develop relations with China and beyond. 澳大與中山大學在化學合成、光電與能 源材料方面的研究各有優勢,共同成 立“教育部聯合重點實驗室” In synthetic chemistry, optoelectronics and energy materials research, UM and Sun Yat-Sen University establish a Ministry of Education joint key laboratory to play to their complementary strengths umagazine issue 19 15

從科學家到教育家 宋永華校長的教育理念 From a Scientist to an Educator Rector Yonghua Song’s Philosophy of Education 文 Chinese│張愛華 Ella Cheong 翻譯 Translation│陳靜 Ruby Chen 圖 Photo│何杰平 Jack Ho umagazine issue 19 16 封面故事 COVER STORY

Prof Yonghua Song is a scientist by training and an electrical engineer by profession. Yet he feels called to a different and higher mission: to turn out identifiable talent for the country and a better world. This higher purpose now defines his life. To his scientific mind, his pre-UM personal story is divided into three stages: schooling, going abroad, and returning home. On 9 January 2018, the day he took over as UM’s new rector, the fourth stage of his life began. Henceforth he will call upon his past experience and every fiber of his being to lead this university to its destiny. To him, the rectorship is not simply a job; it is a mission which he was born to fulfill. His actions and words demonstrate that he is ready for the challenge. 電氣工程學家宋永華教授不僅是一位傑出的科學家,更是一位胸懷“得天下英才而教育之”夢想的教育家。2018年1月9日, 宋永華教授帶著他的教育夢想來到澳門,出任澳門大學新校長一職。他把自己從出生到2017年的人生分成三個重要的階段:求 學、出國、回國。由接任澳大校長的一刻起,他的人生又進入新的階段。“我希望把以往在高校積累的管理和教學的經驗貢獻 澳大,幫助澳大實現教育的願景。” 大山裡來的孩子 1964年1月,宋永華校長出生於四川巴中一個窮 鄉,他的父母抱著“窮莫丟書”,堅持咬實牙關供 他完成大學學位。他的母親曾回憶說:“永華6歲 入學,在和平鄉那個地方,6歲小孩上學是一件稀 罕事。永華讀書著迷是出了名的,他一門心思就在 學習上,從來不浪費時間。” 宋校長以往接受傳媒訪問時,經常強調說大山讓他 學會自強不息,大山讓他懂得知難而進,大山人 的性格讓他一步步走向成功。他從小刻苦學習,在 16歲那年考上成都科技大學,1989年在中國電力 科學研究院獲博士學位,成為他家鄉的第一位博 士。1991年在清華大學完成博士後便到英國留學 訪問。他說出國純屬偶然,“在1989年,我在北 京的一次國際學術會議上發表的文章引起了一些人 的興趣,之後就有幾所英國大學邀請我去講學。” 這次偶然帶來的機會,把他引向人生的第二階段。 融入陌生環境 在英國的10多年,是宋校長人生大放異彩的第二 階段,也贏得了英國學術界和工業界的認可。他在 1991年赴英國從事教學和科研工作,抵英後,先 在布里斯托大學做英國皇家學會的訪問學者,隨後 在幾所大學做科研和教學工作,後來再從事行政管 理工作。這與一般的留學生出國求學,完成學業後 再工作的過程不同。他曾撰文描述這段艱苦的經 歷,“剛到英國面對陌生的環境和人,一切都要重 新開始,因此必須要端正心態。我剛去英國時,只 能做一些學術交流,講述在國內做的研究,後來才 進入自己感興趣的學校,從事教學和研究。” A Boy from the Village Born in January 1964 in a dirt-poor village in Bazhong city, Sichuan province, Rector Song, along with his family, saw learning as the only ticket out of their inter-generational poverty. His parents, by the sweat of their brow, did the impossible--they put him through college. His mother proudly remembers the day when he started school at the age of six, then unheard of in their village. Soon, he became a famous bookworm. He devoured books. He digested what he read. He had no time for anything else. Later in life, in media interviews, he would tell the world that the hardships of the hills taught him never to stop trying to better his life, that no difficulties are insurmountable, and that success comes one small step at a time. By age 16, his hard work had paid off; Song made it past the gates of Chengdu University of Science and Technology. By 1989, he earned his PhD from the China Electric Power Research Institute, becoming the first person in his village to hold a doctoral degree. Two years later, another PhD degree followed, this time from the nation’s top-ranked Tsinghua University. Song was flying high. Then something happened that was entirely serendipitous. In 1989, he presented an article at an international academic conference in Beijing. It ignited the interest of certain scholars in attendance. Two years later, they invited him to the United Kingdom to deliver a series of lectures. That accidental opportunity proved a turning point in life. Thus began the second stage of his life. Getting Acclimatised to a New Environment Song was to spend more than a decade in the UK. Those ten years saw the full flowering of his professional career; he came to the attention of academia and industry alike. His career, however, did not take the conventional route favoured by Chinese students who studied overseas and who usually sought gainful employment upon graduation. In Song’s case, he began as a visiting scholar of the Royal Society at the University of Bristol. From that tentative position, he managed to secure concurrent appointments in teaching and research at several universities. He soon graduated to administrative and managerial roles. But it was not all roses and sunshine, as he recalled in a later article describing those bittersweet umagazine issue 19 17

回想這段經歷,宋永華校長認為,無論去到哪裡, 在哪個單位,做甚麼工作,即使現在來到澳大,也 是以融入當時當地的環境去做事情,去想事情,不 能以一種主觀和脫離現實的態度去做。要以當地的 思維去想問題,不能只想到讓環境接納自己,更多 的是要主動去融入環境。“融入不了大環境,無法 讓別人瞭解你,你也無法去瞭解別人,這就大大限 制了自身能力的發揮。”上任澳大不久,宋校長就 開始融入澳門社區,拜訪政府部門和社會各界,以 加強聯繫和聽取各界對澳大發展的建議,更好地服 務澳門。2018年6月,宋校長更獲選為“培養中葡 雙語人才聯盟”首任主席及發言人,履新短短半 年,已獲得各高校成員的信任和支持。 首位英國華人大學副校長 宋永華校長堅持做事一定要最到最好,“要做出好成 績,就一定要有真才實學,並且要腳踏實地去做。” 他在1997年被英國布魯內爾大學聘為電氣與計算器工 程系教授,時年僅33歲的他成為英國歷史上最年輕的 工程學教授。2004年被評選為英國皇家工程院院士, 成為首位登上英國工程學術界最高殿堂的留英學者, 同年並被任命為英國布魯內爾大學副校長,負責管理 研究生的工作,成為英國直接進入大學高層管理的第 一位華人副校長。2007年英國利物浦大學邀請宋永華 教授出任副校長,同時兼任在蘇州的西交利物浦大學 執行校長。 宋校長長期從事電力系統領域的研究,在能源、資 訊及控制工程等方面的研究促進了電力市場的發 展。他在英國帶領研究團隊進行了大量的科學研 究,研究成果在英國國家電網、德國西門子公司等 times. ‘When I arrived in the UK, culture shock hit me hard,’ he said in the article. ‘All alone in a new country, I found myself surrounded by total strangers. Nothing came easy. But I realised that attitude was everything. I stayed upbeat and positive. In my early days in the UK, the only avenue open to me were some academic exchange activities where I introduced my research work in China to local scholars. Only later was I able to do research and teaching at local universities. ‘ Looking back on that chapter of his life, Rector Song says, ‘No matter where you are or what job you do, you should try your best to integrate into the local society. You must not be removed from reality or be trapped in your own subjectivity. Instead, you must try to see the world from the local point of view and melt into the local community. Don’t wait for the world to come to you.’ He likes to say: ‘If you do not integrate, you cannot operate.’ He is a man who obviously practices what he preaches. At UM, no sooner had he warmed his seat than he began calling on government departments and representatives from all walks of life to solicit their suggestions for a better UM. Within a few short months, in June 2018, he was elected the first president and spokesperson for an alliance dedicated to training bilingual professionals in Chinese and Portuguese, an election that spells implicit trust in the new leader. The First Chinese Pro-Vice-Chancellor of a British University A perfectionist, Rector Song is like the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill who was famous for saying that ‘I have a very simple taste. I only want the best.’ Success, however, takes know-how and hard work. But he was prepared to be the best. When in 1997 he was appointed professor of electronic and computer engineering by Brunel University, he was only 33 years old, becoming the youngest Chinese professor of engineering in British history. Better things were to follow. In 2004, he was elected fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, another unprecedented honour for an expatriate scholar. That same year, he was appointed pro-vice-chancellor for graduate studies at Brunel University, the highest post ever occupied by a Chinese academic. It was the exclamation point of his career in the UK. In 2007, the University of Liverpool lured him away to serve as pro-vice-chancellor and cross-appointed him as the executive vice president of Xi’an Jiatong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, China. 1.任浙江大學常務副校長和浙江大學國際聯合學院創院院長(中),與國際聯合學院負責人合照。 3.任英國利物浦大學副校長時與該校校長合照 Yonghua Song as the vice president of the University of Liverpool, with the university’s president A group photo of Yonghua Song (middle), executive vice president of Zhejiang University and founding dean of the university’s International Campus, with management personnel of the International Campus. 2.任英國布魯內爾大學副校長時與該校校長合照 Yonghua Song as the vice president of Brunel University, with the university’s president umagazine issue 19 18 封面故事 COVER STORY