澳大特色學科走進慕課 UM's Signature Courses to Be Launched on MOOC Platform 以生命影響生命 地震工程學專家阮家榮教授 A Life Inffl uencing Other Lives’— The Story of an Earthquake Engineering Expert, Prof Yuen Ka Veng Spring/Summer 2018 ISSUE 18 第十八期 科研成果轉化 澳大推動創新創業發展 Transforming the Fruits of Scientific Research: UM Promotes Innovation and Entrepreneurship
蘇格拉底說過:“要推動世界的人,須先自己行動。” 澳大一向支持師生把創新想法付諸實行,一方面 支持師生把科研成果轉化成對社會有貢獻的產品, 實踐以研究推動社會進步的宗旨;另一方面成立 創新中心,推動大學科技成果轉化和開發,令澳 大在知識創新、技術創新方面作出更多貢獻。今 期封面故事,我們探討澳大近年在產學研方面取 得的卓越成績,以及如何透過創新中心的平台, 協助師生將其創意理念轉化成實踐,最終能以成 果推動世界的發展。 創新科技日新月異,電子科技推動社會發展的同 時,也逐漸改變了我們的生活和學習模式。人工 智能驅動社會轉型,澳大在相關領域人才培養 上有甚麼新策略,以應對社會的轉變?澳門將要 面臨智慧城市的到來,澳大在人工智能研究範疇 上可以提供哪方面的技術支援?在線課堂慕課 (MOOC)的出現改變了傳統的上課形式,澳大的 慕課團隊正計劃推出具有澳大特色和創意的課程, 他們在課程設計上如何做到具吸引力、創新性以 及能夠體現澳大學科的特色? 澳大眾多教授都是臥虎藏龍之輩,學術成果蜚聲 國際。今期我們專訪了地震工程學之父George W. Housner 的第三代弟子、結構力學專家阮家榮教授, 以及犯罪學專家劉建宏教授,暢談他們的成功經 驗。 廣邀校內各學院老師撰寫的“學院專欄”,今期 介紹有關金磚國家商法碩士課程的創新教學法和 學習方式,以及應用智慧城市技術於殘障人士生 活的最新研究。 Socrates once said, ‘Let him who would move the world first move himself.’ This is the spirit that moves this university, in teaching and research. In research, our staff and students aim to transform their scientific pursuits into products that promote social progress and utility, so that outcomes which benefit individuals will benefit many others as well. To this end, we have established the Centre for Innovation to take our research downstream and to influence technological innovation. Our cover story in the current issue features recent outstanding achievements in this area, and reports the ways in which the Centre for Innovation is helping staff and students to become technological entrepreneurs in a fast-developing world. Innovative technology is changing human society at lightning speed. In particular, digital technology has opened the floodgates to social development and has even altered the way we live and learn. Artificial intelligence is driving social transformation, and UM is at the forefront of training AI experts to cope with paradigm-shifting progress. As a society, Macao is redesigning itself into a smart city, a project in which the university will play a leading role. In teaching too, innovation is the order of the day. Our Massive Open Online Course team is busy designing a digital learning platform that will change and challenge the conventional pedagogic model with course offerings that showcase UM’s own unique characteristics and attractive features. The university’s deep talent pool will surprise many. Some boast celebrated and decorated careers and achievements. In this issue, we honour our own specialist whose academic genealogy is traceable to George W Housner, the father of earthquake engineering. He is Prof Yuen Ka Veng, an acclaimed expert in structural engineering in his own right. We also train the spotlight on our noted criminologist Prof Liu Jianhong with his own unique perspective on his discipline. Our ‘Faculty Column’ has a standing invitation to teachers in all departments and faculties to write about subjects close to their hearts. In the current edition, we run one report on the innovative teaching and learning methods adopted by our commercial law programmes for BRICS countries, and another on the latest research which applies smart city technology for the benefit of people with disabilities.
科研成果轉化 澳大推動創新創業發展 Transforming the Fruits of Scientific Research: UM Promotes Innovation and Entrepreneurship 人工智能創新機遇 改革課程吸納人才 Artificial Intelligence Breeds Innovation Opportunities Curriculum Reform Attracts Talented Students 澳大特色學科走進慕課 UM's Signature Courses to Be Launched on MOOC Platform 以生命影響生命 地震工程學專家阮家榮教授 ‘ A Life Influencing Other Lives’— The Story of an Earthquake Engineering Expert, Prof Yuen Ka Veng 人生三把鑰匙 犯罪學專家劉建宏教授 A Criminologist with Three Keys to His Life 金磚國家 —— 架橋而非造牆 BRIC(k)S Is for Building Bridges, Not Walls 應用智慧城市技術於殘障人士生活 Applying Smart City Technology to Barrier-free Living Environments 02 32 38 44 50 56 62
umagazine issue 18 2 Transforming the Fruits of Scientific Research: UM Promotes Innovation and Entrepreneurship 科研成果轉化 澳大推動創新創業發展 在大眾創新,萬眾創業的氛圍下,加上粵港澳大灣區帶來的發展動力和創業前景,令不少澳大學生計劃走上 創業這條路。澳大近年全力支持師生創新創業,並鼓勵師生將科研成果轉化為產品投放市場,冀以新知識新 技術為社會服務。今期封面故事,我們通過一系列文章探討師生和校友創業的抱負、澳大在產學研方面的成果, 以及如何為師生提供創業支援的平台。 Riding the wave of popular interest in innovation and business start-ups, and capitalising on the developmental energies and entrepreneurial possibilities unleashed by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area concept, many UM students are scratching their business ownership itch. In recent years, UM has spared no effort in helping our staff and students to establish innovative ventures. In particular, we have nudged them to transform their research results into marketable products. Contemporary society is best served by the application of new knowledge and the introduction of new technologies. Our cover story in the current edition takes an up-close-and-personal look at what is new on the businesscreation front among staff, students, and alumni, as well as at the fruits of our research labours, so as to better position ourselves to provide the necessary platform for assisting our budding entrepreneurs.
3 umagazine issue 18
umagazine issue 18 4 Benefiting Society with the Fruits of Scientific Research 產學合作 貢獻社會 文 Text│余偉業 Kelvin U 圖 Photo ︳譚金榮、李思、黃詠豪 Eric Tam, Manuel Reis, Fernando Wong 科研趨向 以技術轉移為本 澳大科研團隊眾多,研究項目也涉獵 不同的範疇,當中包括微電子、中醫 藥、機電工程、生物醫學、社會科學 和人文等多個領域,各團隊每年需努 力不懈,達至不同階段的研究目標, 而且要爭取持續性經費,項目本身需 具備很強的競爭力。本身是微電子專 家的澳大副校長(研究)馬許願教授 表示,大學內部和外部均設有不同研 究資助基金可供申請,兩者皆由來自 不同領域的專家審批,準則嚴謹,須 具研究價值、充分理論依據、新穎學 術思想、可行的研究內容等。 馬教授解釋,澳大研究資助項目大概 可劃分兩類,一)理論型研究,較著 重於追求學術上的真理;二)應用型 研究,建基於理論研究之上,開發 嶄新的應用技術,較著眼於是否對社 會有所作為。兩者均有不同的資助來 源,如有國家自然科學基金委員會 (NSFC)、澳門科學技術發展基金 (FDCT)、 廣州市科技創新委員會等。 In recent years, the University of Macau (UM) has embarked on close collaborations with industry. In doing so, it has experimented with different models of cooperation in order to push the products downstream, turning them into valuable social assets. Scientific research is no longer just dreams on paper or blue sky thinking within the ivory tower. It involves translating research results into tangible benefits for society. Going forward, how might the university carve a path towards sustainable scientific development? 近年,澳門大學開始與業界緊密合作,透過不同合作模式,為把苦心經營的研究成果推出市場做好準備,轉化成對社會有 貢獻的產品,令科研不再是紙上談兵。從因應社會需要到轉移成果,澳大如何探索出一條產學研持續發展的出路?
5 umagazine issue 18 澳大已從國內、美國和其他地區成功申請到共 63 項研究專利 UM has been granted 63 patents in mainland China, the United States, and other regions 對於應用型研究的資助申請,項目本 身需具很明確的可操作性,其研究成 果日後能轉化為產物,回饋社會。馬 教授認為這樣也很合理,“社會投入 如此多資源,如果沒好好加以利用, 那技術永遠都是純理論,如今這些準 則令科研項目推向新的層次。值得高 興的是,澳大獲取的研究經費一直穩 步上揚。" 豐碩研究成果 促技術轉移 沒有紥 紮實的理論研究產出,就沒有應 用的技術轉移。澳大近年的科研成績, 具體可反映於師生在國際學術期刊發 表論文的數量,從 2009 年約 144 篇到 2017 年躍升至 1,410 篇,較過去八年上 升了近十倍。當中,尤其以澳大兩個 國家重點實驗室的研究成果最為突出。 在投入運作 7 年後,兩實驗室先後獲海 內外專家高度評價,肯定澳大在集成電 路、中醫藥研究上的國際學術影響力, 以及在科研人才的培養。馬教授指出, 經過長年的奮鬥,澳大已積累了很多高 質量的理論研究,開始邁向研究實踐的 階段,當中有些更進展成新的研發,備 受業界青睞,可見澳大研究正循序漸進 從學術期刊中“走出來"。 目前,澳大已從國內、美國及其他地 區成功申請到共63項專利。馬教授 表示,有部分專利已吸引到國內外的 企業機構問津,有些更達成合作協議, 為投入生產做好準備。他說:“我們 (科研人員)一直醉心工作,由概念 規劃到實踐,一切從零開始,每一步 走來都得來不易,現在終於來到科研 成果轉化的階段。" 教研為日後 技術轉移鋪路 澳大鼓勵學生創新和實踐,多參與研究 實習項目;老師們除了兼顧教學和研究 的工作外,也會為學生提供不同的研習 機會。馬教授表示,教學和研習是相輔 相成的,學生的研究成果也有機會在國 際頂尖學術會議和學術期刊上發表,與 來自世界不同地方的學生一較長短,這 樣才令大學有優勢深化科研的發展,帶 來更高質量的產出。 為配合特區政府智慧城市的建設及大 學科研持續發展,澳大近年大力鼓勵 師生從事具創新性的、能直接回饋社 會的研究,培養學生的創新創業能力。 馬教授指出,當師生的科研項目有一 定技術基礎後,如獲具國際權威的相 關學刊刊登,大學便視乎其研發技術 的成熟情況申請專利,從不同的層面 提供專業支援,為轉化研究的技術成 果作準備。另外,也成立了澳大創科 有限公司,期望能為技術成果作商業 配對。陸續開始有師生透過不同的合 作模式, 成功與有興趣的企業接洽。 “透過澳大技術支援、吸引企業投資 技術研發,澳大未來將會有更多已具 技術成果的項目得以孵化。"
umagazine issue 18 6 迎難而上把握 大灣區契機 據馬教授觀察,澳門在技術轉移方面 仍處於初步的發展階段,投資氛圍及 營商環境有待適應,而且這些關鍵條 件也不可能在一夜間要有就有。“澳 門是一個相當細小的地方,要成功啟 動技術成果的孵化難度甚高,澳大科 研團隊想繼續研發就要靠自己。經驗 告訴我們,科技範疇的項目競爭非常 激烈,未來需要與粤 粵港澳大灣區不同 地方政府或公司機構合作才得以發展, 絕非單單在澳門可以成事。" 為了加大力度拓展應用型研究項目、 推動產學研發展,澳大在 2017 年首次 向廣州市科技創新委員會就相關研究 申請“廣州市 2018 年科技創新發展專 項(對外科技合作專題)"資助。第 一次申請就有九個項目獲批,是一個 相當不俗的成績。“澳大近年積極把 澳大研發的科技引進到大灣區。"馬 教授說:“在過去五年,我們克服了 重重難關,解決了許多澳門與內地法 律上的差異,開始步入產出的階段。 目前,國內不少公司和地區政府對澳 大研發的項目相當感興趣。" 對前景充滿信心 回望過去,馬教授認為,澳大研發得 以開展及推出市場,除了感謝國家和 澳門特區政府的支持外,也歸功於具 國際競爭力的研發團隊。“目前,澳 大研究隊伍非常穩定,不斷壯大和優 化,如微電子國家重點實驗室,當中 七成學術研究人員是來自澳門,也有 從世界各地聘任的優秀教授,每位的 投入都相當重要。”澳大在軟件上、 硬件上都已俱備,馬教授看好澳大未 來的科研前景,對回饋社會的技術研 發充滿信心。 澳大過去 10 年發表的論文數量 The number of papers UM published over the past decade Scientific Research Geared to Technology Transfer The university is teeming with research groups, with a multitude of research interests, from microelectronics, to Chinese medicine, electromechanical engineering, biomedicine, social sciences, and humanities. Each year, each team must struggle to reach a different research stage or target and must compete for funding to sustain itself. Consequently, research initiatives must be competitive. Prof Rui Martins, vice rector for research, and an expert in microelectronics, reminds researchers that there are internal and external funds available, for these pursuits, which are administered stringently by specialists from diverse fields. Projects must show intrinsic research value, solid theoretical foundation, innovative thinking, and feasibility.
7 umagazine issue 18 The vice rector points out that UM research initiatives can be broadly divided into two categories: (1) Basic theoretical research with a primarily academic focus; (2) Applied research with a theoretical foundation which aims to develop innovative outcomes that have a positive impact on society. These research projects have different sources of funding, such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Macao’s own Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT), and the Guangzhou Science Technology and Innovation Commission (GSTIC). For applied research, to get the nod, each project must meet the test of feasibility that delivers tangible benefits to society. In Vice Rector Martins’ view, this requirement is quite reasonable. He says, ‘For society to pour so many resources into projects, if not proven to be of social utility, they will remain forever at the level of pure theory. These funding criteria are now pushing research projects towards a new level. I am happy to say that the university has seen a steady rise in research funding.’ Rich in Research Results, Rich in Technology Transfer Without solid research, there will be no technology transfer. In recent years, UM’s research prowess is reflected in the number of research papers authored by staff and students which are published in international journals. The quantity of published papers has increased from about 144 in 2009 to 1,410 in 2017, an almost tenfold increase over the past eight years. In particular, the output from UM’s two state key labs is most impressive. After seven years, the two 馬許願教授對澳大的科研前景充滿信心 Prof Rui Martins is bullish about UM’s prospects in scientific research labs have won plaudits from both national and international experts, cementing UM’s academic standing in integrated circuits and Chinese medicine, as well as in the incubation of talented researchers. Prof Martins adds that the university’s long years of robust effort have paid off, having chalked up a considerable amount of high-quality research with a sound theoretical footing. UM is now leaning heavily towards applied research projects, some of which have evolved into innovative research that has found favour with industry. UM has gradually come of age and has emerged from the shadow of purely academic journals. To date, UM has been granted 63 patents in mainland China, the United States, and other regions, with quite a few of them attracting enquiries from national and overseas corporations. Some have even resulted in cooperation agreements and are gearing up for the production stage. ‘Our research personnel are intoxicated by their work,’ says the vice rector. ‘From conceptualisation to implementation, they began at zero. Every step of the way has not been easy. But now finally, we have arrived at a stage where our research results can be transferred.’
umagazine issue 18 8 Teaching and Research Paving the Way for Technology Transfer The university nudges its students towards innovation and application, encouraging them to take part in research projects. Besides teaching and conducting research, UM academic staff members take it upon themselves to provide students with different research opportunities. The vice rector affirms that teaching and research are interrelated. Some student research has found its way into top international conferences and publications, bringing them into contact with students from other parts of the globe. This is the way to bring out the best in UM students and staff and take research to higher levels of quality and quantity. Working in concert with the Macao SAR government on the building of a smart city, and in pursuit of the university’s sustainable research development, in recent years UM has urged staff and students to undertake research that is innovative and has social applications, so as to nurture students’ entrepreneurial capabilities. According to Prof Martins, once a research project has attained a certain theoretical status, such as having been published by a relevant authoritative international referreed journal, the university will, depending on the technical maturity of the project, apply for a patent, and will provide professional assistance at various levels, to facilitate conversion of research results. Significantly, UM founded UMTEC Limited, a commercial subsidiary of the university, with the objective of facilitating to match concrete technological research outcomes with potential industry partners. From time to time, some UM staff and students have managed to successfully connect with interested parties in industry through different modes of collaboration. ‘By offering 澳大研究項目涉獵不同的範疇 UM’s research projects cover different disciplines 澳大芯片研究達前沿水平 UM is now ranked among the top in the world in chip research
9 umagazine issue 18 technical support and attracting business enterprises to invest in technology development, we are on the way to incubating many more projects.’ says the vice rector. Embracing the Challenges and Opportunities of the Greater Bay Area According to the vice rector, Macao’s technology transfer is still in its infancy. The investment climate and business environment need to undergo necessary adjustments. But one cannot make key conditions appear overnight. ‘Remember, Macao is a small place. Kick-starting technology incubation is not without its considerable difficulties. Mostly, the continuing development of these start-ups is in their own hands. Experience tells us that competition in the field of science and technology is fierce. Only by collaborating with local governments or companies within the Greater Bay Area can they hope to make a successful go of it. Macao alone cannot pull it off,’ he says. To widen the scope and strengthen its capability in applied research projects, and promote industry-university collaboration, in 2017, the university, for the first time, made a grant application to the GSTIC for the 2018 Guangzhou Innovative Science and Technology Project (Involving Collaboration with Non-local Partners). On its very first attempt, UM secured funding approval for nine projects, surely an impressive outcome. ‘In recent five years, UM has overcome obstacle after obstacle, solving numerous problems posed by the differences in law between Macao and mainland China. We are now entering the season of harvest, with many mainland companies and regional governments expressing keen interest in our research projects,’ the vice rector says with pride. Bullish about the Future ‘Looking back, there is no doubt that we owe much of our initial success to the support of the central government and the SAR government, as well as to the prowess of our research teams. UM’s research capability is becoming better and stronger with each passing day. Up to 70 per cent of our research staff in the microelectronics state key lab, for example, are home-grown, with the rest recruited internationally, each pulling his or her own weight. UM is ready, in software and hardware. I am bullish about our prospects in scientific research and in developing technologies that can produce tangible benefits for society.’ These are the confident words of our vice rector as the university faces the future. 澳大積極推動產學研發展 UM actively promotes the collaboration among universities, research institutes, and companie 澳大教研並行拓展創科領域 UM Explores New Frontiers in Both Teaching and Research
umagazine issue 18 10 Innovations from Academic-industry Collaboration Keeping Investor Doors Open 科研成果獲投資者青睞 文 Chinese & English Text│余偉業 Kelvin U 圖 Photo │何杰平、譚金榮 Jack Ho, Eric Tam 自創全球領先檢測儀 斑馬魚有著獨特的生物和生理特徵, 是一種理想的大規模藥物篩選模型。 據估計,全球百多個國家中有 3,000 多 個科研機構用到斑馬魚,進行遺傳生 理、環境污染和藥物的檢測。目前, 最廣為企業機構選購的某檢測儀品牌, 在斑馬魚實驗操作上過於傳統,且技 術上存在眾多局限,造成研究人員工 作上諸多不便。有見及此,澳大團隊 自主研發“高通量微流控芯片幼魚活 體檢測儀",解決了斑馬魚檢測中常 見、惱人的技術難題。 項目負責人、澳大中華醫藥研究院助 理教授李卓榮指這台儀器採用自主研 發的高通量微流控芯片,取代傳統的 多孔反應板,同時控制所有魚的位 置;再配以集成化微流控芯片自動拍 攝,圖像清晰,“這台機器突破多方 面人手操作局限,將實驗效率大大提 高,是目前全球同類型產品儀器不能 比擬的。" 經過多年耕耘,澳門大學的研發項目已踏入收成階段,過程中不但培育了不少研究人才,也為學生創新創業鋪路, 而當中更有尖端研究項目取得令人矚目的成果,具獨佔鰲頭之勢。 The research and development (R&D) teams from the University of Macau (UM) have achieved fruitful outcomes after years of hard work and dedication – they have not only created entrepreneurial opportunities for talented young researchers over the years, but have also developed remarkable products with high potential to take the lead in their respective fields.
11 umagazine issue 18 潛在投資者已存在 另一項目負責人、澳大中華醫藥研究 院教授李銘源表示,有眾多政府部門、 商業機構、研究單位和藥廠需要相關 儀器,對環境毒素、食品安全(如地 溝油)、化妝品質量、藥物研發等方 面進行數據收集和檢測分析。他說: “市場對我們這台機器的需求相當之 大,目前國際上只有一間來自國外的 品牌作競爭對手,該品牌儀器每次只 能對一條班馬魚作自動檢測,而我們 的品牌則可同一時間全自動處理二百 多條魚的檢測,技術含量較其他品牌 高一百倍以上。"李銘源教授期望把 該技術成果推向國際市場。 在 2017年,澳大這台檢測儀器於“兩 岸四地協同創新路演大賽"上首次亮 相,並獲來自海峽兩岸暨港澳地區的專 家評審一致讚賞,成功出線。“當中一 位評審對此研發相當感興趣,認為此項 目值得投資。我們當初研發的出發點, 只是為實驗室製作一部儀器供自己使 用,但由於市場上缺乏此儀器,很多來 自不同國家或地區的專家學者在參觀 完實驗室後,對儀器大感興趣。”李銘 源教授保守估評,該儀器能於今年完成 質量檢測,為推出市場作好準備。 研發進軍葡語 國家市場 澳大另一自主研發、帕金森氏症的解藥 “益智素",可有效預防及治療帕金森 氏症,引起從事藥物研究的機構關注。 2014年,在葡國總統席爾瓦見證下, 澳大與葡萄牙公司 TechnoPhage 簽署合 作協議 ,雙方正式展開中醫藥方面的 合作,並就“益智素"新研發達成技術 轉移共識。項目負責人李銘源教授表 示,這將有助“益智素"保健品打進歐 洲營養食品市場。 目前,澳大的“益智素"已成功申請 專利,獲歐美及內地的知識產權保障。 李銘源教授表示,作為葡萄牙主力生產 藥物的公司,TechnoPhage 在“益智素" 研發的早期階段,已有意投資此項目, 並一直與澳大保持緊密的溝通和交流。 現階段“益智素"已準備製作成膳食 補充劑。“是次合作牽涉歐洲以及其 他葡語系國家市場。TechnoPhage 這葡 萄牙本土公司,對歐洲新穎食品法規 熟悉,較易把‘益智素'產品引入和 申請註冊,目標是打進龐大歐洲和巴 西市場。相關合作得以順利進展,某 程度上是得益於澳門作為中葡商貿合 作的平台。" 為帕金森氏症 帶來曙光 繼阿爾茨海默症後,帕金森氏症是第 二大慢性神經退化疾病,目前全球患 病人數約700萬,中國患者人數達 200萬以上。帕金森氏症是中腦(腦 幹的一部分)黑質的神經細胞退化, 造成休息性手抖、全身僵硬、動作遲 緩。然而,市場上仍未有預防和抑制 帕金森氏症效果理想的健康產品或藥 物。澳大團隊花了九年時間,經歷多 代師生的努力,從“四大南藥”益智 仁中發現了活性“益智素",研究結 果發現有潛力減緩病情惡化,為病患 帶來新的曙光。 李銘源教授表示,帕金森氏症的病因 尚未明確,其發病原理為中腦的黑質 受破壞,黑質無法產生控制人們運動 和平衡能力的“多巴胺"神經細胞。 目前,臨床治療以緩解症狀為主。澳 大團隊深入研究“益智素"在多種帕 金森動物模型的防治作用,發現“益 智素"治療顯著降低了小鼠多巴胺神 經元的細胞損傷,改善了小鼠的運動 障礙。“從益智仁分離提取出全新結 構的小分子‘益智素',可開發成藥 李銘源教授 Prof Lee Ming Yuen
umagazine issue 18 12 食兩用的保健產品,將成為由中藥的 單體化合物開發為國際膳食補充劑的 首例。未來,會繼續進行更多臨床實 驗,把‘益智素'開發成藥物。" 體外診斷工具 提升全球健康 伊波拉病毒在2013年至2016年肆虐 西非,奪走逾萬寶貴生命。當時若有 便宜、快速、準確的病毒檢測工具可 供使用,那疫症蔓延的情況可會不一 樣。澳大另一研發以“體外診斷"技 術製造新型的診斷工具,即抽取人體 小量的血液、尿液、痰液或組織樣本, 進行判斷疾病或機體功能的快速診斷 檢測。項目負責人、澳大模擬與混合 信號超大規模集成電路國家重點實驗 室副主任麥沛然教授表示,檢驗所需 時間的快慢,對傳染病會否在社區大 規模爆發起警報作用。“此器材使用 風險低、製作成本低,有效監測個人 的身體狀況或症狀,為不同經濟收入、 不同種族的人群提供診症機會,有助 提升全球健康水平。" 麥沛然教授指出,隨著“體外診斷" 技術的不斷成熟,將來會有更多相關 產品和服務投入市場,成為疾病與健 康管理不可或缺的工具。據《福布斯》 雜誌介紹,2017年相關的全球市場 規模高達700億美元。麥教授說: “中山大學達安基因股份有限公司對 體外診斷工具很有興趣,將落實相關 合作。我們的研發項目已進入倒數階 段,第一代產品將於今或明年面世。” 跨領域合作孵化成果 當研發項目技術成熟,且為推出市面 作好準備時,澳大團隊就可透過大學 把技術成果轉讓或授權給國內外的企 業機構,進行大規模生產。麥沛然教 授相信,在未來拓展技術轉移的路上, 澳大需要與粵港澳大灣區內的人才和 機構合作;但當中涉及很多操作上問 題,如不同國家或地區的法律條文、 可行的商業操作模式等,澳大都會在 這方面提供專業的協助。 與此同時,李銘源教授也期望澳大未 來可嘗試跨學科、跨領域合作,滙聚 李卓榮教授 Prof Li Cheuk Wing 研究團隊從中藥益智仁中發現活性益智素 PD-001, a bioactive ingredient extracted from Alpinia oxyphylla 澳大不同專業人才,共同孵化大學的 科研成果。“澳大有良好的科研環境, 以及與外界合作的空間。對於研究員 來說,法律法規、營商環境,是另一 門學問。澳大如果構建一個技術轉移 平台,由科研人員作技術產出,再由 商法人才撰寫企業合作書,尋找投資、 融資的機會,加強跨學術領域的合作, 讓不同專才一展所長,這將是未來創 新創業的發展方向。"
13 umagazine issue 18 Global Leading, Self-developed Chemical Screen Zebrafish is an ideal large-scale chemical screening model with a unique biological and physiological characteristics that make high-throughput screening feasible. There are now an estimated 3,000 universities, research institutes and companies from over 100 countries running genetic, physiological, environmental or medical testing on zebrafish. However, most researchers might have felt some inconvenience from the most widely purchased chemical screen using live zebrafish, and its technical limitations hinder productivity. In view of this situation, a UM team has developed a system that will solve the most common and frustrating technical barriers of screening in zebrafish. and imaging capacities of our product are over 100 times better than that of the foreign brand.’ Prof Lee looks forward to promoting this technology on the international market. In 2017, the screen made its debut at a roadshow contest of the Cross Straits, Hong Kong and Macao Collaborative Innovation Forum in Macao. It was recognised by the competition jury for its innovative design and quality. ‘One of the judges was very interested in our project and even remarked that the product is worth investing in. The reason why we started this project is quite simple – for our own use in the laboratory. It is very encouraging when many experts and scholars from different countries and regions say they want one after visiting our lab.’ The process of quality control is currently ongoing and Prof Lee expects the quality and safety accreditation to be completed by the end of this year. At that time, the new product will be ready for launch. Aiming for Lusophone Markets Bioactive PD-001 Molecule – another UM-developed product which is likely to serve as an antidote for Parkinson’s Disease (PD), has received a lot of industry attention. In 2014, in the presence of Portuguese President Aníbal António Cavaco Silva, UM signed a statement of work with the Portuguese company TechnoPhage to strengthen the collaboration between Macao and Portugal in Chinese medical sciences. The agreement between UM and Technophage signalled an official start of the collaboration, including the technology transfer of the PD-001 project. As the project According to Prof Li Cheuk Wing, an assistant professor of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) who serves as one of the project investigators, high-tech components such as the high-throughput microfluidic chip and the integrated microfluidic chip were developed by UM laboratories. The former chip can replace the industry standard 96well plates and allows researchers to control how fish are positioned. The latter chip functions like a camera, automatically producing clear images of the organs for further studies. ‘The screen has broken many limitations, especially in terms of operations. It has largely increased our efficiency for the most economical results that no other products of this kind could be compared with,’ says Prof Li. Potential Investors Have Arrived Prof Lee Ming Yuen, the other project investigator, who is also an ICMS professor, notes that there is a significant demand for such a product. He adds that many government units, business companies, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies have been using live zebrafish for various purposes, for instance, to screen out environmental pollutants, gutter oil (for food safety), and toxins in cosmetic products, or to collect data for healthcare research studies. ‘There has been a great demand for our device. So far we only consider one foreign product as our competitor in the international market. This product could only automatically process one zebrafish at one time,’ says Prof Lee. ‘Meanwhile, our screen is fully automatic and is able to work with over 200 fish at the same time. The throughput of chemical screening 澳大團隊自主研發“高通量微 流控芯片幼魚活體檢測儀" The Integrated High-throughput Microfluidic Chip Zebrafish Imaging System developed by UM researchers
umagazine issue 18 14 principal investigator, Prof Lee has high hopes for his product to enter the food and nutrition supplement market in Europe. So far, the team has been granted a number of patents for the PD-001 Molecule by authorities in the United States and mainland China. As a biotechnology company based in Portugal, TechnoPhage showed an interest in collaboration in the early stage of the project, Prof Lee notes. Now, the molecule is almost ready to be manufactured into a dietary supplement. ‘This project targets the European and Portuguesespeaking markets. TechnoPhage is more familiar with the European regulations on novel food and it is easier for them to bring our product there and apply for registration. There will be a huge market in European countries and in Brazil. The cooperation has been smooth and that is partly due to Macao’s role as a service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries,’ says Prof Lee. New Hope for Parkinson's Disease Second to Alzheimer’s disease in terms of prevalence, Parkinson’s disease is a long-term degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system. Currently, about 7 million people around the globe suffer from PD and over 2 million of them are Chinese. The motor symptoms from the disease are a result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. Generally coming on slowly over time, the symptoms include shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking. However, there is no preventive or long-term effective treatment or health products available. It has taken Prof Lee’s team nine years to isolate the bioactive ingredient of PD-001 from Alpinia oxyphylla that could prevent and ameliorate the development of the disease. This finding is a joint effort of many cohorts of students and faculty members involved in the project. According to Prof Lee, the cause of Parkinson’s disease generally remains unknown and the key pathological change in the body is dopaminergic neuronal loss in the substantia nigra, resulting in insufficient dopamine generated for the motor system. He observes that current clinical treatments only relieve the symptoms of the disease. The team successfully extracts and isolates PD-001 – a small molecule with a novel structure from the fruit of Alpinia oxyphylla. From laboratory studies designed to determine the preventive and therapeutic effects of PD-001 on different animal models of PD, the team found that treatment with PD-001 can significantly reduce cellular damage in the dopaminergic neurons and can improve dyskinesia. ‘If things go smoothly, this project will be the first case of developing pure compound from traditional Chinese medicine as an international novel food ingredient. As to drug development, clinical trials will take longer time,’ says Prof Lee. Diagnostic Tool for Promoting Global Health The Ebola outbreak in West Africa claimed over 10,000 lives from 2013 to 2016. Probably, things would have been different if there had been an economical, fast and accurate virus detection tool available at the time. An in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) tool, an innovative medical product developed by another UM team can perform a rapid diagnostic test for infectious diseases by taking only a small specimen from the human body, such as blood, urine, sputum, or tissue. As the project investigator and the associate director (research) of UM’s State Key Laboratory of Analog and “益智素"可有效挽救帕金森氏症模型引起的多巴胺神經元損傷 The bioactive ingredient of PD-001 from Alpinia oxyphylla can significantly reduce cellular damage in the dopaminergic neurons from animal models of PD
15 umagazine issue 18 Mixed-Signal VLSI, Prof Mak Pui In points out that the turnaround time for test results strongly affects the transmission speed of infectious diseases. ‘This tool is low cost and low risk and is designed to rapidly identify symptoms and diseases occurring in individuals. It provides opportunities for people from all walks of life and ethnic groups to run rapid diagnostic tests, and that will help improve global health overall,’ says Prof Mak. Prof Mak notes that with the continuous development of IVD technology, there will be a high demand for IVD medical products and services in the future. He adds that IVD tools will be indispensable for disease and health management. According to Forbes Magazine, there has been a huge growth in the IVD global market, reaching 70 billion US dollars in 2017. ‘At this point, the DaAn Gene Co., Ltd. of Sun Yat-sen University, a high-tech company whose expertise is molecular diagnostic technique, wants to work with us in this project. We will soon get down to the practical details of the collaboration. It is expected to launch the first-generation products either this year or next,’ says Prof Mak. Cross-disciplinary Collaboration Yields Better Results When an R&D project is achieving technological maturity and ready to launch its products to market, the team will work with the university to reach technology transfer or authorisation agreements with domestic and/or foreign corporations for mass production. Prof Mak believes that in order to expand university services to accommodate the growing needs for technology transfer in the future, UM will inevitably collaborate with professionals and organisations from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Meanwhile, he foresees there will be many challenges ahead, such as legal provisions and viable business plans in different countries or regions, and the university will continue to provide professional assistance in this regard. 麥沛然教授 Prof Mak Pui In 澳大團隊研發的體外診斷工具,可快速診斷檢測結果 The in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) tool developed by UM researchers that can perform a rapid diagnostic test for infectious diseases Meanwhile, Prof Lee sees the need to foster a cross-disciplinary incubation environment that involves different experts and professionals nurtured by UM. ‘We have enjoyed a productive research environment here in the university and there are plenty of opportunities out there to cooperate with entrepreneurs. What we need now is a platform that attracts professionals from various disciplines to jointly promote technology transfer. As a researcher, we are to innovate and create cutting-edge technologies. Then, we welcome legal and business professionals to jump in, like handling legal matters and business proposals, seeking investment and financing opportunities. By doing so, we will find our path to succeed in the innovation and entrepreneurship industry in the future,’ he says. 澳大升級斑馬魚成像儀推廣到市場 UM Develops Lab Device to Promote Zebrafish's Value in Scientific Research 澳大研發中藥益智仁治療柏金遜症 UM Develops Medicine from Yi Zhi Ren to Treat Parkinson's Disease
umagazine issue 18 16 Centre for Innovation: A Platform to Support Faculty and Student Efforts to Start Their Own Businesses 創新中心:支援師生創業平台 文 Text│張愛華 Ella Cheong 圖 Photo│張愛華、部分由受訪者提供 Ella Cheong, with some provided by the interviewee 創新中心的開放式辦公區 The open-plan office area in the Centre for Innovation 由去年開始,澳門大學校園多了一位忙碌的身影,無論在“百萬獎金創業大賽”、創新營、創業講座、創新創業課程, 都會見到他——澳大創新中心主任顏至宏教授。每次見到顏教授,他身邊總是圍著一班熱切跟他討論問題的學生,他 的忙碌背後,一方面是要推行各項跟校園創業有關的活動,一方面也反映了學生對創業的濃厚熱情。 Jerome Yen, director of the Centre for Innovation (CI) at the University of Macau (UM), has been a busy figure on campus since he joined the university last year. You will find him at the One Million Dollar Entrepreneurship Competition, at the Innovation Camp, and in innovation and entrepreneurship courses, always surrounded by a group of students eager to discuss questions. His busy schedule, which mainly revolves around promoting various kinds of entrepreneurial events on campus, is a reflection of student enthusiasm about starting businesses.
17 umagazine issue 18 學生創業支援平台 顏教授說:“學生有很多創新的想法, 對創業的熱情也很高漲,但創業者不 光要有熱情,創業背後還涉及眾多複 雜問題,這些學生都需要去學。” 2017年2月成立的澳大創新中心, 幫助老師和學生將其創意理念轉化成 實踐的一個支援平台,此外,中心還 有一個目標就是推動大學科技成果轉 化和開發,令澳大在知識創新、技術 創新方面作出更多貢獻。顏教授說: “中心啟動後,即推出一系列的創 業活動,包括開辦創業講座、創新創 業課程、應用程式訓練營等,並為有 意創業的師生和校友提供創業基金支 持,從師資、技術和資金多方位資助 學生把創新思維變成產品或服務投入 市場,實現創業計劃。” 專家指導少走彎路 顏教授過往曾任職香港應用科技研究 院互聯網金融總監、《福布斯》及《財 富》500大公司的高級副總裁及副首 席風險官、香港大學、香港科技大學 及香港中文大學的教授,跟業界關係 密切。創新中心成立之後,他馬不停 蹄展開工作,當中包括邀請校外企業 家和本地社團如澳門工商聯會舉辦經 驗分享會及介紹本澳創業扶持政策。 “我們邀請了於2015年榮登美國《福 布斯》雜誌30 Under 30(30位30歲 以下創業成功人士)名人榜的湯瑋銳 走進澳大校園分享他的創業和業務拓 展經驗,湯先生在求學時期便勇於開 拓自己的事業,其公司已獲著名投資 公司‘紅杉資本’垂青融資。”顏教 授希望學生能從創新創業系列講座得 到啟發和吸收經驗,在創業時也會少 走彎路。 顏教授還邀請澳大各學術單位的專家 加入創新中心的創業諮詢團隊,為有 意創業者提供團隊管理、市場拓展、 財務管理、融資、持續經營、法律、 知識產權、業界合作等全方位的創業 諮詢支援服務。“我們充分利用大學 的人力資源,開設相關創業課程普及 創業所需的基本知識,讓師生不僅能 學習技能,更能獲得創業觀念和精神 上的提升,培養創業精神。 創業課程著重實踐 在 2017/2018 上學年,澳大首次面向 本科生推出創新創業的課程,為有意 創業的學生提供機會和深入瞭解創新 創業中遇到的問題。顏教授說:“創 業課程著重動手實踐、演講訓練和分 析技巧,上完這門課後,學生能具備 一些法律、金融、財務管理、團隊建 立的知識。我們會從學員中篩選出有 商業潛力的創業團隊進入創新中心的 孵化平台,為學生提供項目落地執行 的有力協助。” 顏至宏教授 Prof Jerome Yen 首批入駐創新中心的孵化團隊在入駐儀式上介紹創業項目 The first teams selected to join the Centre for Innovation for business incubation talk about their business plans in the admission ceremony
umagazine issue 18 18 創新中心的大型會議室、獨立辦公室和咖啡區 The conference room, independent offices, and coffee area in the Centre for Innovation 課程反應熱烈,2017/2018 下學年澳 大把招生對象由本科生擴展至研究 生,“研究生本身已在做很多創新方 面的研究,甚至有些已開始了創業, 把想法變成產品或服務在市場上運 作。” 顏教授去年就鼓勵一批校內學 生公司參加中銀盃百萬獎金澳門區創 業大賽,其中一隊由4名來自不同學 院的碩士研究生在中華醫藥研究院助 理教授王春明博士等指導下,以創新 醫用敷料“金創藥”項目取得澳門賽 區首名,並代表澳門參加全國總決賽 獲優勝獎。該創業隊伍還獲第三屆中 國“互聯網+”大學生創新創業大賽 總決賽金獎。 顏教授說:“創新中心會為學生搭建 創業的平台,如果學生有創新想法, 可以寫一份計劃書給我們申請入駐或 者參加創業大賽。如果在比賽中獲得 高名次,我們會邀請學生團隊進來孵 化。創新中心目前收到的入駐申請主 要集中在中醫藥與健康、醫療科技相 關、資訊及通訊科技三大領域。師生 們可以憑具商業價值的項目計劃書申 請一筆由澳大發展基金會提供的啟動 資金,獲通過後,我們會提供一連串 的專業指導,讓學生把想法變成可以 落實的項目。” 創業不再局限澳門 澳門特區政府一直鼓勵產業多元化發 展,加上配合粵港澳大灣區的發展, 顏教授認為這些都會為學生帶來發展 的機遇,“澳門要以創新科技帶動經 濟發展,需要具有創新創業思維的年 輕人。粵港澳合作的平台能幫助學生 把視野放大,將來的創業空間會擴展 至珠海、深圳、香港等地。未來,優 秀的澳大畢業生要到甚麼地方創業不 會再受到他本身身份的影響。"顏教 授帶領的一些澳大學生創業團隊已跨 出澳門,把公司設在橫琴創業谷,市 場定位除了面向澳門也面向全國。 創業要有突破性思維 顏教授經常提醒學生在創業時要有突 破性思維,要對很多東西有強烈的執 著。“譬如雲洲科技的董事長從小就 喜歡玩船,後來就把興趣變成事業。 這些創業者都不是為了創業而創業, 而是因為背後有濃厚的興趣作支撐。 創業者有一種別人無法理解的狂熱使 其能在艱難環境下熬過來,他們更懂 得如何整合資源。" 世界很多知名大學都鼓勵年輕人創新, 顏教授指美國斯坦福大學或麻省理工 學院,會用開放的角度支持學生創業。 “為配合澳門特區政府支持青年人創 業的政策,創新中心將推出主題研究 資助,支持開展以市場為導向的新型 研究。在澳大,只要學生團隊能夠進 駐到創新中心,就會有基金來幫助其 走出第一步,基金會不需要學生回報, 我們目的是希望學生最終通過創業回 饋澳門社會。”
19 umagazine issue 18 A Platform to Encourage Students to Start Their Own Businesses ‘Our students have many innovative ideas, and they are also enthusiastic about starting their own businesses,’ says Prof Yen. ‘But it takes more than passion to start a business. It involves a multitude of complicated issues that need to be learned.’ Established in February 2017, the CI serves as a platform to support faculty and students who want to put their creative ideas to test. Another objective of the institute is to enable university contributions in knowledge and technological innovation by promoting the development and transfer of scientific and technological achievements. ‘After the CI was established, we immediately launched a series of entrepreneurship activities, including lectures, courses, and training camps,’ says Prof Yen. ‘We also provided financial support for faculty and alumni who wanted to start their own businesses. We help students to turn their creative ideas into marketable products or services by providing expert guidance, technology, and funding.’ Expert Guidance to Avoid Detours Prof Yen has been the director of internet finance at Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute, a senior vice president and deputy chief risk officer at a Fortune and Forbes 500 company, and a professor at the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also has close industry ties. Soon after the CI was founded, he swung into action, inviting entrepreneurs and representatives from local associations, such as the Industry and Commerce Association of Macau, to share their experience and provide information on local incentive policies for people hoping to start their own businesses. ‘We invited Stanley Tang, who made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list in 2015, to share his experience in starting and expanding his business,’ says Prof Yen. ‘Mr Tang started his business while he was still in college, and his company has won favour with Sequoia Capital, a famous venture capital firm.’ Prof Yen hopes that students can gain inspiration and experience from the series of talks on innovation and entrepreneurship so they can avoid detours when starting their own businesses. Prof Yen has also invited experts from UM’s various academic units to join the consulting team at the CI to support would-be entrepreneurs in such areas as team management, market expansion, financial management, financing, sustainable operation, legal matters, intellectual property rights, and industry-academia collaboration. ‘We want to make full use of the human resources at the university and open courses to teach the basics so that our faculty members and students not only can acquire the necessary skills, but can also develop an entrepreneurial mindset and an entrepreneurial spirit.’ Entrepreneurship Courses with an Emphasis on Practice In the first half of the 2017/2018 academic year, UM launched entrepreneurship courses for undergraduates for the first time, hoping to provide an opportunity for entrepreneurially inclined students to gain a deep understanding of the problems that may be encountered in the process of starting a business. 顏至宏教授經常跟學生開會討論創業計劃 Prof Jerome Yen often holds meetings with students to discuss their entrepreneurial plans