
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljı 㧡᰽㩃㠽ൎ䳀的研究⦨п ف ь⮂㍐⦄主 Greta Mok and her research team have won three international awards Րቅ੡ᅆᛁᐯ዆ᄊգᑧ ࡓ ᒸᎷ的Ձ,Դҭᣉᡝ؆Ђᐯࢢ ႯჅᇇЀۖ ग़஼ॗ ᒰᔒ෼ࠛ ෻Ђᐯ ؽߡ ൾЀ,УՐҗࢢ գྏ ݺ ҳ஼Ӡࣿ Ⴕѻۧ ,ᑫࠝ ϫٟ գहᝯЍ֯ ࠮ᚼۖ শ ส。Ӥ ݺ শส的Ѝ֯ ๴ਣ ߩ ༡գন,Ձ༟ ܕ ඵِ ێ ҁᑟྻ ,࠮ د ӫԍ ۖظ ๴ਣ ߩ ༡ ـ Ժ的ᑫЂ。 ԴᑫЂЍ֯ ϛՐ,ംి ఱఀۖ Ђᐯࠫ ԇ۶њࢺ,ᢰՁ་֖ྲ 的ु 。ٿ ంწ༟ ׅܕ ϧԺՐ,ЫՐ࣏ᚳ՜的ϘՐ, Ձ ݙ ௲ታ的ᄥ༤ЫՐᖔఀ Ϭৎѵधૺጨ༵ Ȉ ࣷڲ ੮ᛁᐯ ᐯങϘຈጨ、ग़஼੮ᛁՐྻ 的஼ቫ൵ ڸ Ꭲћጨሃࠦ Րु ٿ ਛጨȞცၝሃኇᐡ᝷־ȟ೐Ϭԩ, ێ Кࠦ Րु ٿ ਛጨ ࣏ЂКົ Գ஡঵ըգॊु ༤ԁԴթ᝷־Ϣඛ ڭ ᖔĂ 獎,Ԣ ੡࣏ӫ ࣷڲࡈ Գ஡Դթ᝷־的൵ ڸ ՘ᖻ。ം ࠑ ຶކ ӯ, କ௉҃ ࠑ ஼ਛ۶ᑫࠝ ᖔጨྍ ၍দЂ,ഺ࣏Ձु ٿ Ӡ౾的 Ϙৎ ڧ ຀ါ,ٟ֭ գࣆܹ 、ᑫЂ۶ᐯӠ的њࢺЙҞକஇۖ Ȉȶକۤఀ ՘ ,ލ ঋգՀ的ᅹྐ 、Հ的ᐯӠ、Հ的 ցਰ,ᄥ༤ঋ౻྾ѵधည ࡈ ൵ྲ 的யᛟ,ϵঋఀۖ Ժў 的њࢺ。ᑫࠝ ԳўЈ,ᄥ༤༡໼ᛓႵ ,ࠕ ЙԢൊࠝ ҞТ हԪ֯ 。ȷ ԴஇՀु ٿ ۶ి ᐯ的Ԣ੡,ംి ఱᘘ՘ӲϞᑫࠝ ੮ᛁሃ жЄ዆ᄊᐯྻ ,యஜᑫࠝ 的੮Єᛁᐯ۶ᗜؖ ๴ਣ,ౕؓ କൄ ᇊᑫࠝ ,Ղዾჯ੮૵޼ᖚᅆԺᇌ১๴۶ᚼೊᖛાգ ᢖ຾ᖚੜ,Ͼ ݸއ ਡ ݑ ဧ࣏޼ᖚӥ ߐ ၜᖛ的 ێ КϘᇌ൵ ڸ ў ,ޱ ՁӒׅ ϧయஜᑫࠝ єϢ。ӏ ڽ ϘՐ,Ձ௟௲຾ ᐯӠۖ ൫षՍӲЂᐯᛁᐯ୰இु ,ٿ ෩пु ٿ Ѫ࿤۶஼ ቫ໛ൎ,ԓϘը ث ྲد ങ௲԰ 。ڽ ംి ఱሮऎ,ਛਲԯ૵࣏ઔҳϠЖ԰ᙩӎϿ的൵Ђஜϧȇ ێ ըබ࣏ ྻߤ 的་َ ,ഺ࣏ כ ૼϠЖ的൵ ڸ ў ֖,ޱ ྽ ԺЮмЖᢰϠЖգᅆϾ的Ѝ֯ ۶֜ ၉,࢙៉ ࣆܹ య֖ ᝷֬ аԳ的ȶϼϠ঍ᄑȷ,ѽዃૼᎰକ、ൄ ᇊ 。 ྻߤ Prof Mok has been working at UM for seven years. She appreciates the trust and support she receives from the university, which has enabled her to constantly explore new frontiers in her research. !is year, her hard work came to fruition. Her research team received three international awards, including a #rst prize at the Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum, as well as an International Best Abstract Award and a third prize of the Computer and Instrumentation Council (CalC) Young Investigator Award at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. !ey were the #rst team from the Greater China region to be shortlisted for and receive the Young Investigator Award. It represents the best result Asia has ever achieved in this categotry. Prof Mok says that receiving these awards for China and Macao is of great signi#cance and marks a milestone in her career. She adds that none of this would have been possible without the support of the government, UM, and students. ‘To produce good results, we need to have good ideas, good students, and good teachers,’ says Mok. ‘!e team must have a clear idea about the new issues in the world that need to be addressed. !ey must also garner support from various parties. Macao is a small city. Di$erent teams are geographically close, which makes inter-departmental collaboration easier.’ Besides being an educator and researcher, Prof Mok is also the founder of the Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, which is dedicated to promoting the development of nuclear medicine and its clinical applications in Macao. Prof Mok hopes that the research #ndings from the society will bene#t Macao residents. For example, targeted radionuclide therapy has noticeable e$ects on various primary and secondary cancers. Radioactive iodine therapy is one of the best ways to treat thyroid cancer. She is now working towards the introduction of this therapy in Macao. Next year, Prof Mok and her students will conduct research at the Medical School of the University of Massachusetts. She expects the experience to improve her team’s research capability, and help them develop a global mindset and bring back new technologies.