Creating smart cities and big data experts has become a subject of intense interest around the world. Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, predicts that big data will completely change people’s way of life in 30 years. Earlier this year, the Macao SAR government signed a collaboration agreement with Alibaba to develop Macao into a smart city. !is means that Macao will undergo signi"cant changes, and that a large number of big data professionals will be needed to support the project. !ere is no shortage of leading experts on big data at the University of Macau(UM). For example, Rector Wei Zhao and Vice Rector Lionel Ni are both experts in big data and the Internet of !ings. In fact, UM plans to create a programme in big data to develop interdisciplinary graduates who possess big data thinking and creativity. In this issue, we interview Prof Zhao and Prof Ni, who share with us the signi"cance of Macao’s smart city project and suggest what UM can do to produce big data experts to embrace a smart future. In recent years, the Macao SAR government has launched various incentives to encourage overseas-educated residents to return to Macao. As a leading tertiary institution in Macao, UM has naturally become the "rst choice for many returning expatriates. Four UM faculty members disclose why they chose to return to Macao and what opportunities they foresaw at the university. UM boasts many preeminent scholars with outstanding achievements in their "elds, such as Prof Xu Jie, a renowned linguist and a Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor; Prof Li Zongjin, a concrete expert; and Prof Ren-He Xu, an expert on stem cell research. Some of these worldrenowned experts have arrived where they are from very humble beginnings. Check out their touching stories in this issue’s exclusive interviews. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of umagazine , and I wish you a great start to the year 2018. 編者的話 Editor’s Words Autumn/Winter 2017 << Issue 17 第十七期 >> 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷 Cravina Chong 翻譯 Translators 陳靜,蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長 Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences 社會科學學院中國當代社會科學研究中心主任 吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Director of Social Science Research Centre on Contemporary China 人文學院中國語言文學系榮休教授 鄧景濱教授 Prof Keng Pan Tang, Emeritus Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature 出版 Publisher 澳門大學University of Macau ISSN: 2077-2491 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 發展智慧城市,培養大數據人才已成為全球熱門的議 題,馬雲更揚言未來30年,人類的生活將會被大數據 徹底改變。澳門特區政府今年也與阿里巴巴簽訂了建 設智慧城市的合作協議,意味著澳門將因此迎來重大 的轉變,同時也需要大量的大數據人才去配合城市的 發展。 澳大不乏大數據領域的頂尖專家,其中包括趙偉校長 和倪明選副校長兩位物聯網和大數據的專家;大學也 有計劃推出大數據課程,培養具有大數據思維和創新 能力的複合型人才。今期封面故事專門請來上述兩位 大數據專家,剖析澳門如何建設智慧成市,以及澳大 應培養甚麼人才,才能面對智慧未來的挑戰。 澳門特區政府近年鼓勵人才回流發展,澳大更成為不 少學者回流的首選高等學府,本期特別專訪了四位土 生土長,在外地讀書後回澳發展的老師,暢談他們回 澳發展的原因和機遇。 澳大大師雲集,在國際學術上取得卓越的成就,本期 也專訪了獲得「長江學者講座教授」榮銜的語言學家 徐杰教授、混凝土專家李宗津教授,以及幹細胞研究 專家徐仁和教授,分享他們如何一步一腳印在學術研 究路上逐步取得今天的驕人成績。 2018年將至,在送舊迎新的時刻,謹祝各位讀者在新 一年有更好的開始。
封面故事 Cover Story 01 大數據+人才=智慧未來 Big Data+Talented People=A Smart Future 專題探討 Feature Story 09 政府鼓勵海外人才回澳 澳大成為學者回流首選 !e Government Encourages Overseas-educated Residents to Return UM Becomes the First Choice for Returning Expatriates 15 古今聲音交織的長廊 Galleries of Time-honoured Voices 人物專訪 Interview 21 不忘初心,方得始終 長江學者講座教授徐杰的漢語語言學世界 Bred in the Bone, Passionate to the End Chang Jiang Scholar Chair Professor Xu Jie’s World of Chinese Linguistics 27 從製磚工人到世界級科學家 專訪混凝土專家李宗津教授 From a Brickmaker to a World-class Scientist Interview with Concrete Expert Prof Li Zongjin 33 徐仁和教授為何對幹細胞研究著迷? Why Is Prof Ren-He Xu Fascinated with Stem Cell Research? 服務社群 Community Service 39 心理輔導這條路,如是深戲 專訪金樹人教授 An Exclusive Interview with Prof Jin Shuh Ren on Psychological Counselling 學院專欄 Faculty Column 43 檢測圖像邊緣在社會上的應用 Social Applications of Edge Detection 47 戲劇音樂隨筆 A Few Words on !eatrical Music 目錄 CONTENTS
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ lj σኵᐃɮΡϗɶසኋҐ پ ŃiŨ Ņata Ĭ Talented őeoűle ľ ł Smart Future 文 TextƎ張愛華 Ella Cheong ൌ PhotoƎ㐞䕥䜞 Editorial Board
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ij 科ᢶԚ社會уᯭ ࢃ䙨,10 年ࢃ䃦會ᜩࡦᲰឝคᐸ、Ჰឝᡵᆆ、Ჰឝ⊳䔀ㅿሽ會是人五Ჰឝᵠּ ⭕⍱的ж䜞࠼。在䶘ቃ人ᐛᲰ ឝሽ㾼㬁 ف 乎ต的大▤,大學䴶㾷ฯ佀ޭ ۏ ଠӑㄬ⡣࣑的人ᢃּ 䘄新科ᢶ、新Ჰឝᡶᑬּ 的つつ᥇ᡦઘȉ 澳門⢯ॶ政ᓒԀ年ᇙվ㾷ሽ澳門發展ᡆж ف ɇԛᮮᆍᕋ乎科ᢶ,Ჰ㜳ᵃए≇⭕Ɉ的Ჰឝคᐸ。大ᮮᬐ在發展Ჰឝคᐸᬊ任㪍䠃 㾷的䀈㢨,ਥԛ䃠,㤛⋈ᴿ大ᮮᬐ,ҕቧ⋈ᴿᲰឝคᐸ。在澳門大學乎導ኚ中ᴿ兩փሾ門研究物㚥㏨ૂ 大ᮮᬐ的ሾᇬ──ṗ長 䏏 ٿ 教授ૂ 副ṗ長Ȟ學㺉ȟ٠᱄䚮教授。Ԁ期䁠அҼԌ門兩փ,࠼᷆ 澳門ᔰ䁣Ჰឝคᐸ的ᝅ㗟,ԛ及澳大ྸ ฯ佀ਥ䘄Ჰឝ ᵠּ 的大ᮮᬐ人ᢃ。 Science and technology drive social progress. Ten years ago, who would have imagined that smart cities, smart houses, and smart cars would become part of our everyday lives in a smart future? In an age where artificial intelligence permeates every social sphere, what are the essential skills college graduates must possess in order to rise to the challenges presented by these new, smart technologies? Big data plays an important role in managing smart cities. Indeed, without big data, there would be no smart city. Perhaps that is why, when the Macao SAR government announced earlier this year a plan to develop Macao into a smart city, it clearly defined the smart city as characterised by data-driven technology and artificial intelligence that is used to improve residents’ quality of life. In this issue, we interview two members of the University of Macau’s (UM) management team, Rector Wei Zhao and Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Lionel Ni, who are both world-renowned experts on big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). They share with us the significance of Macao’s smart city project and suggest what UM can do to produce big data experts to embrace a smart future.
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĵ ᐬ ߞ ԃդ࡚ සኋ࠲ѿ ੲᑂᇯպॊႤਫ਼,ȶขዊࡱҾȷȞSmart Cityȟ的࿄݇ ݺ࿚ ग़IBM。ႍ ᑟᅹԴijııĹՐ෩ҍȶขዊࡱҾȷ࿄݇ , ణՂ֣ ຠӡႤୈф഼ୈॊ ڽث ᔹмࡱҾґକ。ȶขዊȷ 的ನ݇ බ࣏Ⴥྲ Ϙ҃ Ⴄୈ ث ങ的ᕕӡ ڹ Ϡକѽ ـ Ґ ᇟ۶ஜᅗ的ўՑᇒನӠಯ۶Ӡࣿ 的 ߐ ᅗ,഼Ⴥ ྏد เ ᐡභϢ۶ႅ ൯ۖ ԑಧُ ৎ ڎ ၢ的 ڻ ც ڀ 、 ڻ Ѫ ڀ 、 ӹ഼ ڀ 、࢙ᒝ ߏ ۶ઈᇒႽຈӠಯӠࣿ ڀ 的ԧᇌ ߏ ᢜК, ؛ێڹ 的 ߏ ᗑᇨሃТᗑᇨहᗑ,ᅁϠ ྻߤ ሃ ߏ ನ ڀ 的ᑋԪ,փࢢჅૺცၝ۶༳ᇑႻᇖ ߏ ᗑᇨᑋԪ ,ڽ Ҟᅁ。 ᑫࠝ પࣆܹ ሃࠠ ڧ ѐѐ༰ᄥԴ ijıljĸ Ր Ĺ ѡᜪ၌ϞȮᅹ ࢙ขዊࡱҾᐼರԪ֯ੰ ࣛ៉ ȯ,ऎᑫࠝ ࢙നขዊࡱҾ Ꮌҍদঋ步。യȶᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾਣўԨфຉರु ٿ ȷ的 ށ ᓴి ఱࢽҍ,ขዊࡱҾЏऎࡱҾфಯ ਣ的দঋታா,ग़、֘ Ѱ、џӎ、শสຈԳ૾૾ు ஜᄑ,փԴаԳȶϩϟУȷഢᄑК,գ Ĵijı ԺৎࡱҾ ుஜ࢙നขዊࡱҾ。ంည ࡈ ԑಧࡱҾਣ的ഢᄑ ڽ ऻ, ਣขዊࡱҾЏ၃࣏Ђཕ ݙ ᘌ。 ʼnŰŸġŅŰŦŴġŎŢŤŢŰġńųŦŢŵŦġŢġ ŔŮŢųŵġńŪŵźŀ According to Wikipedia, the ‘smart city’ concept originated with IBM. In 2008, the company proposed the concept of a ‘smart city’ when discussing how to make good use of information and communications technologies to improve various city functions. !e idea behind the ‘smart city’ is that through the application of new generation information technology, authorities will be able to manage manufacturing processes and other facets of everyday life in a more precise and dynamic manner. By embedding sensors into various physical objects scattered around the world, such as power supply systems, water supply systems, transport systems, oil and gas pipelines, and buildings, we can create an IoT connected to the internet. With the support of super computers and cloud computing, we can then realise a seamless fusion between the actual physical world and the virtual cyber world. In August 2017, in an important "rst step towards creating a smart city, the Macao SAR government signed a framework agreement with Alibaba Group on strategic collaboration in this area. Prof Lionel Ni, who is in charge of strategy research for Macao’s smart city development, points out that ‘smart cities’ have become a focus of intense interest in urban and industrial development, and many cities in the United States, Spain, Japan, and China have already launched plans to develop smart cities. According to the 12th Five-Year Plan released by the Chinese government, over 320 cities in mainland China have started the process of transitioning to smart city status. Indeed, smart city development appears to have become an inexorable global trend. 澳門䯁கᔰ䁣Ჰឝคᐸ的新ㇽㄖ Macao is taking the first steps towards building a smart city 副ṗ長δ學㺉ε٠᱄䚮教授 Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) Prof Lionel Ni
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĵ ᑫࠝ ঋՂ֣ ࢙നขዊࡱҾȉ ށ ᓴి ఱ࢙៉ ՂϭȈȶข ዊࡱҾ的࢙ന࣊ቮঋӲ ږ ᑫࠝ પ֒ 、་֖ ؈ ᣍᅹࢥ,ϫ ঋॎਣಬᔚ,ࣆຉ、ನᎢ、ᅁᎹ۶ಯहТര഼, ᅹ࢙ ۍ գԑாᣍ的ขዊࡱҾӠᅗ ڀ 。ሃЏ༟ਣขዊࡱ Ҿ࢙ന的ਛ ݕ ԳѧႵ,ᑫࠝ ݺ َ ༥ࣱ 。ᑫࠝ ঋ ਣขዊࡱҾ,൵ࢧ ؼݺ ຠ的யᛟ,࣏ঋഢᄑขዊࡱҾ 的ࣛᅹನ݇ ,ۘ ܠ ᔹԐਣўԨфຉರ,ణᇒನᢜۘ 、 Ⴛ֖ ᑟۘ 、 ޱ ࢠ ޱ ഢф ث ങ൹ྲ 的ᅁᎹ ݑ ۶Ҟ֖ 。ݑ ȷ ੲᑂขዊࡱҾবᗜ的Ժᇯ 、ڎ Ժໞֿ ዾ、Ժኸըж ޘ 的પᙇ, ށ ᓴి ఱ࢙៉ ᑫࠝ પࣆܹ Դ࢙നขዊࡱ Ҿ的ഢᄑК,ళӡϘഢፑ、 ث ങᓉϢ的ўՑ,ѽࡱҾ ਣऎѹ።,ኸനऎࢽᐱ, ث ങࣛᅹऎњዣ,ขዊ ᕕӡऎપወ,ణᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾኸനў੯,ുَ ਣ ༟ࡱҾ൹ྲ ᅁᎹ,գؔ ᅁขዊಯକၢԳ。 ށ ᓴి ఱሲȈȶᑫࠝ ࢙നขዊࡱҾ的ణК,ቮঋަ দࡱҾ࢙നࡡᎳሃࡱҾ၃ᕻੜૈ हຕԪ,ง༵ ӫ൹ྲ ሃࠜ งҞࢺ᠈ਣहຕԪ,ԺЮಯਣሃТᗑᇨĬ हຕԪ,ࣆܹ єᐱٙ ຉሃгಿ ணሃᆾရहຕԪ,ϯփ ϭӫዾєᐱሃϭփϯயᛟєᐱहຕԪ,ంഢᄑന、 ನႻᖉ、ᆾရਣϬৎኸըፁӲȮኸനȯ,ᅁ ȶ ث ങᓉԪ、சᓉԪ、ዴᑂᓉԪȷ的ԑব෩п。ġ How does Macao become a smart city? Prof Ni offers the following suggestions: ‘We should build a smart city with distinctive local characteristics. We need to adopt a holistic approach in planning and overcome the bottlenecks in development. We also need to integrate policies, theories, practice, and industrial development in order to create an integrated ecosystem for a smart city. In this area, Macao is still in its infancy compared to countries and regions that have already started the process. The most urgent tasks for the government now include developing a theoretical framework, identifying the priorities and strategies, and studying the practicality and feasibility of administrative systems, operational systems, laws and regulations, as well as technological innovations.’ The process of designing a smart city is usually approached from multiple angles, measured against multiple standards, and analysed at multiple scales. For this reason, Prof Ni suggests that the Macao SAR government should employ uniform standards and integrate technologies in the planning process. Ni believes the effort should focus on city development, and be guided by top-level design, supported by a technological framework, and featuring applications of smart products, in order to gradually carry out innovative projects and ensure that smart products and capabilities can be delivered in an orderly fashion. ‘In the process of building a smart city, Macao needs to strike a balance between five pairs of seemingly contradictory priorities, namely the quality of city development versus economic benefits, short-term project innovation versus long-term sustainable development, economic diversification versus Internet Plus, decision-making by the government versus participation and supervision by the public, as well as the top-down goal-based approach versus the bottom-up problem-based approach,’ he says. ‘Top-level design should be done on three levels: planning, operation, and monitoring, in order to achieve better integration in technology, business, and data.’ 澳大㠪࣑ฯ佀ᗔᇯ䶘ቃ社會䕿ශ、у⮅᥇ᡦ的㼽ਾශ人ᢃ。 UM is committed to producing interdisciplinary graduates who can rise up to the challenges of a constantly changing world
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ķ ᑫࠝ ขዊࡱҾ的࢙ന ࠧڭ ϘџНґ,փ࣏Ϙৎࠜ ง的、 ڀ 的Ⴥ。 ށ ᓴి ఱሲȈȶขዊࡱҾ的࢙നઘфዃ ታா۶Ժ༵ ,ቮঋЂ༓的гԒ֖ ࣆ、၃ᕻ、 ޱ ࢠ、 ॊ ث ຈўব的ϠЖ,પ־࣏ ۍ գᇢԪᎳ的Ѫ ൹ྲ ϠЖ。ԴഺৎჅК,ᑫЂ୵ϞЙᙝణ ث ങ的൹ྲ Ⴎਸ਼,ಎ࢘୨Ԫࣆܹ 的ӏ ڽ ࣉࣆўԨ,ऎࡱҾഢᄑф ᇒನ෩ ٙڻ ຉњ෯Нҳ, ـ ϧѽి ᐯ、ु ٿ ۶ᅁᎹ ڭ দ的ਣႮਸ਼,ҐႤ࿚ᑋԪ,ѽȺұ֜ ϘᢜȻ的ి ᐯ ጀՑऎᑫࠝ ை ڈ ᎳϠЖ。ȷ ᑫЂ֯ ऎᑫࠝ 的гӲЂᐯ,գയԇைᏳయஜ۶єታᑫࠝ ྻߤ ਣ的ϠЖ,趙偉教授 ࠑ ӯЂᐯЏգЂዴᑂϠЖை Ᏻᄑ,ȶЂᐯӒഢᄑӲЂዴᑂ,দைᏳ ۍ գ Ђዴᑂࢥᇯ۶൹ྲ କϧ的᎑ԪϠЖ。Ђዴᑂ༵ ӫ ຕԪನᎢ ߢ ᝊ۶ᅁᎹ,ᅁԺЮᐯॊӹϽ,࣊ᢰ ЙԢᐯॊ०的ᐯӠ ۍ ൯ᅁኵዃ的ನᎢᚂ,Ԣަ দຕԪ ྻߤ ቮِ ,ᒕ࿂෩пԢᐯেЂዴᑂ的ࢶధ、ж ޘ ۶ᇒನକϧ。 ࡈ งўԨ༰К ݺ Ȉࠛ ᓉЂዴᑂ、உ ௵Ђዴᑂ、ࡱҾЂዴᑂ、ዴᑂᏳѽфዴᑂᘳ 。ޱټ ȷ ȶЫ࣏ေ ߏ Тᗑ的҃ ,ᑫࠝ ࢙നขዊࡱҾ࣏ϘৎЙ ҞᓾჅ的ᑟྻ 。ȷቀஈి ఱᎠሲȈȶ࢙നขዊࡱҾ, ᛓЙ༟ዴᑂॊᐯ,ዴᑂЍ,ѽфዴᑂ ,ݽ ०ࢢ ـ দ ঋ࣏ঋգขዊሃϠЖ的୨Ԫ。Ϙৎਛ ݕ ࡱҾ࣏କႬ ϯЂዴᑂ的҃ ,൵দঋ࣏ۤٙ ݺ ᅆϠЖ的ைᏳ۶ כ є ϧ。ขዊࡱҾ۶ขዊಯࡡঋᏫዴᑂᠭஜ,փዴᑂᠭஜ༷ ᏫഹԆሃТᗑᇨ၃ᕻ་֖ ,ӫ ࡈ ѵधԧԳൌ૿ഺϠ Ж。ȷ ŕŢŭŦůŵŦťġőŦŰűŭŦġłųŦġŊůťŪŴűŦůŴŢţŭŦġ ŪůġńųŦŢŵŪůŨġŢġŔŮŢųŵġńŪŵź Smart cities cannot be created overnight. Rather, it is a long, systematic process. Prof Ni puts it this way: ‘Building a smart city requires expertise in di#erent areas and a lot of professionals in public administration, economy, law, and science and technology, especially high-calibre, interdisciplinary, innovative professionals. In the process, UM needs to constantly explore new ways for technological innovation, align with the future direction of government policy, and provide support for decision-making in city planning and management. Aside from that, UM must also place an equal emphasis on teaching, research, and practice, enhance resource integration, and produce high-quality professionals for Macao through the “4-in-1” model of education.’ As a public university in Macao, UM shoulders the responsibility of producing graduates who can advance Macao’s development. Prof Zhao discloses that UM has already formulated a plan for nurturing big data experts. ‘!e university plans to create a programme in big data, with the aim of producing interdisciplinary graduates with big data thinking and creativity,’ he says. ‘!e programme will combine theoretical knowledge and practice in the classroom and will cover di#erent disciplines. We hope that students of this programme, regardless of their academic background, will have a solid grasp of theoretical knowledge and improved skills in data mining, analysis and management, as these skills are in high demand in today’s world. !e early part of the programme will focus on big data for "nance, health, and cities, as well as data literacy and data privacy law.’ 澳大䀾ࢹ䯁䗜大ᮮᬐ䃨ぁ UM plans to create a programme in big data 䏏 ٿ ṗ長 Rector Wei Zhao සኋ࠲ѿᚔϚ Ρϗ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ķ ‘We are living in a time where everything is connected to everything else, and creating a smart city is an opportunity Macao cannot a#ord to miss,’ says Prof Wei Zhao. ‘But this goal cannot be achieved without the data industry, data trading, and more importantly, talented people. Whether a country or a city can keep pace with the challenges in an age of big data depends, above all else, on whether it can nurture and attract talented people. Smart cities and smart products are driven by data technology, which in turn relies on so$ware and internet economy. !e shortage of professionals in these "elds is a universal problem faced by countries around the world. ’ Prof Wei Zhao has repeatedly stressed that a university should not become a glori"ed vocational school, whose goal is merely to prepare students for the job market. A university, he believes, should help students acquire not only hard skills in the form of professional knowledge, but also so$ skills pertaining to personal qualities and values, such as leadership, teamwork, communication skills, a sense of responsibility, and a commitment to lifelong learning, to ensure that students can rise up to any challenges they might encounter a$er graduation. ‘A$er the "rst industrial revolution, machinery replaced manual labour. For example, the invention of cars allowed people to move faster and farther, ’ he says. ‘Now we are entering a new industrial revolution, characterised by arti"cial intelligence, big data, and the internet. What this means is that machinery is about to replace (at least part of) intellectual labour. !is new industrial revolution will bring young people both enormous opportunities and enormous challenges. ’ ‘Almost every industry will be reshu%ed, ’ he adds. ‘Many industries will disappear or be restructured, or new industries might appear. !is makes it more important for young people to develop competitive personal qualities, including leadership and critical thinking. Only when they possess these real skills will they be able to emerge victorious from the new industrial revolution.’ ቀஈి ఱϘ ߡ ᎠЂᐯЙᕕႍ ࣏ᚎඏ的ᚚፚ ,ݙ ѽைᏳᐯӠ ر Ѝ֯ ऎӫዾ,ҁᎠሲȈȶЂ ᐯᕕႍ ைᏳᐯӠЙ ۍ ൯ ߢ ᝊ的ᅁϧ,ᘘ ঋ ۍ ൯Ғࣁታᐱକϧ、ᄥ༤Ԫ֯ ᇟૠ、഼ ث Ҽ、യԇྏ 、ೣ ڗ ᐯ೫ຈ ݙ գᝯѼৎϠᏳሃኊৃ ᣍ的ഹᅁϧ, ڹ ᐯӠಲࢢԴবᅆԇ֣ ࣄᐼ的 ൌକంਟবᅆ。ϠϘըЍভ ۻ ࢢ,ുَ ӡᑟᐡฆ҃ ᢜϧൻஜ,៊ Ղ٠ ژ 的ҍ,ᢰϠ Ҟѽ ـ ఀڕ ቈ、 。أـ Դҍྲ ϘᏇ的ಯ ভ ڭ,ۻ ѽϠЍขକ、Ђዴᑂ۶Тᗑᇨऎዾራ。 ഺྍۧ ا েঋӡᑟᐡฆ҃ ϠȞьϘൊжȟ 的ขϧൻஜ。ഺඞྲ 的ಯভ ۻ ຜ ا েՐቅϘ҃ ௲ ڽ ࿂ЂᑟჃ的Ԣϵ௲ ڽ ࿂Ђ的ࣄᐼ。වѼ ᑋৎಯधদྲࣾ ๕,ധԺಯྻ ઐҵ、দೡ, ߰ݕ ҍྲ 的ಯ,ՐቅϘ҃ ـ ঋަ দৎϠᎳ 的ைᏳ,Ғࣁታᐱϧ、 ֿز ϧຈࢥᇯ的ፚ,Ҫ գ ۍ ൯ഺ ڱ ૌӒ的ᅁϧ,ЖକԴྲ 的ಯᢏভК պᐼպർ。ȷޭ ۏ ⵕ↙的ሜ࣑,年䕋人ᢃ㜳在新的⭘ᾣ䇀䶟中ⲴᡦⲴओ。 Only when young people possess real skills will they be able to emerge victorious from the new industrial revolution
ࡌ ७࢈ ٱ ńŐŗņœġŔŕŐœŚ ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĸ ņŴŵŢţŭŪŴũŪůŨġŵũŦġŕũŪųťġŔŵŢŵŦġ ŌŦźġōŢţŰųŢŵŰųźġ Currently, UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory, which will specialise in IoT and big data. ‘Data are an important resource and asset of a country in political, economic, social, and cultural arenas,’ says Wei Zhao. ‘!ey also form the basis for scienti"c research. IoT is an e#ective way to collect multi-source data in city construction and management. Big data from multiple sources can serve as the basis for scienti"c decisionmaking by city planners and managers as well as other stakeholders. !erefore, creating a state key lab in this area is of great signi"cance. ’ 澳大ሽ䁣ㅢп ف 國ᇬ䠃唔ሜ傍室,ฯ佀大ᮮᬐ人ᢃ。 UM is preparing for the establishment of a third state key laboratory, which will focus on big data and the Internet of Things. ࡚ ೩ড়१ᘈ ᄂᡛ ࡉ ᑫЂӒឯ൯Ϭৎਛদᙇᅁᢚ࢈,փѷӒӒ ࣏ु ٿ ԑಧᝯަ 的 ߏ ᗑᇨ۶Ђዴᑂ,ቀஈి ఱሲȈ ȶዴᑂ࣏ਛࣆ၃ᕻሃ ྻߤ ћмӠࣿ ታாদঋ 的ᚂ ݑ Ⴄ࿚۶න,Ӻ࣏་֖ ԧ༵ ॊᐯु ٿ 的 ᚂ。 ߏ ᗑᇨ ࡋ ࣏ࡱҾ࢙ന۶ᇒನК,Ժ࿚ዴᑂ的 գੜళ༰ўՑНϘ。Ժ࿚ዴᑂᒕೢ փ的Ђዴᑂ, ऎࡱҾ的ഢᄑ߰ 、ᇒನ߰ 、ٙ ຉ߰ 、ࢺԊ߰ ෩ ڻ ॊᐯٙ ຉ的দঋᚂ。ԯթ,ਛᅁᢚ࢈的࢙ നྍ ၍দЂ。ȷ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ Ĺ 䏏 ٿ 教授是國䳑⸛的䀾㇍ₕ科學ᇬ,䴱ᆆ㠽䴱≙ᐛぁᑡঊ會ȞIEEEȟ會༡,在࠼ ᮙᕅ䀾㇍、ᱸᬃ֒ 系㎧、䀾㇍㏨路ૂ 䋽䁀㠽㏨路ᆿ ޞ ㅿ研究乎ต֒ 出Ҽシ出䋘⦱。 ᴴ ݾ ᗂᬊ任㍆㌺ᐔ١ᯥई⨼ᐛ學院⨼學院院長、㗄國國ᇬ科學ะ䠇會䀾㇍ₕ㠽㏨㎗ 系㎧࠼䜞主任及㗄國ᗭ ށ 㯟ᯥ䗨ᐛ大學主㇗科研ᐛ֒ 的䋽ঊ⨼副ṗ長。Ԍᡶ乎導 的科研ൎ䳀⦨ᗍҼཐ主榮䆳,ऻᤢ IEEE࠼վᕅ䀾㇍系㎧國䳑會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄、IEEE 㗄國國ᇬ㡠グ㡠འ㠽䴱ᆆ會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄、IEEE國䳑䙐ؗ 會䆦最֩ 䄌文⦄ԛ及㗄國 國䱨儎㍐研究主ⴤቶ么發的ᢶ㺉䕿〱⦄ㅿ。2011 年⦨中國科ᢶ䜞ည任⛰國ᇬ 䀾 ࢹ物㚥㏨主ⴤ的俌ᑣ科學ᇬ。 ٠᱄䚮教授是國䳑⸛的䀾㇍ₕ科學ᇬ。᯲ 1 0 年⦨ᗍ㗄國Ფ大學䴱ₕᐛぁঐ ༡學փ。長期ᗔӁᲤ䚟䀾㇍、〱動䀾㇍、大ᮮᬐ、❗㐐۩㏨㎗、儎ᙝ㜳儊系㎆ 、ќ行䀾㇍、࠼վᕅ䀾㇍、儎䙕㏨㎗ㅿ研究,ᐨ導ᇂᡆ6 ف ঐ༡⭕。ᗔ1 㠩2001年,Ԍ在㗄國ࢫҼCC&Tᢶ㺉 ޢ ਮќᬊ任อ行長,Ԍ乎導的ൎ䳀䁣䀾Ҽ ж系 ࡍ ㏨㎗䴱䂧ᴿ䰒的⭘。ġ٠教授ᗔ 2002 年ഔࡦӔ⍨ᗂ,ġゃᾫ৹㠽 ޝ ൦的學㺉 ⍱動。Ԍ在 1 年⭧᯲在ќ行ૂ ࠼վᕅ系㎧乎ต的䋘⦱㻡䂋䚮⛰IEEE Fellow,在 200 年㻡䂋䚮⛰俏⑥ᐛぁ科學院院༡。ᴴᬊ任䚄ཐ ف 國䳑ж㍐期刊㐞ည及 0 ཐ ف 國䳑會䆦的大會主ᑣ。2006 年⦨中國科ᢶ䜞ည任⛰國ᇬ 䀾ࢹȶ❗㐐۩㏨㎗的 ะ⽄⨼䄌及䰒䦫ᢶ㺉研究主ⴤȷ俌ᑣ科學ᇬ。 Prof Wei Zhao is a world-renowned computer scientist and a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), with significant contributions in distributed computing, real-time systems, computer networks, and cyberspace security. He was the dean of the School of Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the United States, the director of the Division of Computer and Network Systems in the US National Science Foundation, and the senior associate vice president for research at Texas A&M University. His research team has received numerous awards, including the Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, the Best Paper Award from the IEEE National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, the Best Paper Award from the IEEE International Conference on Communications, and a technology transfer award from the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. In 2011, he was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as the chief scientist for an IoT project under the National 973 Programme. Prof Lionel Ni is a world-renowned computer scientist. He received his PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from Purdue University in the US. His research interests include pervasive computing, mobile computing, big data, wireless sensor networks, high-performance computer architecture, parallel computing, distributed computing, and high-speed networks. Prof Ni has supervised 69 doctoral students to completion. He co-founded CC&T Technologies, Inc in the US in 1998, and served as the CEO of the company from 1998 to 2001. His team has developed a series of products related to internet phone systems. Since returning to Asia in 2002, Prof Ni has been actively involved in academic events in mainland China. In 1994, he was elected fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to parallel processing and distributed systems. In 2008, he was elected fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. He has served on the editorial boards of numerous top-tier international journals and has served as the chair or co-chair of more than 30 international conferences.In 2006, he was appointed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China as the chief scientist for a project on the basic theories and key technologies in wireless sensor networks, under the national 973 programme. 䏏 ٿ ṗ長 Rector Wei Zhao 副ṗ長δ學㺉ε٠᱄䚮教授 Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof Lionel Ni
文 TextƎ ᶄᐝ䴨、ṗൈ䁎㘻䰒䂖瑜 Albee Lei,UM Reporter Christy Kuan ൌ PhotoƎ ᶦᒩ、張愛華、䜞࠼⭧䁠㘻ᨆ ב Jack Ho,Ella Cheong,with some provided by the interviewee Tũe ňovernment EncouraŨes OverseasĮeducated œesidents to œeturn ŖŎ Ńecomes tũe First Cũoice ŧor œeturninŨ EŹűatriates ࢇ ۺ ჂᓾѴΡϗӱᐬ ᐬσԙ࣏Ᏸ者ӱࢺॶᒵ 科ᢶ學院副教授㧡᰽㩃 Greta Mok, associate professor from the Faculty of Science and Technology.ं ـ ՌҥȂ پߔ ᙴԝ ᔹ ٽ ϠЖऻদକ ـ ՀԳ෭ ڗ ጕϧ,փਣ ߩ ༡、 ൹ྲ 的౧Ԇ۶ᖖᄩබ࣏ᕒׄ ҁে෭的ᝯᘣ。ॊ ث ᐯ୰ ి ఱം ຶކ ሲȈȶ ڽ ࣏Ӓፁ的ᓴᑄ。ȷ œŦŴŦŢųŤũġŇųŦŦťŰŮġŃŦŢųŴġŇųŶŪŵ !e best people want to go where they can achieve their full potential. So career prospects and an environment conducive to innovation are their key considerations. UM obviously meets these two criteria for Greta Mok, associate professor from the university’s Faculty of Science and Technology. She says, ‘I made the right decision to come back.’ Mok developed a strong interest in medical imaging at a young age. A"er graduating from college in Taiwan, she skipped master’s studies and was admitted directly to a doctoral programme at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. Five and a half years later, bored by life in the US, she went to Hong Kong to explore career opportunities. But a"er staying in Hong Kong for some time, she realised that she had very limited career options there, so she began to look elsewhere. It was then that UM appeared on her radar. ⎭ཌ人ᢃഔ⍷,ਥ⛰ж ف ൦ॶᑬּ 新的動࣑,ᗔ㙂ᨆॽㄬ⡣࣑。ഖ↚,澳門⢯ॶ政ᓒ䘇年㍑㍑᧞出᧠᯳᭥ᤷૂ 啉फ人ᢃഔ⍷, 㙂澳門大學ҕ⛰ᵢ൦的學㺉教研人ଗᨆ ב Ҽ䁧ཐ發展ૂ ᱿ॽ的ₕ會,੮ᕋ在ཌ國ᢉᤲ 的人ᢃഔ澳,ќࡦ澳大ቁ≸Ӂᾣ新儎ᓜ。 Encouraging overseas-educated, talented citizens to return and serve their home city can provide a fresh impetus for the city’s development and increase its competitiveness. The Macao SAR government has launched various incentives in recent years to achieve this very purpose. In an effort to support the government policy, the University of Macau (UM) tries to lure overseas-educated Macao residents by offering attractive working conditions and career advancement opportunities. As a result, many overseas-educated scholars have joined UM, hoping to advance their careers. ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ĺ டᚠଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljı 㧡᰽㩃㠽ൎ䳀的研究⦨п ف ь⮂㍐⦄主 Greta Mok and her research team have won three international awards Րቅᅆᛁᐯᄊգᑧ ࡓ ᒸᎷ的Ձ,Դҭᣉᡝ؆Ђᐯࢢ ႯჅᇇЀۖ ग़ॗ ᒰᔒࠛ Ђᐯ ؽߡ ൾЀ,УՐҗࢢ գྏ ݺ ҳӠࣿ Ⴕѻۧ ,ᑫࠝ ϫٟ գहᝯЍ֯ ᚼۖ শ ส。Ӥ ݺ শส的Ѝ֯ ਣ ߩ ༡գন,Ձ༟ ܕ ඵِ ێ ҁᑟྻ , د ӫԍ ۖظ ਣ ߩ ༡ ـ Ժ的ᑫЂ。 ԴᑫЂЍ֯ ϛՐ,ംి ఱఀۖ Ђᐯࠫ ԇ۶њࢺ,ᢰՁ་֖ྲ 的ु 。ٿ ంწ༟ ׅܕ ϧԺՐ,ЫՐ࣏ᚳ՜的ϘՐ, Ձ ݙ ௲ታ的ᄥ༤ЫՐᖔఀ Ϭৎѵधૺጨ༵ Ȉ ࣷڲ ੮ᛁᐯ ᐯങϘຈጨ、ग़੮ᛁՐྻ 的ቫ൵ ڸ Ꭲћጨሃࠦ Րु ٿ ਛጨȞცၝሃኇᐡ־ȟϬԩ, ێ Кࠦ Րु ٿ ਛጨ ࣏ЂКົ Գըգॊु ༤ԁԴթ־Ϣඛ ڭ ᖔĂ 獎,Ԣ ࣏ӫ ࣷڲࡈ ԳԴթ־的൵ ڸ ᖻ。ം ࠑ ຶކ ӯ, କ҃ ࠑ ਛ۶ᑫࠝ ᖔጨྍ ၍দЂ,ഺ࣏Ձु ٿ Ӡ౾的 Ϙৎ ڧ ါ,ٟ֭ գࣆܹ 、ᑫЂ۶ᐯӠ的њࢺЙҞକஇۖ Ȉȶକۤఀ ,ލ ঋգՀ的ᅹྐ 、Հ的ᐯӠ、Հ的 ցਰ,ᄥ༤ঋ౻྾ѵधည ࡈ ൵ྲ 的யᛟ,ϵঋఀۖ Ժў 的њࢺ。ᑫࠝ ԳўЈ,ᄥ༤༡ᛓႵ ,ࠕ ЙԢൊࠝ ҞТ हԪ֯ 。ȷ ԴஇՀु ٿ ۶ి ᐯ的Ԣ,ംి ఱᘘӲϞᑫࠝ ੮ᛁሃ жЄᄊᐯྻ ,యஜᑫࠝ 的੮Єᛁᐯ۶ᗜؖ ਣ,ౕؓ କൄ ᇊᑫࠝ ,Ղዾჯ੮ᖚᅆԺᇌ১۶ᚼೊᖛાգ ᢖᖚੜ,Ͼ ݸއ ਡ ݑ ဧ࣏ᖚӥ ߐ ၜᖛ的 ێ КϘᇌ൵ ڸ ў ,ޱ ՁӒׅ ϧయஜᑫࠝ єϢ。ӏ ڽ ϘՐ,Ձ௲ ᐯӠۖ ൫षՍӲЂᐯᛁᐯ୰இु ,ٿ ෩пु ٿ Ѫ۶ ቫൎ,ԓϘը ث ྲد ങ௲ 。ڽ ംి ఱሮऎ,ਛਲԯ࣏ઔҳϠЖᙩӎϿ的൵Ђஜϧȇ ێ ըබ࣏ ྻߤ 的་َ ,ഺ࣏ כ ૼϠЖ的൵ ڸ ў ֖,ޱ ԺЮмЖᢰϠЖգᅆϾ的Ѝ֯ ۶֜ ၉,࢙៉ ࣆܹ య֖ ֬ аԳ的ȶϼϠᄑȷ,ѽዃૼᎰକ、ൄ ᇊ 。 ྻߤ Prof Mok has been working at UM for seven years. She appreciates the trust and support she receives from the university, which has enabled her to constantly explore new frontiers in her research. !is year, her hard work came to fruition. Her research team received three international awards, including a #rst prize at the Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum, as well as an International Best Abstract Award and a third prize of the Computer and Instrumentation Council (CalC) Young Investigator Award at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. !ey were the #rst team from the Greater China region to be shortlisted for and receive the Young Investigator Award. It represents the best result Asia has ever achieved in this categotry. Prof Mok says that receiving these awards for China and Macao is of great signi#cance and marks a milestone in her career. She adds that none of this would have been possible without the support of the government, UM, and students. ‘To produce good results, we need to have good ideas, good students, and good teachers,’ says Mok. ‘!e team must have a clear idea about the new issues in the world that need to be addressed. !ey must also garner support from various parties. Macao is a small city. Di$erent teams are geographically close, which makes inter-departmental collaboration easier.’ Besides being an educator and researcher, Prof Mok is also the founder of the Macao Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, which is dedicated to promoting the development of nuclear medicine and its clinical applications in Macao. Prof Mok hopes that the research #ndings from the society will bene#t Macao residents. For example, targeted radionuclide therapy has noticeable e$ects on various primary and secondary cancers. Radioactive iodine therapy is one of the best ways to treat thyroid cancer. She is now working towards the introduction of this therapy in Macao. Next year, Prof Mok and her students will conduct research at the Medical School of the University of Massachusetts. She expects the experience to improve her team’s research capability, and help them develop a global mindset and bring back new technologies.
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljlj டᚠଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ Еӑ໌ఀ ى Ȃ ى ӻϯΡϗ ઔҳϠЖࣹ Ҟ௲ ڽ ЙԢൎ۶ྲ ث ങ,࠳་ ྻߤ Դԑ ಧмϭЙᙝ 。་ࡈ ԍഎ੩୰୰ࠜ ኒጛ ތ ሲȈȶை ᏳϠЖ,Ӥ੩୰இ。ȷ ᑟ፡ҼԪ,Դग़ Ĵı ԺՐ的ኒ୰ࠜ ணҐᑫࠝ પࣆܹ Ϡ Жਣ৶ྻ 的ӹࣹࣿ ஜണயᑫЂ, ڭ ᖔᘛԇണயᐯ߰ Ȉ ȶ ا Դ੩୰֝ Ϟ ی ৎ࣐ง,ሃᐯӠணҐࣿ ஜ۶ӹࣹ ,ᅆ ੩୰ᢜ ڀ գ ـ ಎϘَ ሮᝊ,ౕؓ କ د Ў的၃ᢚ௲ 。ڽ ȷ ᅆ ߏ ನգᑧ ࡓ ᒸᎷ的ኒ୰ࠜ ,Ђᐯಲࢢᐴҍ֒ 的 ᖻфᅁϧґ་Ϣग़൫षನЍᐯ୰ಎൄ ,ฅԴग़ ਛଝ ߩ ᅱщ ߩ ᗁ၌ȞNASAȟु ߏٿ ನ,фࢢԴϯҾॊ ث ႤୈгҦᑉԇᇒನኸԺՐ。ኒ୰ࠜ ࠑ ӯȋȶۖ ग़ ᐯѹঋሃᒸᎷգᝯ,ԯऎညᑫࠝ 的Ђᐯٟ գԪᏋ的ನ ॊᓴᑄ,փѷᑫࠝ Ӻٟ գहᝯЍᇌҞஇ,ԯթٙ ۖܠ ग़ਣ。ȷ ᑫЂᅁ֖ ᐯ୰ф੩୰ , ֖ڭ ኒ୰ࠜ ሮऎᑫЂ的੩୰ ڀ ࣏ைᏳྲ Ϙ҃ ϠЖ的ࣛᅹ,ᢰᐯӠ՝ᙇతៈ੩୰ۘ ࢘, ـ କᕒׄ ҁেԺЮਣ,ഺ࣏ኒి ఱᑫЍ֯ 的১ԯ ᴯ ݿ ᖠᴮ院院長ࢿ▚ᶧ Lau Yun Tung, master of Chao Kuang Piu College. Prof Mok believes that family-related factors are the greatest magnet that attracts overseas-educated locals, followed by societal progress. And the combination of both is the best way to attract the best people. She suggests that the Macao government should diversify the city’s economy and implement a programme that is similar to the 1,000-Expert Programme in mainland China, so as to create more job opportunities that match the expertise of overseas-educated people. Introducing overseas-educated people can bring di$erent perspectives and new technologies, which will in turn promote social progress amid the trend of globalisation. As Lau Yun Tung, master of UM’s Chao Kuang Piu College, puts it, ‘Talent development starts with the residential colleges.’ A"er working in the US for more than 30 years, Lau visited UM through an exchange activity organised by the Talent Development Committee of the Macao SAR government. During the visit, he was invited to serve as a visiting scholar at UM. ‘I lived in one of the residential colleges for two weeks, and joined the students in various activities, which helped me gain a deeper understanding of the residential college system. I hope to apply my past experience to my current job,’ he says. Passionate about physics, Lau was admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology a"er graduation from college. He was a physics researcher at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States. He has also worked in a management position at a listed IT company for many years. He says, ‘My decision to go to the US for further studies was driven by interest. At the time the science majors o$ered by universities in Macao didn’t interest me, and career options that matched my interest were also nonexistent, so I decided to go to the US. ’ ŊůŵųŰťŶŤŪůŨġłťŷŢůŤŦťġņťŶŤŢŵŪŰů ŵŰġőųŰťŶŤŦġŘŦŭŭĮųŰŶůťŦťġŔŵŶťŦůŵŴ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljij ࢿ▚ᶧ在㗄國哱ⴷ⨼ᐛ學院ᇂᡆ物⨼ঐ༡學փ Lau Yun Tung holds a PhD degree in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States Social progress and economic diversi#cation are key to attracting overseas-educated people. Miranda Mak, assistant professor from the Faculty of Education, says, ‘What’s attractive about Macao is that the policies and regulations in Macao are people-oriented, and they are adjusted according to speci#c circumstances.’ łġœŢųŦġŐűűŰųŵŶůŪŵźġŵŰġ őŶųŴŶŦġŢġŕŦŢŤũŪůŨġńŢųŦŦų UM implements an academic faculty system and a residential college system. Prof Lau believes that the RC system at UM provides a framework for training the next generation, and that exposing students to the RC system as early as possible can help them achieve well-rounded development. !is is one of the reasons why Prof Lau decided to return to Macao. ‘I hope that the RC system can help students from di$erent faculties and departments to develop so" skills and creative thinking,’ he says. ‘For example, we can encourage students to work in teams to develop feasible mobile phone applications for tourism and catering industries in Macao.’ He also stresses that students should select courses based on their interests, become self-driven learners, constantly learn new knowledge, and develop skills in various areas. He hopes that the RC system can help local students gradually achieve these goals and provide students with internship opportunities outside of Macao to help them learn more about the outside world and plan their future, so they can contribute to the diversi#cation of Macao’s economy. Prof Lau thinks that the Macao SAR government should try attracting the best people in di$erent age groups through di$erent policies. ‘Young people who have just started their careers will #rst consider whether there are career opportunities in Macao that match their expertise, so the government can consider providing some preferential policies and support in this respect,’ he says. ‘People who are approaching retirement age, on the other hand, tend to have an established career with rich managerial experience, and they may not want to continue doing the same job, so the government can consider developing relevant policies to allow senior citizens to participate in administrative duties. ’ᜲ ுᐠႄఀ ى ҡి ֖་࠳, َ་ ྻߤ ԺЮм,࣏ כ єϠЖࣹ 的 দঋԯ。ి ڈ ᐯ୰ׄ ನి ఱ൪ຘሲȈȶᑫࠝ 的 כ єН,Դ ݺ ᑫࠝ య֖ ࣆຉഢ ࡋ ѧႵϠ ݑ м,ྻ ԯᕕఐቮঋփஇৎ־Ꭰᑋ。ȷ НϘ。ȶ ౕؓا Ⴥ੩୰ைᏳЙԢᐯ ڀ ᐯӠ的ഹᅁ ϧѽф൹ྲ ನ݇ 的ྐ ڼ,ޱ ՂᢰᐯӠೡᄥ༤ԒԢ Ԫ֯ ,ҝᅹࢥҞ֖ 的јᑟՑᕕӡԴᅁቫӠࣿ Ղᑫࠝ Ⴜ、ᔠ༼ຈ֖ 的 ڹ ӡ。ȷҩҳ,ҁϵᎠ ᐯӠᓴॊঋంᒸᎷҍ,ᐯӠঋԺைᏳᐯକϧ, Йᙝᐯ೫ྲ ,ߏڰ ைᏳԺўব的 ث କ,ౕؓ ੩୰ۘ ࢘କᢰӎԳᐯӠു ᆙႿഺৎӫዾ。Ђᐯ࣏ை ᏳϠЖ的Գ,ԯթኒి ఱӺྐ Ⴥ੩୰ᢰᐯӠ գᑟྻۖ ᑫࠝ ѽҳ的Գўᅁ೫,Ժऻҳব的ѵध фഢᄑӏ ڽ 的ϠӠ ߍ ᄦ,ᕒׄ ᑫࠝ ԺЮмਣ。 ኒ୰ࠜ ᘘሮऎ,ᑫࠝ ࣆܹ ҞჅЙԢў כޱ ૼՐ ቅфՐࠜ 的ᇟॻϠЖ,ȶৣ ༟ਣ ڰ 的ՐቅϘᏅ ൌᔹԐւዋЎ的ࠜ କԴᑫࠝ գ ڰ ਣ ߩ ༡,ࣆܹ ҞѽԴࣙ ڱ ୨ਇўবຜПᔹфᕒׄ ȇ փత ࠕ ଡ଼ԃՐ的Րࠜ ϠЖ഼௱գᜦ ܠ 的 ڰ ф ᇒನўব၃ᢚ,ҁেӏӅւዋា᠈இԢϘ֖ , ԯթࣆܹ ҞѽԴЙԢ֖ ന၉हᝯࣆຉ,ᢰՐࠜ ϠЖணሃ֖ ࣆўব的ᚚയ。ȷ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĴ டᚠଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ ൪ຘి ఱԴग़ᛕѹ࢈аനሃѕನᐯ。ᐯग़ ง༡,൪ి ఱԴែ ࣷڧ ࣋ӣȞSpring#eldȟᡝϞϘՐҗ, ាփᚼۖླྀ Әֹ ᚠՍȞAustin Texasȟា᠈ᐯЀ 。ЂᐯಲࢢԴग़Ϙ༡നгҦᅁ೫ϘՐ,ᢰՁ ـ ౻྾ҝ的ٙ ܠ фӏ ڽ 的ўԨ。ᑫࠝ ం ڰ Кᐯి ਰф ຈి ٿ ुڈ Ѝ֯ ϬՐࢢ,ϫۖ শสКћЂᐯಎൄ ѕನ ᐯᇇЀфి ڈ ѕನᐯൾЀ。ऻۖ ᑫЂᏏۖྲ ੭ཀྵ的ఀ ਣᑟჃ,൪ి ఱ౮Й๘ᓢԳۖ ᑫЂ༟ਣి ڈ Ӡ౾。ġ ᅆ ݺ ԑਛೊӔ ڭ Џ࢙Ӳ ڰ ۶ਛਲ的Ϡ ڽ ሲ,ࣹ ᑫࠝ ઘфщԺԯ。൪ి ఱࢽҍധԺЏԴҳӠࣿ ԺՐ的 ވ уൌះఀ ҳ的ᚂి ڈ ѧสᑫ的हᅆቅ᛫,ഺౕ࣏ؓ ЄЃକ ܧ Դҳ的১ԯНϘȇփѷᑫࠝ ጁኊԋ,ঋ ౢݸ ১գ的 ߏ ᑫদྲ ༟ ҄ܕ Ϡ َࡒ ȇҐϯ ܧ ઔҳщ ϳ,҄ ҁেգྏ ᑫࠝ 的ᑋᢜ୨ਇՂ֝ 、 ӹ഼、ి 、ڈ ᛁᖚ、ᗟࠛ ۶ᇊ׀ሃҳ的हѧҞକՅԴϘ ܠ ਮ。ġġ ൪ి ఱሮऎᑫࠝ ՐቅϠЙྻ પ־ѧҳԳϠቊ֒ ,ȶ ՐቅϠѧႵ的ўবӏӅ࣏ཇ的 ڤ ਇዾ,ҁেϵգ ࢝Ժ൹ྲ 的ྐ 。ޱ ȷԯթ,ࣆܹ ـ ঋȶѽਛऎӎȷ כ є ϠЖᑫ,؆ຠ୨ਇനࣉ、ి ۘڈ ࢘фႋٙ ֝ܧ யᛟ。 教㛨學院ࣟ⨼教授哛㍡ൽ Miranda Mak, assistant professor from the Faculty of Education. Prof Mak majored in interior design and psychology in the United States. During the six years she studied in the US, she spent one and a half years in Spring#eld before transferring to Austin, Texas to resume her undergraduate studies. A"er graduating from college, she worked as an intern for a year at a design company in the US. !at experience helped her gain a clearer idea about her future direction, including whether she should stay in the US or return to Macao. A"er returning to Macao, she worked for three years, #rst as a secondary school teacher, and then as a researcher on higher education, before pursuing further studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where she received a master’s degree in psychology and a PhD degree in educational psychology. Optimistic about the career opportunities at UM with the university’s relocation to the new campus, Mak decided to pursue a teaching career at UM. For those who have migrated to another country with their family, or those who have established careers and started families abroad, there are many factors to consider when deciding whether to return to Macao. Prof Mak points out that many of her friends who have lived overseas for many years feel that basic education is less burdensome overseas than it is in Hong Kong and Macao, and this is one of the reasons why many parents want their children to stay overseas. !e second reason is the skyrocketing housing price in Macao. !e prospect of starting from scratch while giving up a$ordable overseas housing is not very appealing. A third reason is that expatriates who have lived abroad for a long time worry about the gap between Macao and other locales in many areas, including housing, transport, education, medical care, salary, and fringe bene#ts. But Prof Mak believes that young people in Macao do not fade in comparison with their counterparts overseas. ‘Young people these days may not necessarily excel when measured against traditional standards, but they have many creative ideas,’ says Mak. !erefore, she believes it is more important for the government to attract talented people by addressing family-related factors, improving support facilities and the educational system, as well as providing accommodation.
ऎ୨Ԫᑫࠝ પࣆܹ ᄁᔽϠЖᑫ۶ᑫਣ的ࣆຉ,ġ యஜா ݑ фቫ༡的ϠЖைᏳԪ֯ ,ᑫЂ ݺ ijıljĵՐయ ҍȶᑫЂᕼկᐯ߰ ᄑȷ,ᄁᔽԴԩЂ୰੭ᡝຈి ڈ 的ӎᑫ ܧ ӔԴۤఀ ᇇЀ ݕ ൾЀᐯ֜ ࢢҐϢᑫЂ。ႍ ᄑऎงϬՐ,Џգljljԩᐯ߰ ґᖔၑ。ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷ Ҟۖ ҳԳԩЂᐯ ݕ ᑟᅹᑉԇണயᐯ߰ ٿ ुݕ ৶。ġթҳ, ᑫЂ的Ⴄಎి ᐯϠ৶ྻ බՂ֣ ґ࢙Ӳु ༵ٿ ӫ、༟ਣु 、ٿ ٿ ुࠑ 、ލ ѽфՂ֣ ऎి ᐯϠ৶ຈ, ऎՐቅ的ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷ෩ ڻ Ꮛ的࢙៉ ۶ࢽє。഼Ⴥໞ ੮ࢢ,ȶᕼկᐯ߰ ȷգᑟྻ Ⴥг༟ ݢ ၑऎᑫЂ的ׄ ನి ఱ。 ԴশสКћЂᐯ؆Ӡ ߏ мᐯᐯЀ۶Ӡ ߏ ᛁᐯॊᐯৰᐯ ൾЀᐯ֜ 的Ꮡዊञ,ԴКົ ᛁु ٿ ୰യКಯࡡ ቫм༟的ु ٿ Ѝ֯ 。ԴᖔၑऎȶᑫЂᕼկᐯ߰ ȷࢢ ၐԳѰ৯Ґ׀ᇊҺ ڲ Ђᐯ་֖ ऎง ی Ր的ണய。Ձ ሲȈȶႍ ᄑᅆ ا Դᑫࠝ ་֖ ॊु ࢝գᕒׄ ,ԯթٙ ܠ ᑫЍ֯ ,ഺᄑϵᢜϞપࣆܹ ᅆӎԳϠЖைᏳ۶ ॊु ᐯങਣ的њࢺ。ȷ 䝣ឝ⨀⨴在㚌൦⢏ଛࣖ⿅ቲӔ大學䙨行⛰期兩年的䁠அ Anna Cheang at the University of California San Diego for a two-year research stint To support the Macao SAR government’s policy to encourage overseas-educated expatriates to return to Macao and to promote collaboration in talent development at regional and international levels, UM launched the Macao Fellow Programme in 2014, which aims to encourage Macao residents who have completed master’s or doctoral degrees at well-known universities to join the university a"er graduation. Over the past three years, 11 Macao Fellows have been appointed under this programme. In addition to the opportunity to serve as visiting scholars or researchers at renowned universities or institutions overseas, Macao Fellows will also receive guidance from experienced faculty members at UM on a variety of matters, including how to successfully start research projects, how to conduct research, how to publish research #ndings, and how to become professional academic. Upon passing the relevant appraisal, Macao Fellows will have the opportunity to seek appointment as assistant professors at UM through open recruitment. Anna Cheang from UM’s Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences received her bachelor’s degree in biochemistry and a PhD degree in biomedical sciences from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is currently responsible for the international development of products based on traditional Chinese medicines. A"er being appointed a Macao Fellow, she went to the University of California San Diego for a two-year research stint. ‘I decided to return to Macao because I felt this Macao Fellow Programme would be very helpful if I wanted to conduct research in Macao. !is programme shows the SAR government’s commitment to talent development and its support for scienti#c research,’ she says. ņůŤŰŶųŢŨŪůŨġ ŕŢŭŦůŵŦťġ őŦŰűŭŦġ ŵŰġ œŦŵŶųůġŸŪŵũġŵũŦɄŎŢŤŢŰġŇŦŭŭŰŸɅġ őųŰŨųŢŮŮŦ ჂᓾΡϗӱᐬȂ ᐬσ௰ᔽᏰ者ॎგ ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφ哛㍡ൽ教授 Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Prof Miranda Mak ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφࢿ▚ᶧঐ༡ Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Dr Lau Yun-Tung ⸣⡽Ȉ澳大人愛ഔᇬφ㧡᰽㩃教授 Video: UM Members Return to Their Hometown: Prof Greta Mok ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĵ
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljĶ டᚠଆ ŇņłŕŖœņġŔŕŐœŚ 文 English text Ǝ ֏ ٿ ᾣ Kelvin U ൌ Photo Ǝ ᶄᙓ Manuel Jacinto Dos Reis 㘱䆥 Chinese Translation│ 蘇恩霆Anthony Sou ↭ਨ的䪳研Ȃ⛰人五的䁎ؓ ᆎ⮏с最大的䂤䠁グ䯉Ȅ䁣᯲澳門大學人文社科樓↭ਨ系䎦ᔀȂ⭧㚥ਾ國教科文㍺㒊ь⮂䁎䀾 ࢹ教㛨研究ညଗ會᭥ᤷ的ᑮ䁣展㿳「文ौ長ᔀȈਨᯏ、㚨丩、↭ਨȷȂ䇉㿶㘻サợ᯲уੂ 的ᱸグȂ۴㚳↭ਨ長⋩中㏉Ԍ人䂤䠁 的㚨丩Ȅ History is a fascinating enterprise which aims to sustain the widest possible interpretation of memory. ‘The Galleries: Sources, Voices and Histories’ – a permanent exhibition in the hallways of the Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Macau (UM) – not only invites visitors to stroll through time, but also demonstrates how to understand and interpret voices that transcend time. This collaborative project, under the aegis of the Subcommittee on Education and Research, UNESCO Memory of the World Programme, aims to cultivate the greatest gift in students – curiosity. ňalleries oŧ Time ș ũonoured ŗoices ѠϬᖐॱҺᙑ的 ߝ ං
ŶŮŢŨŢŻŪůŦġŪŴŴŶŦġljĸ ljķ ⧁ㅑ教授展㿳向 ޢ 展⽰ԛਨሜ⛰ᬐ的研究方ᕅ ‘ This project shows how we conduct evidence-based research intertwined with thought-provoking queries and interrogatory skills.’ —Prof Wang Di ӻຜഏષᐣѬ ћмࠜ ශѽྲ ᒖ的ຉਣўՑ, ה Ժൎ的ᑢҫћм㦏 গ。ਣ᠓чଣႻӡ࢈аࠜ ශ,ġຕԪනग़ྏ 的 ߩ ༡ֶ ؊, ᢰᣍ߰ ంࢰᔖКᘄ๒༟੬,ణ۶ࢥւᑫЂᚳනԺЮ的 ᑢҫु ڽ。ٿ ѵधԧԳ、् ЙԢ ߩ 的ҫਫ਼,ࢷؔ ࠜݺ ශਣҍ,ညКգКҫ、 ֘ތ ӹࣹ ҫ、 ڲࡑތ ѽ фઔ ڰ ҫ,দᑢҫ ߢ ᝊཇఱ۶Ⴛӡ。ࠜ ශႆ ,ᑫЂᑢҫᐯਛᆽᢖ , ࠜݙ գՂణଠಝєϠ, ᚙऻᑢҫ॔ ᔂ、ւҟЍࡡ,ం໒ບႫК ڰ ݀د দཬ ೀ 。ࡈ ᑢҫ ڀ ѹԇѳి ఱ ࠑ ӯȈȶਣ᠓Й֭ мгಿ ሃЈࡱᑢҫ的ఐྍ ຕ,ϵంԺ ڎ ࢘ᢰᐯӠ ߢ Ⴝᣢु ᑢҫ 的ग़ᐯ,փѷϵᢰҁেྏ ۦ ᚳᇇ ލ ࣏ӡЙ્ Йԃׅ ϧ ڽ 的。ȷ ѳి ఱϫࢽ,ਣ᠓Ԩгಿ ਣӯѽҫᅁऎᑂ的ु ٿ ўՑ, ࣊෩ҍනు ݑ 的ᛟ,ϫգඵੲ ܺٿ 的ᇟૠ。ѳి ఱ ሲȈȶਣ᠓ϵൌྐ ᐯӠ ށ Өᅆҫਫ਼֯ ݑ ֿز ւᅅ࣏࢝দ ঋ的,ഺዹЖணҍԪఐನ的ႚ៖,ᖢႋϠћм、 ࣆ、Ӡࣿ ўՑ、ࠫ݇ 、ࢥᇯ的ᚼᢏ。ȷ őŪŰůŦŦųŪůŨġŅźůŢŮŪŤġņŹũŪţŪŵŪŰů Adopting cutting-edge and multi-perspective ways of presenting history and culture, !e Galleries is a pioneer project that makes use of long hallways to allow visitors to savour the tranquillity of its well-embellished surrounding, whilst exploring the dynamic and diverse portfolio of historical research produced at UM. !e exhibition presents "ndings from source-based research studies of the history of China, East-West interactions, and Southeast Asia and Maritime history, in chronological order, with an emphasis on the pragmatic usefulness of historical knowledge that goes beyond esoteric academic purposes. !e Galleries showcases various exciting journeys of detectives of time, who hunt through archival records and archaeological artefacts, seeking clues that might help construct a vivid picture of something which happened long ago. ‘Not only does it empower public connection with the past of our home city, !e Galleries also introduces our students to the enthralling world of research on history in a wide range of perspectives, meanwhile making them realise the fact that solid outcomes could be only achieved through diligent e#orts,’ says Prof Wang Di, head of the Department of History. ‘!is project shows how we [faculty members] conduct evidence-based research intertwined with thought-provoking queries and interrogatory skills, ’ says Prof Wang. ‘And in some ways, it tells our students that it is of great importance to look at historical data in a critical manner so as to reconstruct a sound interpretation of ever-changing human cultures, politics, lifestyles, beliefs, and creativity.’