
道武帝之孫太武帝具有雄才大略,他繼承祖 業,陸續攻滅黃河流域的割據政權,將北方大 地統歸為一體。道武帝的第六代孫孝文帝是文 治君主,他一方面堅持農業和畜牧業並重的 生產機制,另一方面大刀闊斧地懲治貪污腐 敗,將國家的實力發展到鼎盛狀態。孝文帝 胸懷遠大的政治抱負,立志開拓更加宏偉的事 業。494年,他率領百萬軍民從平城南下,遷 徙到中原古都洛陽。這就是中國歷史上有名的 孝文帝遷都事件。 北魏南遷中原以後,孝文帝不但繼續推行政 治、經濟和文化的改革,而且推崇傳統的華夏 文化,致力於改善民族關係。孝文帝將各支部 落的姓氏都改成為簡單的漢姓,又積極宣導語 言、服飾以及籍貫方面的改革,以便調和各族 人民的生活習俗,於是在廣闊的黃河流域掀起 民族融合的高潮。 一場轟轟烈烈的民族融合運動,促進了中華民 族的凝聚與發展。起源於大興安嶺北端嘎仙洞 的拓跋部,與漢族和眾多兄弟民族一起,融入 中華民族大家庭。就像神話中忽現忽隱的天女 Shanxi). Li Wei’s sixth-generation grandson, Tuoba Gui, became the founding emperor of the Northern Wei dynasty, known as Emperor Daowu. During the reign of Emperor Daowu, Pingcheng became a major town in the north inhabited by various ethnic groups, with a population of 1.5 million. Emperor Daowu’s grandson, Emperor Taiwu, was a ruler of great talent and bold vision. He successfully conquered the many balkanized powers along the Yellow River, and unified the north of China. Emperor Daowu’s sixth-generation grandson, Emperor Xiaowen, was a potentate with significant socio-political achievements. His dual emphases on agriculture and animal husbandry, and his resolute clamping down on corruption brought the country to the height of prosperity. In 494 AD, he moved the Northern Wei capital from Pingcheng to Luoyang. After moving the capital to Luoyang, Emperor Xiaowen not only continued to push ahead with political, economic, and cultural reforms, but also became a strong advocate of traditional Chinese culture and implemented various policies to improve the relations between Xianbei and Han. He ordered that Xianbei surnames be changed to Han ones, and that Han clothing and language be used instead of Xianbei language and clothing. 穿越恒山的棧道 A plank road that runs through Mount Heng 59 umagazine issue 16