
力及模型複雜性的最佳切合點反映了模型的穩健性, 而模型穩健性是衡量模型表現的關鍵指標,因為它代 表模型在防止建模偏差和其他不確定性方面的脆弱 度。該論文一經發表即獲得廣泛關注,甚至吸引了化 學、物理、電機工程、教育測量、醫學和材料科學等 其他各領域學者的關注。在美國土木工程師學會《工 程力學期刊》歷史上發表過的幾千篇論文中被評為引 用次數最多的10大論文之一。 最近,我們在這個研究的基礎上,考慮一個更具挑戰 性的問題,即如何實時選擇模型類別。這個問題很 難,因為數據採集時間間隔通常是1/200或1/500秒。 換言之,我們每秒鐘須完成200或500次的模型類別選 擇和參數確定。該論文為建立可靠的實時結構健康監 測系統奠定了重要的理論基礎。由於該論文的重要 性,獲《計算機輔助土木和基建工程》期刊發表。該 期刊在126份獲SCI/SCIE索引的土木工程期刊中排名 第一。而該論文在同期發表於該期刊的120篇論文中 引用次數排名第二。 舊校園東亞樓的監測 我們曾對舊校園的東亞樓進行長達5年的全天候監 測。我們研究氣溫、濕度等環境因素對結構長期行為 的影響。此外,我們還研究了幾次強烈颱風天氣下建 築物的極端行為。我們參加了2009年的全國挑戰杯, 為澳門獲得該比賽的首個一等獎。我們還獲邀對汀九 橋實測數據進行分析。 is a very crucial indicator of the performance of a model class because it represents how fragile a model class is in resisting modelling errors and other uncertainties. ! is paper received tremendous attention, even from researchers in other areas such as chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, education measurements, medical science, and materials science. It was ultimately listed as one of the top ten cited papers among several thousand papers published in the long history of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Recently, we extended this work to consider a more challenging problem to select the model class in the real-time manner (Yuen and Mu, 2015). ! e problem is di& cult because the data acquisition time interval is usually 1/200 or 1/500 second. In other words, we have to # nish model class selection and parametric identi# cation 200 or 500 times per second. ! is paper proposed an important foundation to build reliable real-time structural health monitoring systems. Due to its importance, it was published in the Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering journal, which is ranked the top among 126 SCI/SCIE indexed civil engineering journals. More importantly, it was the second most cited paper among the over 120 papers published in the same period. Monitoring of the East Asia Hall on the Old Campus On the old UM campus, we monitored the East Asia Hall round the clock for about five years. We investigated how environmental conditions (temperature and humidity) affect the long-term structural behaviour (Yuen and Kuok, 2010). Furthermore, we also studied the extreme behaviour under a number of severe typhoons. We participated in the National Challenge Cup in 2009 and won the first-class award, which was the first time this award was won by scholars in Macao. We were also invited to conduct an investigation of the Ting Kau Bridge (Kuok and Yuen, 2016). 「學院專欄」內容僅代表作者個人意見 The views expressed in the Faculty Column are solely those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the umagazine or UM. 作者曾對澳大舊校園東亞樓進行長達5年的全天候監測 The author once monitored the East Asia Hall on the old campus round the clock for about five years 東亞樓實時數據 Real-time data on the East Asia Hall 55 umagazine issue 16