堅持不只為情懷 梁應德教授輔導澳門中學生奧數已經堅持了長 達23年之久。他在1994年入職澳大後,便開始 負責IMO(國際數學奧林匹克)的相關事務。 從缺少參賽學生到自己培訓、再到和中學合作 定期訓練一路走來,梁應德教授所培養獲獎的 學生越來越多,最近有學生還在賽事中奪金, 為澳門拿下自1990年參賽以來首面金牌,他的 心態卻從未變過:「我在澳門出生長大,很希 望自己能做些事讓澳門教育做得更好。大學能 夠給平台幫助到年輕人,培養出人才也讓我覺 得很有滿足感。」 去年參與澳大和培正中學合辦的科普講座,是 王雅凡教授走進中學課堂的契機。如今到培 正中學為初一學生上生命科學課成為她每個週 六的例行工作。澳大平時的研究教學已十分忙 碌,教授還貢獻業餘時間培養中學生,這股精 神令人敬佩。王教授笑著說:「我其實也是培 正畢業,能有這個回報母校的機會讓我十分開 心。與活潑好問的中學生相處也使我很快樂, 這反而是一個舒壓的過程。」 Persistent Not Only Because of Passion Prof Leong has been training local students for Macao Mathematics Olympiad for 23 years. A% er joining UM in 1994, he became the person in charge of local matters related to the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO). At # rst, there were not enough students to participate in the IMO, so Prof Leong trained students by himself. Later, as more and more students started enrolling in the competition, Leong began to conduct regular training sessions in collaboration with local secondary schools. Over the years, he has nurtured many award-winning students. Recently, a student he coached won a gold medal in the IMO, which is Macao’s # rst gold medal at this competition since 1990. ‘I was born and raised in Macao, so I want to do something to enhance the quality of education in Macao,’ says Prof Leong. ‘! e university provides a platform for young people to develop their talent. I feel very happy to have produced talented students.’ Prof Wang Yafan last year participated in a science popularisation seminar co-organsied by UM and Pui Ching Middle School. ! at was the # rst time she lectured to secondary school students. Now she goes to Pui Ching every Saturday to give life sciences lessons to form-1 students. Asked why she is willing to give lessons to secondary school students during her free time when she already has a busy work schedule at UM, she says, ‘I myself am a graduate of Pui Ching Middle School, so I feel very happy to be able to give back to my alma mater. I enjoy the company of energetic and curious students. It actually helps me de-stress.’ 梁應德教授 Prof Leong Ieng Tak 王雅凡教授 Prof Wang Yafan 49 umagazine issue 16