
畢業於澳門大學社會學系的本地藝術家鄧國 豪,他作品的主題多以觀察社會角度尋找大家 未被發掘的有趣事物,如人造光源、生活互動 變化等,他說這都是因為大學四年在社會學和 人類學方面的教育中得到的靈感和啟發。大約 一年前,不想過朝九晚五工作的他毅然辭職, 走上全職藝術家之路,他笑說:「前路雖然難 行,但也想趁年輕去做自己想做的事。」 Tang Kuok Hou is a local artist and an alumnus of the University of Macau’s Department of Social Sciences. His works mainly deal with interesting but o' eat subjects such as arti# cial light sources, which he says are inspired by his education in sociology and anthropology. About a year ago, tired of his nine-to-# ve lifestyle, he quit his job and became a full-time artist. Asked what prompted him to make that decision, he says, ‘I knew the road ahead was not going to be easy, but I just wanted to do what I was passionate about while I was still young.’ 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 42