
2015年11月舉行的IEEE亞洲固態電路研討 會上,李家明發表了一篇論文,並在學生設 計比賽單元展示其作品並獲傑出設計獎,之 後,他獲邀將論文向《IEEE固態電路期刊》 特刊投稿。2016年2月,他在IEEE國際固態 電路研討會( ISSCC) 上發表了與帕維亞大學 學者共同研發的成果,並獲得絲綢之路獎, 該獎項專門頒發給亞洲、澳洲及太平洋地區 的傑出學生。此外該成果還獲選在會議上進 行現場展示,這是首次有來自內地、香港和 澳門地區的成果在該會議上獲現場展示,相 關的論文獲選為會議的「技術熱點」之一。 由於他在會議上的傑出表現,獲邀向《IEEE 固態電路期刊》全文投稿。 In November 2015, Dr Lei presented a paper at the IEEE ASSCC. He also demonstrated his work in the Student Design Contest and received the Distinguished Design Award. Subsequently, he was invited to submit his work to a special issue of the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC). In February 2016, Dr Lei presented work developed with collaborators from the University of Pavia, Italy, at the IEEE ISSCC and received the ISSCC Silkroad Award, which is given to outstanding students from Asia, Australia, and the Paci# c region. In addition, this work was selected for live demonstration during the conference. It was the # rst time that a work from Macao, Hong Kong, or mainland China had been selected for live demonstration at the ISSCC. ! e related paper was also selected as one of the ISSCC Technical Highlights of the conference. Because of his excellent performance at the conference, Dr Lei was later invited to submit a full-length paper to a special issue of the JSSC. E I E E 李家明博士在 固態電路學會現場展示其研究成果 Dr Lei Ka Meng presents his research results at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference 人物專訪• INTERVIEW 36