
為了維護澳門本土的獨有文化特色,他開 始專攻澳門歷史、中國歷史、中國文化、 中國哲學、葡語、葡萄牙文化等。在澳大 的學術氛圍下,助長他研讀澳門歷史和中 國文化,出版了多份關於澳門演變的中西 文化史以及澳葡教育文化的文章,當中也 探討葡語在澳門政府公務上所扮演的角色 和推動葡語教學的重要性。 知往鑑今護本土文化 在澳葡時代,來自西方國家的外國人被 澳門得天獨厚的地理位置所吸引,紛紛 來澳定居,造就澳門中西文化交融的局 面。隨著澳門回歸中國,葡萄牙人和土生 葡人陸續離開澳門,賭權開放,旅遊業興 起,Cavalheiro說:「澳門給旅客印象多 以賭城為主,但其實澳門有很多獨有的文化 景觀值得去探尋。作為澳門的一分子,我 認為有必要去維護澳門的文化遺產,包括建 築、傳統習俗、宗教禮儀、商店等等,因為 這些文化遺產有其代表性,象徵著澳門獨一 無二的文化特徵。」 To preserve the unique cultural characteristics of Macao, Cavalheiro began to study the history of Macao; the history, culture, and philosophy of China; as well as the language and culture of Portugal. He has published some articles on the above subjects. Some of them discuss the role of the Portuguese language in Macao government a" airs and the importance of promoting Portuguese language education. Preserving Local Culture During the Portuguese period of Macao, many foreigners from the West migrated to Macao for its advantageous geographic location. ! e in$ ux of Western immigrants eventually turned the city into a melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures. A% er the handover of the sovereignty over Macao to China, many Portuguese and Macanese in Macao le% the city. Later, the gambling monopoly was ended, and the tourism industry began to take o" . ‘Tourists mostly think of Macao as a gambling city, but actually there are many unique cultural landscapes in Macao that are worth visiting,’ says Cavalheiro. ‘As a Macao resident, I think it’s important to preserve the cultural heritage of Macao, including old buildings, traditional customs, religious etiquette, and old shops, because these are the unique cultural symbols of Macao and they are what make Macao di" erent.’ Cavalheiro珍藏不少澳門歷史資料 Cavalheiro has many precious historical records about Macao 澳門昔日街景 A photo of old Macao 29 umagazine issue 16