
在中葡論壇上,張辰負責幾內亞比索代表團的 接待工作,他回憶說:「當時有代表團成員生 病,我要幫他們去醫院掛號,畢竟大部分醫生 都不懂葡語,要幫病人與醫生作翻譯,這個經 驗挺難得。」 課程幫助瞭解自己 葡文系應屆畢業生溫詠珊認為葡語是認識葡語 文化的工具,她覺得簡單幾句的翻譯都可以 讓她有成功感:「從大一開始,教授就給我們 參與葡語活動的機會,例如到葡韻嘉年華、藝 墟、採訪葡國人等,從中接觸到葡語文化和 跟葡語國家的人溝通。」溫詠珊去年也有參與 中葡論壇,負責接待安哥拉的官員,她在課堂 上學到的口譯在論壇上大派用場:「因為大部 分專業名詞已經學過,今次能讓我從容應付工 作。不過有一次一位國內商人拉著我要我幫他 與安哥拉官員作翻譯,雖然只是簡單幾句話, 不過成就感很大。」 溫詠珊認為葡文系課程雖然沒有專門的翻譯學 位,不過課程的設計讓她可以涉獵不同的領 域,包括翻譯、教育、文學等,「讓我可以瞭 解自己的興趣再去發展事業。」 delegation got sick, so I had to escort them to the hospital and translate for them, because most doctors didn’t understand Portuguese. For me, it was a very special experience,’ he says. Well-Designed Courses Help Discover Interests Wan Weng San, a Class of 2017 graduate from the Department of Portuguese, believes that Portuguese language is a tool which enabled her to learn more about the Portuguese culture. ‘Even just translating a few phrases would give me a sense of achievement,’ she says. ‘We have been given opportunities to participate in Portuguese-language activities since the # rst year. For example, we have attended the Lusofonia Festival and the Art Fair. We have also interviewed people from Portugal. ! rough these activities, I had the chance to speak with people from Portuguese-speaking countries and learn more about their cultures.’ Wan also attended the Sino-Portugal forum last year. In receiving government o& cials from the Republic of Angola, her interpreting skills came in handy. ‘I had learned most of the technical terms, so I was able to perform the task e" ortlessly. I remember one businessman from mainland China asking me to interpret for him and a government o& cial from Angola, and I did. Although they only exchanged a few sentences, it still gave me a great sense of achievement.’ Wan says that although the Department of Portuguese does not o" er a degree programme in translation studies, the well-designed curriculum still allows her to be exposed to di" erent areas of the language, such as translation, education, and literature. ‘! is allows me to discover my interests # rst before deciding which career path I want to follow,’ she says. 張辰曾到過四個葡語國家工作 Zhang Chen has worked in four Portuguese-speaking countries 溫詠珊在中葡論壇負責接待安哥拉的官員 Wan Weng San receives government officials from Angola during the Sino-Portugal forum 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 22