
對於大面積皮膚受傷或傷口不易癒合的患者 來說,為了加速傷口癒合,減低感染的機 會,可以利用自己皮膚進行植皮手術幫助傷 口癒合,但植皮很可能造成更多傷口或難看 的疤痕,而人工敷料則可以保持傷口濕潤, 加速傷口癒合,減少疤痕形成。現時臨床使 用的人工敷料原料抽取自人體、動物的皮膚 組織或膠原蛋白合成,不過成效會因生物相 容性、傷口情況而有快慢之分,澳大研發、 抽取杜仲多糖而成的人工敷料,基於取自天 然草本成分,有效加快傷口癒合。 目前,該團隊正結合先進的材料學加工手段 和中藥製劑工藝,以靜電紡絲技術將該成分 製成具有納米圖案化設計的新型智慧敷料。 王教授表示:「杜仲多糖的敷料現在仍處於 動物實驗的階段,當實驗應用到臨床後,杜 仲多糖可以加入到任何人工敷料中,使人工 敷料更像人的皮膚,其生長因子可使人體啟 動自己的修復功能,加快傷口癒合,同時減 低可能出現的不良反應。」 Patients su" ering from extensive skin injury or stubborn wounds can help the wounds heal faster and reduce the chance of infection by undergoing a skin gra% ing surgery using their own skin. However, a skin gra% ing surgery may cause new wounds or leave unsightly scars. ! is is where synthetic wound dressings come in. ! ey keep a wound moist, accelerate healing, and leave fewer scars. ! e synthetic wound dressings currently used in clinical treatment are mostly made from tissue or collagen extracted from human skin or the skin of other animals. But the speed with which the dressings take e" ect varies from person to person depending on biological compatibility and the severity of the wound. UM-developed synthetic dressings are made from EUP. ! e natural herbal ingredients e" ectively accelerate the wound healing process. Currently, the team is working to develop new smart EUP-based wound dressings with nano-patterned design through electrospinning, a fascinating # bre fabrication technique, by combining advanced materials science and TCM-based preparations techniques. ‘EUP-based dressings are still in the animal testing stage,’ says Prof Wang. ‘When they pass clinical testing, we can weave EUP into any synthetic dressings to make them more like human skin. ! e growth factors can prompt the human body to kick-start its own repair process to accelerate wound healing and reduce the chance of adverse reactions.’ 短片:樹皮修補人皮―澳大新技術促醫藥發展 Video: Repairing Human Skin with Tree Bark 趙偉校長(左一)和王一濤院長(右一)向習近平主席介紹多態膠囊 Rector Wei Zhao (1st from left) and Prof Wang Yitao (1st from right) tell President Xi Jinping about the multi-phase capsules 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 18