
織,模擬皮膚修復過程中生長因子發揮作用的 機制,這是我們抽取杜仲多糖的初衷。」 他解釋:「皮膚的癒合過程中,一種名為 糖胺聚糖(GAG)的成分可以富集和促進 生長因子,起到關鍵作用,而杜仲多糖雖 然不是GAG,卻可以彌補和替代GAG的作 用,有助傷口修復。相對現時實驗室合成 或生物敷料,杜仲多糖具有獨特的生物活 性,又或許可避免外源因子帶來人體產生 不良反應的機會。」 讓人工敷料更像皮膚 皮膚傷口要癒合,需要經歷三個階段,分別為 發炎期、增生期和成熟期。白血球會在受損 的皮膚聚集,吃掉壞死的組織並分泌促進癒合 的分泌物,因此傷口會出現紅腫發炎現象;其 後,隨著白血球的活動量增加,傷口開始長出 表皮、新的血管,傷口也開始縮小;最後傷口 結疤,膠原纖維自行有規則地排列,多餘的新 血管開始萎縮,傷口癒合。 similar to skin tissue and then mimic the mechanism through which skin repairs itself with growth factors. ! at’s why we tried to extract polysaccharides from EU,’ says Prof Wang. ‘In the wound healing process, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play a key role in enriching and promoting growth factors. Although EUP are not the same as GAGs, they can act as GAGs to help heal wounds. Compared to the synthetic or biological wound dressings currently used in many labs, EUP have a unique biological activity, which might help to reduce the chance of adverse reactions caused by exogenous growth factors.’ Make Synthetic Wound Dressings More Like Human Skin A wound healing process consists of three phases, namely the in$ ammatory phase, the proliferation phase, and the maturation phase. White blood cells congregate at the site of the damage and ‘eat’ damaged tissue cells by engul# ng them, while simultaneously releasing substances to promote healing. As a result, the wound becomes red, swollen, and in$ amed. A% er that, with the increased activity of white blood cells, vascular endothelial cells form new blood vessels. Concurrently, epithelial cells proliferate and 'crawl' atop the wound bed, providing cover for the new tissue. ! e size of the wound also decreases. In the end, a scab forms, and originally disorganised collagen # bres rearrange themselves. Redundant new blood vessels begin to contract and the wound heals. 杜仲多糖外觀 EUP 顯微鏡下含杜仲多糖的靜電紡絲纖維 Electro-spun fibres that contain EUP under a microscope 17 umagazine issue 16