
「大學之道在明明德,在親民,在止 於至善。」自古以來,教育最大的責 任是要培養學識淵博,品格高尚的學 生。澳大作為最高學府,當要承擔教 育人才的使命。今期封面故事,我們 採訪了老師、學生,暢談他們對大學 教育理念的看法,另外,趙偉校長也 撰文闡釋大學教育的目的。 今期我們訪問的學生當中有葡文系畢 業生,在事業上均表現出色,更利用 葡語的優勢令事業更上層樓;也有在 科研上取得重大突破的中華醫藥研究 院和科技學院師生,他們皆是反映澳 大教育理念良好實踐的例子。 我們還專訪了對澳門歷史素有研究的 葡文系老師Jorge Cavalheiro、研究獲 哈佛大學青睞的澳大濠江學者李家明 博士、獨當一面的全職藝術家鄧國豪 校友,還有兩位走進澳門社群,協助 澳門中學培養數學和生命科學種子的 梁應德教授和王雅凡教授。 學院專欄邀請了土木及環境工程系教 授兼教務長阮家榮介紹甚麼是結構健 康監測,社會科學學院歷史系教授李 憑分享其對拓跋部落的深入研究。 ‘!e way of great learning consists in manifesting one’s virtue and enlightening other people so as to achieve perfect goodness in society.’ Since the beginning of history, the greatest purpose of education has always been to nurture virtuous students with profound knowledge. As a higher education institution, UM has the responsibility to produce outstanding professionals for society. In this issue’s cover story, we interview faculty members and students about their views on UM’s educational philosophy. Rector Wei Zhao also wrote an article about the purpose of university education. We also interview several graduates of the Department of Portuguese, who have made signi"cant progress in their careers with the help of Portuguese language skills, as well as faculty members and students from the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Technology, who have made breakthroughs in their research. !ey are good examples of what can be achieved with the implementation of UM’s educational philosophy. Other UM members who are featured in this issue include Jorge Cavalheiro from the Department of Portuguese, who is an expert on the history of Macao; Dr Lei Ka Meng, a Macao Fellow at UM who has been invited by Harvard University to be a visiting scholar; UM alumnus Tang Kuok Hou, a full-time artist whose works have a unique style; as well as Prof Leong Ieng Tak and Prof Wang Yafan, who serve the local community by helping secondary school students discover their talents in mathematics and life sciences. In the Faculty Column, Yuen Ka Veng, registrar and a professor from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, explains structural health monitoring, while Prof Li Ping from the Department of History shares his research "ndings on the Tuoba tribe. 編者的話 Editor's Words Spring/Summer 2017 《ISSUE 16 第十六期》 電話 Tel: (853) 8822 8833 傳真 Fax: (853) 8822 8822 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學N6行政樓G012室 Room G012, Administration Building, University of Macau, N6 Avenida da Universidade, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵Email: 網址Website: 總編輯 Editor-in-chief 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor 張愛華 Ella Cheong 助理編輯 Assistant Editor 庄瑜婷 Cravina Chong 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. 翻譯 Translators 陳靜、蘇恩霆 Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors 社會科學學院副院長Timothy Simpson 教授 Prof Timothy Simpson, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences 中國語言文學系主任朱壽桐教授 Prof Zhu Shoutong, Head of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 傳播系副主任吳玫教授 Prof Wu Mei, Deputy Head of the Department of Communication 出版 Publisher 澳門大學 University of Macau ISSN: 2077-2491 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong

目錄 CONTENTS Spring/Summer 2017 《ISSUE 16 第十六期》 封面故事 COVER STORY 02 澳大之大:大樓、大師、大博、大雅 UM’s 4Gs:Great Buildings, Great Professors, Great Knowledge, Great Character 專題探討 FEATURE STORY 14 新研發技術 杜仲令皮膚再生 Technological Breakthrough at UM: From Tree Bark to Skin Regeneration 20 葡文系學生出路各不同 中葡雙語助事業更上層樓 How Portuguese Language Skills Benefit UM Graduates’ Career Development 人物專訪 INTERVIEW 26 對東方文化情有獨鍾 專訪葡文系Jorge Cavalheiro A Westerner' s Love Affair with Eastern Cultures Interview with Jorge Cavalheiro from the Department of Portuguese 32 獲哈佛大學青睞 澳大濠江學者李家明博士 Visiting Scholar at Harvard: UM’ s Macao Fellow Dr Lei Ka Meng 38 澳大博士生赴牛津大學研究伊波拉病毒 UM Doctoral Student’ s Ebola Drug Design Project at Oxford 42 尋找被遺忘的角落 校友鄧國豪眼中的澳門 Searching for Overlooked Landscapes Macao Through the Eyes of UM Alumnus Tang Kuok Hou 服務社群 COMMUNITY SERVICE 48 澳大走進中學 培育科學種子 UM Cultivates Young Science Talent in Secondary Schools 學院專欄 FACULTY COLUMN 52 甚麼是結構健康監測? What Is Structural Health Monitoring? 56 從草原到中原 From the Grasslands to the Central Plain 1 umagazine issue 16

澳大之大: 大樓、大師、大博、大雅 UM’s 4Gs: Great Buildings, Great Professors, Great Knowledge, Great Character 文 Text│張愛華 Ella Cheong 圖 Photo│編輯部 Editorial Board 封面故事• COVER STORY 2

梅貽琦先生說過:「大學之大,非大樓之 大,乃大師之大。」澳門大學憑藉建造新校 園的契機,在2014年全面遷入佔地1平方公 里,比老校區面積大約20倍的新校園。因著 這個千載難逢的機遇,澳大從世界各地招攬 了眾多國際知名的大師,每年更邀請諾貝爾 獎得主、圖靈獎和菲爾茲獎得主到來演講, 讓學生可以面對面聆聽大師之言。此外,澳 大還推行「四位一體」新教育模式,培養學 生自知和自信的良好品格。 今期封面故事,我們探討澳大在教育路上, 如何不斷反思、探索和創新,達到培養在專 業學術追求上達致「大博」,在人生價值和 品格追求上達致「大雅」的跨學科人才的教 育目標。 Mr Mei Yiqi once said: ‘! e greatness of a university lies not in great buildings, but in great professors.’ In 2014, the University of Macau (UM) relocated to a one-square-kilometre new campus that is approximately 20 times the size of the old campus. Seizing the unprecedented opportunity brought by the new campus, UM successfully recruited many world-renowned scholars in di" erent # elds. In addition to recruiting high-calibre professors, the university also regularly invites intellectual titans, including recipients of the Nobel Prize, Turing Prize, and Fields Medal, to give lectures on campus in order to broaden students’ horizons. In addition, the university has implemented a ‘4-in-1’ model of education to help students develop self-knowledge and self-con# dence. In this issue’s cover story, we discuss how UM produces students with multidisciplinary talent who work to develop ‘great knowledge’ and ‘great character’ by continuously re$ ecting, exploring, and innovating. 3 umagazine issue 16

澳門大學自2014年遷入新校園後,擁有了設 備完善的校園硬件(大樓),更招聘了眾多 優秀的大師,同時引入新的教育體系,實踐 教育抱負。究竟澳大如何利用新的環境,新 的教育理念培養人才? 大樓林立 在國家和澳門特區政府的支持下,澳大在 2014年遷入由澳門特區法律實施管轄、位於 廣東省珠海市橫琴島的新校園,全面引入亞洲 最具規模和最完整的住宿式書院系統,並實施 「四位一體」教育模式,以體驗式、全方位、 多角度手段培養具有國際視野的優秀人才。新 校園佔地一平方公里,比舊校園大約20倍, 擁有60多幢建築物,讓澳大可以更好地施展 教育抱負,推行新的教育模式。 UM’s relocation to the new campus in 2014 not only allowed the university to pursue its educational goals in a better environment, but also gave the university an advantage in recruiting high-calibre faculty. How does UM take advantage of the new environment and new educational philosophy to produce outstanding graduates? Great Buildings ! anks to the great support of the central government and the Macao government, UM in 2014 relocated to a new campus which covers one square kilometre, is about 20 times the size of the old campus, and has more than 60 buildings. Moreover, the new campus is physically located on Hengqin Island, Zhuhai, Guangdong province, but is under the jurisdiction of the Macao Special Administrative Region. A% er moving to the new campus, UM established a complete residential college system, which is also the largest such system in Asia. ! is residential college system and the unique ‘4-in-1’ education model enable the university to provide a multifaceted education to students so they can grow into well-rounded people with a global mindset. 築巢引鳳 匯聚人才 Create Better Conditions to Attract the Best People 標誌性建築 ── 圖書館 The university library, a landmark on campus. 封面故事• COVER STORY 4

澳大在原有的人文學院、工商管理學院、教 育學院、法學院、社會科學學院、科技學院 和中華醫藥研究院的基礎上,設立健康科學 學院,並邀請生命科學領域頂級美籍華人科 學家鄧初夏教授出任院長。健康科學學院在 科研大樓內設立與研究範疇相匹配的研究中 心和研究所,分別是:癌症中心、生殖發育 及衰老中心、轉化醫學研究所。目前正在籌 備澳門大學精準醫學研究和培訓中心,以及 計劃成立傳染病中心。 科研大樓內設有兩個國家重點實驗室,分別是中 藥品質研究國家重點實驗室和模擬與混合信號超 大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室。兩個國家重點 實驗室的研究達到世界最尖端的水準。中藥國家 重點實驗室獲國家科技部批准為第一所中醫藥領 域的國家重點實驗室,已發表逾600篇具影響力 的高端論文。北京大學、台灣大學、香港大學和 澳大四校共建中華創新藥物研究中心亦設於該實 驗室內。微電子國家重點實驗室的芯片設計在國 際舞台建立了一定的知名度和影響力,特別在低 功耗高能效模數轉換器領域。澳大在只接受有芯 片測試驗證結果集成電路領域最權威的IEEE固態 電路的期刊和會議的論文發表量國際排名第二, 領先於眾多國際著名大學和企業。 中華醫藥研究院博士生魏金超說:「2015 年,中藥品質研究國家重點實驗室搬到新校 區之後第一年,整個團隊取得了很好的研究 成果,相較於我們離開老校區2013年那年整 整多了一倍的產出。」 模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路國家重點 實驗室副教授麥沛然說:「論及科研氣氛、 硬件水平,澳大絕不遜於國外一流大學,不 少研究人員更擁有靈活頭腦、創意思維,具 備從事科研的素養。實驗室在過去幾年積極 發展,還引入了化學和生物的技術,我們希 望在微電子的基礎上,可以交叉發展出更具 影響力的研究成果。」 With the move to the new campus, the university relocated the various existing faculties, including the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS). In addition, UM established a new faculty a% er relocation to the new campus, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), with Prof Chuxia Deng, a leading Chinese American scientist in the # eld of life sciences, serving as the dean. Located in one of the Research Buildings, the FHS has several research centres and institutes focused on di" erent areas of research, including the Cancer Centre; the Centre of Reproduction, Development & Aging; and the Institute of Translational Medicine. Currently it is preparing for the establishment of a research and training centre in precision medicine. ! ere are also plans to establish a centre for contagious diseases in the future. ! e two state key laboratories, namely the State Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab), and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (QRCM Lab), are also located in the Research Building. ! e research conducted in these two state key laboratories has reached the highest professional standards in the respective # elds. ! e QRCM Lab was the # rst state key laboratory in the # eld of Chinese medicine approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology. So far, sta" from the laboratory have published over 600 in$ uential academic papers. ! e research centre for innovative drugs based on traditional Chinese medicines, jointly established by Peking University, Taiwan University, the University of Hong Kong, and UM, is also located in the QRCM Lab. ! e chips designed by the AMS-VLSI Lab now enjoy a good international reputation and impact, especially in the # eld 兩個國家重點實驗室均設於科研大樓內,目前正在籌組第三個 國家重點實驗室。 The two state key laboratories are both located in the Research Buildings. A third state key laboratory is currently under preparation. 5 umagazine issue 16

大師雲集 澳大擁有實力雄厚,來自全球的國際師資團隊, 其卓越的學術和科研成就獲得國際的認可。這批 頂尖的師資團隊中包括有國家973首席科學家、 計算機科學家趙偉教授和倪明選教授,微電子專 家馬許願教授、材料科學專家程海東教授、計算 機智能系統研究專家陳俊龍教授,癌症研究專家 鄧初夏教授,中國文學研究泰斗楊義教授等來自 全球各個不同範疇的領軍人物。 此外,澳大還邀請了不同領域的知名專家學者 擔任住宿書式書院院長,分別有電漿物理權 威劉全生教授、文學家鍾玲教授、比較教育及 學生事務專家余小明博士、歷史學家龐百騰教 授、材料力學專家葉銘泉教授、語言學家許德 寶教授、音樂家湯柏燊教授、新聞法律與新聞 道德教學研究學者梁偉賢教授、結構力學專家 姚偉彬教授。在院長們的帶動下,各個書院形 成了各自不同風格的書院文化。 除了招聘到大師的加盟,澳大還定期邀請世界 級的學者蒞臨演講,2014年至今,已有超過 10多位諾貝爾獎得主、圖靈獎以及菲爾茲獎得主 of low-power, high-performance analog-to-digital converters. UM now ranks No 2 in the world in terms of the number of papers published in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC) and at the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), ahead of many world-renowned universities and enterprises. ! e IEEE JSSC and the IEEE ISSCC are the most renowned in the # eld of integrated circuits and only accept results with successful measurements from fabricated silicon chips. ‘In 2015, one year a% er our state key lab moved to the new campus, our team achieved very good results,’ says Wei Jinchao, a doctoral student from the ICMS. ‘Our research output more than doubled that in 2013, the year we le% the old campus.’ Prof Elvis Mak from the AMS-VLSI Lab says, ‘UM is as good as any # rst-rate overseas university, whether in terms of research ambience or research facilities. Many of our researchers have a nimble mind, creative ideas, and all the other qualities required for conducting high-quality scienti# c research. Over the past few years, our lab has progressed quickly. We have introduced chemical and biological technologies. We hope to build on what we have achieved in microelectronics and produce multidisciplinary research results with greater impact.’ Great Professors UM boasts a strong faculty team composed of internationally-recruited scholars who have gained international recognition for their academic and research achievements. Many of the faculty members are leaders in their areas of expertise, including Prof Wei Zhao and Prof Lionel Ni, both computer scientists and chief scientists for projects under the National 973 Programme; Prof Rui Martins, an expert on microelectronics; Prof 魏金超 Wei Jinchao 麥沛然教授 Prof Elvis Mak 封面故事• COVER STORY 6

來到澳大,包括有楊振寧教授、莫言教授、邱 成桐教授、森重文教授、Mario Capecchi教 授 、Ada Yonath 教授、Aaron Ciechanover 教授、Carl Edwin Wieman教授、Robert F Engle 教授、Joseph E Stiglitz教授等,與師生 交流學術界最前沿的研究趨勢和新發現。 王衡馨是鄧初夏教授的博士後研究員,當年她 來澳大工作,就是因為知道鄧初夏教授是一 位非常有名的癌症研究學家,希望來到澳大加 入他的團隊工作。她說:「在這兩三年間,我 學到了很多有關癌症,特別是乳腺癌的研究知 識,還有從鄧教授身上得到很多寶貴的經驗, 當中包括怎樣發展自己的職業生涯。」 中國文學博士生符愔暢的論文導師是中國文學研 究泰斗楊義教授,被學術界譽為「21世紀中國最 優秀的文學史家之一」和「當今中國最有創造力 和影響力的學者之一」。符愔暢說:「楊教授影 響我最大的是他嚴謹的治學態度和思維方式。他 說世界上甚麼難事只要認真看待就不怕,只要有 認真的態度,甚麼事情也可以完成。」 Haydn Chen, an expert on materials science; Prof Philip Chen, an expert on intelligent computer systems; Prof Chuxia Deng, an expert on cancer research; and Prof Yang Yi, a leading authority in Chinese literary studies. UM has also invited renowned experts and scholars in di" erent # elds to serve as masters of its residential colleges. ! ese include Prof Liu Chuan Sheng, an authority on plasma physics; Prof Chung Ling, a renowned writer; Dr Peter Yu, an expert on comparative education and student a" airs; Prof David Pong, a veteran historian; Prof Yip Ming Chuen, an expert on the mechanics of materials; Prof De Bao Xu, a renowned linguist; Prof Kevin ! ompson, a renowned musician; Prof Kenneth Leung, an expert on communication law and ethics; and Prof Iu Vai Pun, an expert on structural mechanics. Under the leadership of these masters, the colleges have established their own unique cultures. In addition to recruiting masters in various # elds, UM also regularly invites world-renowned scholars to give lectures on campus. Since 2014, more than ten recipients of the Nobel Prize, Turing Award, and Fields Medal have gaven lectures at UM to share the latest research trends and new discoveries. ! ese guests have included Prof Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, Prof Mo Yan, Prof Shing-Tung Yau, Prof Mori Shigefumi, Prof Mario Capecchi, Prof Ada Yonath, Prof Aaron Ciechanover, Prof Carl Edwin Wieman, Prof Robert F Engle, and Prof Joseph E Stiglitz. 澳大擁有一批大師級學者 UM boasts a team of world-class scholars 7 umagazine issue 16

Wong Hang Heng is a postdoctoral research fellow who works with Prof Chuxia Deng. She chose to join UM because she knew Prof Deng to be a renowned expert on cancer research, and she hoped to join his team. ‘Over the past three years, I have learned a lot about cancer research, especially research on breast cancer,’ says Wong. ‘I have also learned a lot of valuable experience from Prof Deng, including how to develop my career.’ Fu Yinchang, a doctoral student of Chinese literature, studies with Prof Yang Yi, a leading authority on Chinese literary studies who is hailed as one of China’s best literary historians in the 21st century and one of the most creative and in$ uential scholars in contemporary China. ‘What I have learned the most from Prof Yang are his meticulous attitude towards academic research and his way of thinking,’ says Fu. ‘He o% en tells me that nothing is di& cult to the person with the right attitude. With the right attitude, one can accomplish anything.’ Great Knowledge and Great Character In addition to ‘great buildings’ and ‘great professors’, UM has also established a new educational system. In 2014, UM began implementing a complete residential college system, which is also the largest such system in Asia, to complement the academic faculty system. ! e university hopes that the residential colleges and faculties can combine to serve as the vehicles for implementing the ‘4-in-1’ education model, which consists of discipline-speci# c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education, so as to provide a multifaceted education to students. Apart from classroom instruction, faculty members also participate in student activities outside the classroom. As Rector Wei Zhao o% en says, ‘! rough community and peer education implemented through the residential college system, we hope to help our students develop self-knowledge and self-con# dence, because these are the source of creativity. We want our graduates to possess not only extensive knowledge (great knowledge) but also a noble mind and cultured behaviour (great character).’ Rex Fung, a member of Chao Kuang Piu College, has been an active participant in campus activities over the past four years. ‘I have participated in various activities both inside and outside our residential college. ! ey have broadened my horizons and helped me make new friends,’ he says. ‘! e college provides opportunities for us to spend time with other students so we can become closer to each other. Living in the college allows us to enjoy campus life more.’ 大博大雅 澳大既有「大樓」和「大師」,還建立新 的教育體系。澳大在2 0 1 4 年全面引入亞 洲最具規模和最完整的住宿式書院系統, 與學院相輔相成,通過推行融合專業、通 識、研習和社群教育的「四位一體」的體 驗式教育模式,以全方法,多角度培育多 元人才。教師除了在課堂授課外,亦在課 堂外參與學生活動,關心學生,與學生交 流,全面達到育人的目的。正如趙偉校長 所言:「希望通過書院制度的社群教育模 式,致力於培養學生的自知和自信,因為 這兩者才是創造力的本源。澳大學生在畢 業時不但擁有廣博的知識(大博),也兼 具高潔的思維和儒雅的行為(大雅)。」 曹光彪書院院生馮嘉俊四年來,非常投 入校園的生活,不斷參加書院內外的各 類型活動,增長見識,廣結人脈。他認 為:「書院提供和同學的相處機會,彼 此關係更加親密,學生住在書院,更可 以享受校園生活。」 王衡馨博士 Dr Wong Hang Heng 封面故事• COVER STORY 8

Sophie Chen, a member of Moon Chun Memorial College, believes that the musical ambience in the college has improved her own taste in, and knowledge of, music. ‘Our college master Prof Kevin ! ompson is a world-class musician,’ says Chen. ‘He has fostered a very good musical ambience in the college, which taught me how to appreciate the beauty of music and other art forms, and I think this will in turn have a very positive in$ uence on my character development.’ Liu Hong Cheng, a member of Cheng Yu Tung College, says, ‘Our college attaches great importance to helping us cultivate a reading habit. We are encouraged to read literature to improve our appreciation of literary works. Literature can help foster great character traits, and when you have great character traits, you know how to better handle interpersonal relationships, which will bene# t those around you. It will also increase your interest in studies. ’ 滿珍紀念書院院生陳宇丹認為書院的音樂氛 圍提升了她的音樂素養,「我們的書院院長 湯柏燊教授是一位世界級的音樂大師,他在 書院打造了非常濃厚的音樂文化氛圍,提高 了我的審美能力和道德修養,對我以後人生 發展有很大幫助。」 鄭裕彤書院院生劉宏成說:書院非常重視閱 讀,打造了濃厚的文學氣息,「通過閱讀文學 作品,可以提升學生的審美能力,從而培養大 雅的品格。當個人氣質提升後,待人處事會更 加好,你的朋友和身邊的人也會覺得不錯,而 且興趣和學習也會提高趣味。」 陳宇丹 Sophie Chen 住宿式書院其中一座大樓 One of the residential colleges 劉宏成 Liu Hong Cheng 澳大推行「四位一體」教育模式 UM implements a ‘4-in-1’ model of education 符愔暢 Fu Yinchang 馮嘉俊 Rex Fung 9 umagazine issue 16

最近幾年,大學排名滿天飛。我們正好藉此 機會,重新討論一個老問題:大學教育的目 的是甚麼? 一方面,科技的發展使人類進入了一個美妙 而又令人生畏的新世界;另一方面,教育工 作者卻從傳統價值觀中找到了啟迪,幫助學 生應對不可預知的未來。亞洲國家對教育興 邦的道理篤信不疑,不惜大力投資打造世界 頂尖大學。為了追求學術卓越,它們採用了 不同的模式。 In an age when news of higher education is dominated by headlines of institutional rankings, it is perhaps a good time to pose the question: what is the purpose of university education? Paradoxically, as technology ushers in a brave yet formidable new world, we see a new relevance in our old values, as educators face the challenge of preparing our students for an unpredictable future. Asian countries have an abiding faith in education, investing heavily in building ‘world-class’ universities. In doing so, they are chasing different models for academic excellence. 大學教育的目的 ! e Purpose of University Education 文 Text│趙偉校長 Rector Wei Zhao 圖 Photo│編輯部 Editorial Board 澳大致力培養學生的自知和自信 UM aims to help students develop self-knowledge and self-belief 封面故事• COVER STORY 10

葫蘆畫瓢難題叢生 在眾多亞洲國家中,有些選擇了複製世界著名大學 的模式。效仿頂尖大學無可厚非,但照葫蘆畫瓢依 舊會難題叢生。比如史丹福大學的創業文化舉世聞 名,其之所以蓬勃發展,全因鄰近全球創業投資的 大本營,只要有好的創意,資金便會隨之而來。 哈佛大學傳奇校長查爾斯‧艾略特有這樣的真知灼 見:偉大的大學必定獨具特色;任何優秀的大學必須 從「種子」成長而來,「而非外國院校的複製品」。 在中國內地,隨著經濟從低技術出口轉型為以創 新為主導,頂尖的大學肩負起振興經濟的重擔。 但經濟創新是否單靠培育科技型人才?事實上, 大家可能已經注意到,創造經濟奇蹟的往往是那 些勇於冒險的人。 思考現代大學意義 失敗並不可恥。正如溫斯頓‧邱吉爾所說:成功就 是歷經一次又一次的失敗而不灰心,這就是典型的 西方人對待失敗的態度。有些亞洲人臉皮薄,懼怕 失敗的心理深植文化之中。令人驚訝的是,中國人 正在打破這種傳統。那些信念堅定、敢於冒險的中 國人,為國家經濟飛躍提供了動力,造就了中國相 比鄰近國家的優勢。 Cloning Presents Its Own Challenges In many Asian countries, some have chosen to ‘clone’ the world’s leading universities. ! ere is nothing wrong with copying the best. But borrowing wholesale presents its own challenges. Stanford University’s world-famous startup culture, for example, thrives because of its proximity to a venture capital community ready to bankroll innovative ideas. Harvard’s legendary president Charles Eliot was correct in saying that any great university is great in its own ways, and that any good university should grow from ‘seed’, and ‘not be a copy of foreign institutions’. In mainland China’s case, its top universities are charged with the burden of revitalising its economy, as the age of low-tech export yields to the age of innovation. But is economic innovation just a matter of training technologically-savvy graduates? Economic miracles, you might have noticed, are o% en performed by those with the courage for risk-taking. Rethink the Purpose of the Modern University In the West, failure doesn’t stigmatise. Winston Churchill’s statement that ‘Success is stumbling from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm’ typi# es this attitude. In thin-skinned Asia, we have a cultural fear of failure. Surprisingly, China is defying this tradition; its edge over its neighbours is in the ranks of self-believing risk-takers who power its economic great leap forward. One such self-knowing risk-taker is Jack Ma. Mr Ma is no technology wizard. But what he lacks in technological knowledge, he more than makes up for 大學承擔著激發學生潛能的特殊使命 A university’s special mission is to bring out the best in students 11 umagazine issue 16

馬雲就是這樣一位有自知之明、敢於冒險的人 物。他並非技術精英,但他眼光銳利,能洞察 先機,敢於憑直覺押注商機,這足以彌補其技 術知識不足的短板。 如果說馬雲代表著甚麼,那他代表的就是經歷 連串失敗後所取得的成功:高考兩次失利、求 職處處碰壁、創業也一波三折,甚至傳聞他被 哈佛大學拒絕錄取。 很多西方人認為中國人不過是不知羞恥的抄襲者, 卻忽略了中國人獨特的過人之處,那就是洞察良機 的慧眼和不畏風險的雄心。中國人有膽識,適應力 強,並且深諳「出奇制勝」之道。 如今全球大學排名成為公眾熱議的話題,我們卻認為更 有必要汲取古代先賢智慧,重新思考現代大學的意義。 培養學生自知自信 我們澳門大學決心致力於培養學生的自知和自 信,因為這兩者才是創造力的本源,而在現代 大學教育中往往被忽視。幫助學生認清自我、 認識自我,這一提法並不新鮮。新鮮的是,在 大學教育中構建一個「生態體系」將之落實, 該體系包括全面建立有益學生自我發展的書 院制度。亞里士多德曾告誡我們:「認識你自 己。」中國家喻戶曉的智者老子,也有一句警 言:「知人者智,自知者明。」大學應以人為 本,因此承擔著激發學生潛能的特殊使命。而 要想發揮潛能,必先自知、自信。 in being able to sni" out opportunities and betting on his hunches. If he represents anything, he represents the success of serial failures: failing his College Entrance Examinations twice, being turned down for jobs multiple times, his business ventures succeeding only on the third try. He had the dubious distinction of being rejected by Harvard as many as ten times. Many in the West dismiss the Chinese as shameless copycats. But they fail to see that unique Chinese genius: the nose for opportunities, and the stomach for taking risks. ! ey are bold, resilient leapfrog artists of the # rst order. At a time when the universities global rankings leaderboard is on the lips of the public, we decided to rethink the purpose of the modern university—by heeding the words of our sages. Self-knowledge and Self-belief We decided to aim at helping students to acquire self-knowledge and self-belief, realising that it is the fountainhead of creativity o% en overlooked by modern universities. Helping people to acquire self-knowledge is not new. What is new, in our case, is building an ecosystem that realises the ideal, including an extensive residential college system that is friendly to the development of the self. Aristotle exhorted us to ‘Know thyself’. Laotzu, China’s o% -quoted sage, reminded us that ‘Knowing others is wisdom. Knowing oneself is enlightenment.’ As a people-centred place, the university’s special mission is to bring out the best in students. But this attainment presupposes self-knowledge and self-belief. At # rst blush, the age of innovation is incompatible with the ancient pursuit of self-knowledge. But we soon realise that while knowledge itself may become obsolete, self-knowledge is an ever-$ owing stream of innovativeness. ! at is the renewed relevance of ancient wisdom. 亞洲國家近年大力投資教育培育人才 In recent years, Asian countries are investing heavily in education 封面故事• COVER STORY 12

乍看之下,認識自我的古老智慧與追求創新的時 代似乎格格不入,但是我們很快就會發現,知識 或許會過時,但深刻的自我認識卻將是創造力的 不竭源泉。這就是古老智慧對當今的啟迪。 身處在因各種衝突而分裂的世界中,「認識自己」 更是一項道德義務。寬容的態度是受過良好教育的 標誌,寬容即包容多樣性和接納差異,對待遠至中 東、近在身邊的人與事,都能如此。對自己有清醒 認識的人通常更能包容,鮮少與他人發生衝突。 幫助學生認識自己 作為教育工作者,我們有責任幫助學生先認識 自己,而非急於改變世界或者評判他人。大學 應著眼於未來。智慧機器或許威脅到很多人的 飯碗,但在培養人才方面,機器永遠不能取代 人類。因此有必要營造教育環境,讓學生認識 自我,培養創新人才。 經過專業教育、通識教育、研習教育、社群教 育而培養出的新世紀畢業生,不僅專業根基深 厚,而且知識面廣博。前兩種教育是傳統的學 習,而後兩種是通過實踐學習。正是因為接受 了這些教育,畢業生才能在這個競爭激烈的時 代發現自身的價值。大學培養學生不同於企業 生產產品。大學重視學生的個性發展,而不是 像麥當勞那樣按照標準化流程製作漢堡包。大 學若不想被時代淘汰,就要培養學生立足於未 來的能力,帶領他們走出熟悉的「安全區」, 讓他們做好冒險的準備。 莎士比亞很早就曾斷言:性格決定命運。大學 的作用在於塑造學生的性格,讓學生認識自 我,培養學生的求知慾和冒險精神,從而擁抱 廣闊的世界。科技時代的繁榮與古老智慧並不 相悖,現代科技如能吸取先賢智慧的精粹,二 者定能碰撞出新的火花。 In a world torn apart by con$ ict, ‘knowing thyself’ is also a moral imperative. ! e hallmark of the educated is tolerance—a willingness to embrace diversity and di" erences, whether in the Mid-East or closer to home. ! ose who know themselves are less prone to intolerance and needless con$ ict. Help Students Know ! emselves As educators, we have a duty to see that students # rst get to know themselves before they rush to change the world or judge others. ! e university’s domain is the future. Smart machines may threaten to displace humans from many occupations. But there is one area in which machines can never replace humans---the nurturing of individual talent. ! at is why creating conditions that promote creative talent through self-knowledge is a paramount concern. ! e ideal 21st century graduate has both broad and deep knowledge, with discipline-speci# c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. ! e # rst two are conventional learning, the last two are learning by doing. It is in doing that we discover our true worth in a competitive century. Universities, unlike businesses, cater to individuality, not to the standardisation of product the way MacDonald’s handles its hamburgers. ! e best way to future-proof the university is to future-proof our students by bracing them for risk-taking, shoving them out of the safety of the familiar. As Shakespeare long ago realised, character is destiny. We are in the business of character-building, putting students in touch with themselves, embracing the wider world, while keeping them hungry for learning and risks. ! e age of technology should develop a new romance with ancient wisdom. It thrives on it, not in spite of it. 大學必須營造有利於學生成長的教育環境 A university must create a learning environment that is conducive to the students’ personal growth 短片:澳大之大 Video: UM's "4G" 13 umagazine issue 16

新研發技術 杜仲令皮膚再生 Technological Breakthrough at UM From Tree Bark to Skin Regeneration 文 Text│黃首豪 Saohou Wong 圖 Photo│李思、部分相片由受訪者提供 Manuel Reis, with some provided by the interviewee 王春明教授 Prof Wang Chunming 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 14

澳門大學中華醫藥研究院和中藥質量研究國家 重點實驗室是澳大重要的研究基地,在中藥質 量與國際化產品研發中,中華醫藥研究院致力 以五個要求作為發展要點,分別是有效性、安 全性、穩定性、可控性及系統性,國際化的研 究團隊基於這五項發展思路進行產品研發,成 就及進展受到國內外高度評價。 樹皮修補人皮 你想過樹皮可修補受損的皮膚嗎?中華醫藥研究 院、中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室研究團隊依據 中醫中藥的經典理論,結合現代生物化學和藥理 學知識,對一系列具有活血化瘀、通筋舒絡的中 藥材開展藥物篩選,最終發現杜仲含有特殊的多 糖成分。這類成分自身並不促進細胞生長,但卻 可以與人體內專門促進血管新生和成熟的生長因 子「交朋友」,從而以「智能響應」的模式,幫 助破損的皮膚組織再生。 發起這項研究課題者、中華醫藥研究院助理教授王 春明之前在海外一直從事生物大分子與組織修復的 研究,對中藥和天然資源的活性分子頗感興趣。他 表示,當初給自己的研究團隊一個富有挑戰性的題 目,就是以「樹皮修補人皮」,研究團隊花了兩個 月的時間做資料搜集,找出15種活血化瘀、通筋舒 絡的中藥進行檢測,不過研究未如想像般理想。王 教授回憶:「學生花了一年半的時間研究,研究了 12種中藥都沒有取得成果,負責檢測的博士生還跑 來我的辦公室哭著說想放棄,不過當我們研究到第 13種中藥時,終於取得突破。」 王教授所說的藥材就是杜仲。杜仲味甘,性 ! e University of Macau’s (UM) Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences (ICMS) and State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM) are important research institutes at UM. By following # ve standards, namely e" ectiveness, safety, stability, controllability, and systemisation, the international research team has not only made considerable progress in quality assurance and research and development activities, but has also earned accolades both at home and abroad. Repair Human Skin with Tree Bark Did you know that tree bark can be used to repair damaged skin? Based on classical theories of traditional Chinese medicine as well as modern biochemical and pharmacological evidence, the research team from the ICMS and the SKL-QRCM screened various Chinese herbs that are believed to relieve blood stasis and meridian obstruction by promoting blood circulation. ! e team found that the bark of Eucommia ulmoides (EU, commonly known as the hardy rubber tree) contains special molecules known as polysaccharides (a string of sugar molecules). ! ese molecules in themselves do not promote cell proliferation, but they can help damaged skin tissue regenerate in a ‘smart response’ mode by ‘making friends’ with the growth factors in our body that are responsible for promoting the formation and maturation of new blood vessels. Wang Chunming, an assistant professor from the ICMS, initiated this research project. Before joining UM, Wang focused on studies of biological macromolecules and tissue repair at overseas institutions, with a particular interest in the bioactive molecules in Chinese medicines and natural sources. Wang set his research team a challenging task: developing a way to repair human skin with tree bark. His team then spent two months collecting data. Eventually they found 15 Chinese herbs that were believed to relieve blood stasis and meridian obstruction by promoting blood circulation and tested them one by one, but none of them showed a satisfactory biochemical e" ect. ‘One day, one of my PhD students who was responsible for the testing came to my o& ce. He cried and told me he wanted to discontinue this study, because he and the other students had spent a year and a half studying 12 Chinese herbs without getting anywhere,’ recalls Prof Wang. ‘But we # nally achieved a breakthrough with the 13th herb.’ ! e herb that brought the breakthrough is EU, which is sweet in $ avour and mild in nature. According to Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica, it is mainly used to ‘treat lower back pain, improve the digestive 生產杜仲敷料的儀器 The equipment used to make EU-based wound dressings 15 umagazine issue 16

王教授所說的藥材就是杜仲。杜仲味甘,性 溫,據《神農本草經》記載:「杜仲主治腰脊 痛,補中益氣,堅筋骨,強志。」《本草綱 目》記載「潤肝燥、補肝虛、能補腎」,有助 治療腰膝痛。澳大的研究團隊發現,從杜仲 中抽取的三號多糖(EUP3)分子,經生化及 小鼠實驗證明,具有非常有趣的效用。首先, 與想像中的「強力藥丸」不同,EUP3可是一 個非常安靜的分子。它在非損傷環境下,並不 會對人體細胞有太大作用。但是,一旦創傷發 生,EUP3彷彿是「火警響應」一般,立刻結 合有促進血管新生和成熟的生長因子,大大穩 定、延長和提高這類生長因子的作用,改善組 織缺血狀況,促進組織再生。傳統治療傷口的 做法,會利用外來生長因子打進人體讓皮膚復 原,不過這些不屬於人體的生長因子,在體內 很容易降解,而王教授的研究團隊認為,皮 膚的缺損部位其實並不缺這些生長因子,只是 它們游離和容易流失,難以發揮功效。「我們 的研究概念是利用類似皮膚組織結構的生物組 system and immune system, strengthen muscles and bones, and enhance mental strength.’ According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, EU can ‘nourish the liver and kidney and treat back and knee pain’. UM’s research team found through biochemical and vivo experiments that a type of polysaccharides extracted from EU, known as the EUP3, have very interesting medicinal e" ects. First of all, EUP3 do not act like powerful pills, as was previously imagined. Rather, they are quiet molecules that do not exert an obvious e" ect on human cells in a non-traumatic environment. However, in the case of a trauma, EUP3 immediately spring into action, in the same way # re # ghters respond to a # re alarm. ! ey bind and assemble growth factors that are responsible for promoting the formation and maturation of new blood vessels. By signi# cantly stabilising, prolonging, and enhancing the e" ect of these growth factors, they improve tissue ischemia and promote tissue regeneration. ! e traditional way of treating a wound is by injecting exogenous growth factors into the human body to help skin regenerate, but these growth factors do not belong to the human body and therefore degrade quickly in the body. Moreover, Prof Wang’s team believes that there is no lack of these growth factors at the injury site of the skin. However, these growth factors easily di" use and degrade. ‘! e idea is to use biological tissue that is structurally 研究杜仲敷料的團隊 The research team that developed EU-based wound dressings 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 16

織,模擬皮膚修復過程中生長因子發揮作用的 機制,這是我們抽取杜仲多糖的初衷。」 他解釋:「皮膚的癒合過程中,一種名為 糖胺聚糖(GAG)的成分可以富集和促進 生長因子,起到關鍵作用,而杜仲多糖雖 然不是GAG,卻可以彌補和替代GAG的作 用,有助傷口修復。相對現時實驗室合成 或生物敷料,杜仲多糖具有獨特的生物活 性,又或許可避免外源因子帶來人體產生 不良反應的機會。」 讓人工敷料更像皮膚 皮膚傷口要癒合,需要經歷三個階段,分別為 發炎期、增生期和成熟期。白血球會在受損 的皮膚聚集,吃掉壞死的組織並分泌促進癒合 的分泌物,因此傷口會出現紅腫發炎現象;其 後,隨著白血球的活動量增加,傷口開始長出 表皮、新的血管,傷口也開始縮小;最後傷口 結疤,膠原纖維自行有規則地排列,多餘的新 血管開始萎縮,傷口癒合。 similar to skin tissue and then mimic the mechanism through which skin repairs itself with growth factors. ! at’s why we tried to extract polysaccharides from EU,’ says Prof Wang. ‘In the wound healing process, glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) play a key role in enriching and promoting growth factors. Although EUP are not the same as GAGs, they can act as GAGs to help heal wounds. Compared to the synthetic or biological wound dressings currently used in many labs, EUP have a unique biological activity, which might help to reduce the chance of adverse reactions caused by exogenous growth factors.’ Make Synthetic Wound Dressings More Like Human Skin A wound healing process consists of three phases, namely the in$ ammatory phase, the proliferation phase, and the maturation phase. White blood cells congregate at the site of the damage and ‘eat’ damaged tissue cells by engul# ng them, while simultaneously releasing substances to promote healing. As a result, the wound becomes red, swollen, and in$ amed. A% er that, with the increased activity of white blood cells, vascular endothelial cells form new blood vessels. Concurrently, epithelial cells proliferate and 'crawl' atop the wound bed, providing cover for the new tissue. ! e size of the wound also decreases. In the end, a scab forms, and originally disorganised collagen # bres rearrange themselves. Redundant new blood vessels begin to contract and the wound heals. 杜仲多糖外觀 EUP 顯微鏡下含杜仲多糖的靜電紡絲纖維 Electro-spun fibres that contain EUP under a microscope 17 umagazine issue 16

對於大面積皮膚受傷或傷口不易癒合的患者 來說,為了加速傷口癒合,減低感染的機 會,可以利用自己皮膚進行植皮手術幫助傷 口癒合,但植皮很可能造成更多傷口或難看 的疤痕,而人工敷料則可以保持傷口濕潤, 加速傷口癒合,減少疤痕形成。現時臨床使 用的人工敷料原料抽取自人體、動物的皮膚 組織或膠原蛋白合成,不過成效會因生物相 容性、傷口情況而有快慢之分,澳大研發、 抽取杜仲多糖而成的人工敷料,基於取自天 然草本成分,有效加快傷口癒合。 目前,該團隊正結合先進的材料學加工手段 和中藥製劑工藝,以靜電紡絲技術將該成分 製成具有納米圖案化設計的新型智慧敷料。 王教授表示:「杜仲多糖的敷料現在仍處於 動物實驗的階段,當實驗應用到臨床後,杜 仲多糖可以加入到任何人工敷料中,使人工 敷料更像人的皮膚,其生長因子可使人體啟 動自己的修復功能,加快傷口癒合,同時減 低可能出現的不良反應。」 Patients su" ering from extensive skin injury or stubborn wounds can help the wounds heal faster and reduce the chance of infection by undergoing a skin gra% ing surgery using their own skin. However, a skin gra% ing surgery may cause new wounds or leave unsightly scars. ! is is where synthetic wound dressings come in. ! ey keep a wound moist, accelerate healing, and leave fewer scars. ! e synthetic wound dressings currently used in clinical treatment are mostly made from tissue or collagen extracted from human skin or the skin of other animals. But the speed with which the dressings take e" ect varies from person to person depending on biological compatibility and the severity of the wound. UM-developed synthetic dressings are made from EUP. ! e natural herbal ingredients e" ectively accelerate the wound healing process. Currently, the team is working to develop new smart EUP-based wound dressings with nano-patterned design through electrospinning, a fascinating # bre fabrication technique, by combining advanced materials science and TCM-based preparations techniques. ‘EUP-based dressings are still in the animal testing stage,’ says Prof Wang. ‘When they pass clinical testing, we can weave EUP into any synthetic dressings to make them more like human skin. ! e growth factors can prompt the human body to kick-start its own repair process to accelerate wound healing and reduce the chance of adverse reactions.’ 短片:樹皮修補人皮―澳大新技術促醫藥發展 Video: Repairing Human Skin with Tree Bark 趙偉校長(左一)和王一濤院長(右一)向習近平主席介紹多態膠囊 Rector Wei Zhao (1st from left) and Prof Wang Yitao (1st from right) tell President Xi Jinping about the multi-phase capsules 專題探討• FEATURE STORY 18

杜仲敷料是中華醫藥研究院(ICMS)製劑工 程中心團隊精心烹製的「菜餚」之一。在院 長王一濤的帶領下,該中心多名全球招聘的教 授和博士分工合作,聚焦創新中藥與健康產品 研發,為澳門發展中醫藥產業出力。中心一項 值得關注的研究成果是「固液多態一體化膠 囊」,多態膠囊由澳大自主研發的多態一體 化膠囊填充機生產,是ICMS研究中的一個亮 點。2014年國家主席習近平到訪澳大,曾聽 取王一濤院長介紹多態一體化膠囊填充機。當 時習主席對澳大中藥研究進展感到十分高興, 並希望ICMS為國家實施創新驅動發展戰略作 出新的貢獻。 多態膠囊利用新型的填充技術,把水溶性和脂 溶性的經典藥方集合為一體,實現藥輔合一的 功效。在傳統的中藥智慧中,中藥需要各種不 同的成分組成,而多態膠囊可以把兩種不同的 成分濃縮在一顆藥丸中,達到最佳效果,簡單 說就是吃一顆藥丸就不用喝一大碗中藥湯。多 態膠囊的好處是可以控制藥力在體內的代謝和 分佈,不易在身體其他部分損失。在製備過程 中,多態膠囊更符合中藥多組分的特點,避免 了在加工過程中如揮發油等物質的流失,使得 製備過程更加精確、可控和穩定。 新研發技術:固液多態一體化膠囊 New Technology: Multi-phase Capsules EU-based wound dressings are developed by the ICMS’s centre for preparation engineering. Under the leadership of Prof Wang Yitao, director of the ICMS, the professors and doctors at the centre work together to develop innovative TCM-based drugs and health products, in an e" ort to promote the development of the Chinese medicine industry in Macao. Another noteworthy achievement of the centre are the multi-phase capsules, made with a UM-developed multi-phase capsule # lling machine. In 2014, President Xi Jinping visited UM and listened to Prof Wang explain how the multi-phase capsule # lling machine worked. President Xi was very pleased with UM’s progress in Chinese medicine research. During his visit, President Xi expressed his hope that the ICMS would make new contributions to the implementation of China’s innovation-driven development strategy. Multi-phase capsules combine water-soluble and fat-soluble ingredients from traditional formulae. Conventional wisdom in Chinese medicine holds that a treatment needs to have di" erent ingredients to achieve the best result. ! at’s what multi-phase capsules do. One multi-phase capsule combines two di" erent ingredients. To put it simply, taking one multi-phase capsule would achieve the same e" ect as drinking a large bowl of Chinese herbal soup. ! e advantage of taking a multi-phase capsule is that it can control where and how fast the medicinal substances are released in the body so as to make sure the potency is not wasted on the non-targeted parts of the body. ! e process of making the multi-phase capsules is better suited to the multi-ingredient nature of Chinese medicines in that it prevents the loss of medicinal substances like volatile oil. ! e result is a greater degree of precision, controllability, and stability. 多態膠囊 Multi-phase capsules 澳大自主研發的多態一體化膠囊填充機 The multi-phase capsule filling machine developed by UM 19 umagazine issue 16