
雖然大多數情况下,搭客仔不得不被動接受謀生工具 被沒收的命運,但有些被逼急了的就會通過種種暴力 行為,包括自焚、自殺、襲警、傷害無辜群衆、甚至 發動暴亂,來表達他們抗議、沮喪和絕望的心情。徐 博士認為,來自社會各個層面的排拒是導致民工暴力 襲警的宏觀架構層面的原因。在中國迅速發展的都市 化進程中,社會因素如何催生了暴力?社會對弱勢群 體的排拒如何導致社會暴力行為的蔓延?徐博士的研 究對這些問題做出了一針見血的回答。 從以上這些例子我們可以看到,很難用傳統分類方 法對犯罪學研究進行歸類,因為犯罪學領域的研究 課題往往涉及法律、社會、心理學、行政學等多個 學科領域的問題,是跨學科研究的綜合體。為徹底 瞭解犯罪學的相關問題,找到解決方法,我們通常 需要採用一個多角度多方位的綜合方法去進行研究。 犯罪學是一門真正超越了傳統學科界限的科學。而 且,犯罪學不只是科學研究,它還關乎政策與實際, 以推動集體力量建立一個公正有秩序的社會為己任。 學術研究帶來科學發現,然後通過犯罪學領域的政 策分析,我們可以將這些科學發現轉化為以證據為 基礎的政策與實踐,從而更好的保障個人權利,提 高生活質素,建立良好的社會秩序。或許正因為此, 我們才說,不管是學術層面還是應用層面,犯罪學都 是一門跨學科的研究。 the confiscation creates a huge tension between migrant workers and the police. Although most of the time rickshaw drivers have to passively accept their fates as their tools for making a living are confiscated, some desperate drivers resort to various forms of violence, including selfimmolation, suicide, attacks on police or innocent bystanders and even rioting, to protest and express their frustration and desperation. Dr. Xu argues that multidimensional social exclusion is the macro-structural reason behind migrant violence towards the police. This research provides much insight into how violence is socially produced in China’s rapid process of urbanisation as well as how social exclusion can lead to the risk of a violent society in a broad context. In sum, these examples illustrate that it is difficult to categorise criminological research using traditional typologies. Frequently, the issue under study is related to more than one disciplinary concern. It could be a legal issue, a sociological conundrum, a psychological riddle, or an administrative dilemma, but more often than not it is some combination of two or more of these elements. To understand criminological problems thoroughly and to find solutions to the problems, we often need to study them with an integrative approach that incorporates several perspectives. Criminology is truly a science that transcends traditional academic boundaries. Further, criminology is not just about scientific research. It is also about policies and practices-, the collective endeavours to build an orderly and just society. Academic research provides scientific discoveries. It then takes the policy analysis in criminology to translate the discoveries into evidence-based social policies and practices to improve individual rights and wellbeing as well as social order. These are what make criminology both an academic and applied field of interdisciplinary study. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 60 學院專欄.FACULTY COLUMN