
violence, such as mass killings of a large number of strangers. Prof. Li predicts that mass murder will occur more frequently in China if the society does not address the root causes of the violent behaviour. Prof. Liu Jianhong has been working on several projects in the last two years with a unified objective to build an “Asian Paradigm Theory.” His work in this area compares the Western criminal justice system with Asian systems to focus on variations at the conceptual level and argues that these conceptual differences still deeply influence the operations of the criminal justice system. He contends that Asian wisdom can contribute to positive directions of criminal justice reforms. The Asian paradigm theory points out that the Western concept of crime and justice is an “individualistic concept”—individuals are the unit of the examination. However, Asian concepts implicitly or explicitly reflect a collective orientation: they are “relational concepts”. The target of Western criminal justice and crime control is the crime, while the target of Asian crime control concerns human relations. In the Western paradigm, crime is defined as an act of individuals in violation of state criminal laws. The concept of crime is “state centred”. This concept of crime views crime as a conflict between the state and the offender. Therefore, the issue is that the state must identify and punish the offender. In contrast with the conflict approach adopted in the Western criminal procedure, the Asian paradigm desires a nonconflict approach. It stresses working out a solution. The offenders in the processes are encouraged to confess the truth, express remorse and receive forgiveness. The solution is backed up by formal and informal punishment. An integrated system is suggested to draw wisdom from both West and East to inform future criminal justice reforms. The research project that Dr. Zhao Ruohui is currently working on aims to explore juvenile delinquency and juvenile attitude toward the police 為,中國社會如果不解決導致暴力行為的根本原因, 「大宗謀殺」現象將會更頻繁地出現。 劉建宏教授在過去兩年同時從事幾個項目的研究,都 是為了一個目標,即建立一個「亞洲典範理論」。他 比較西方與亞洲的刑事司法制度,重點研究概念層面 的不同,並認為這些不同之處深深影響了刑事司法制 度的運作。他認為,亞洲式的智慧可以引導刑事司法 改革朝著正面的方向前進。「亞洲典範理論」指出, 西方關於犯罪和司法的概念是「個體論概念」,即個 體是研究的單位;而亞洲概念則具有集體取向,是「相 關概念」。西方刑事司法和犯罪控制的對象是犯罪本 身,而亞洲關注的是人與人之間的關係。西方對犯罪 的定義是,個人違反國家刑法的行為,犯罪的概念是 「以國家為中心的」。這個概念將犯罪視為犯罪者與 國家之間的衝突,因此,國家必須找出罪犯,施加懲 罰。與西方刑事訴訟中採用的衝突理論相反,亞洲更 傾向於非衝突的方式,強調找到解決方法,鼓勵犯罪 者供認真相,表示悔改,換取寬恕。解決方法包括正 式和非正式的懲罰。劉教授的建議是,不妨建立一個 綜合體系,吸取東西方智慧,為未來刑事司法改革提 供參考。 趙若輝博士目前從事的研究項目是中國西部某個較落 後城市青少年犯罪以及青少年對警察的態度問題。針 對許多西方國家研究多時的一些重要課題,她在該城 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 57 學院專欄.FACULTY COLUMN