
文 Te x t │ 張 愛 華 Ella Cheong 筆 錄 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 2 封面故事.COVER STORY 探索新領域 澳大研究潛力無限 Exploring New Possibilities for Research 作為本地區備受公認的公立大學,澳門大學一直致 力追求學術卓越,以高水平研究和教學品質爭取國 際認同。在過去五年,澳大迅速發展,在研究和課 程認可方面均取得了重要的成果:高端SCI 索引期 刊論文數量年增長40%,師生每年發表500篇以上 的高水平論文,每年論文獲引用超過3,500次;根 據國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)2014年國際固 態電路會議關於第一作者論文的標準,澳大目前在 微電子研究方面排名前10強大學,以及科技學院和 工商管理學院課程獲得國際認可,證明澳大的學術 研究和教學達到國際水平。 在過去累積的成果之下,澳大未來將繼續擴大研究投 資並制定新的研究策略,以推動能配合澳門社會發展 As a recognised leading public university in the region, the University of Macau (UM) is committed to excellence in teaching and research. Over the past five years, it has made great progress in both areas. Some of the academic programmes offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) have gained international recognition. The number of papers published in high-level SCI-indexed journals has seen an annual increase of 40 per cent. Every year, UM staff and students publish more than 500 high-quality papers, with a citation frequency of over 3,500. UM now ranks among the top ten universities in the world in terms of research in microelectronics, according to the 2014 IEEE international Solid-State Circuits Conference standards for first-author papers. These achievements show that UM has reached international standards in some aspects of teaching and research. In the future, UM will increase investment in research and formulate new research strategies, in order to develop frontier disciplines with 文Text │張愛華Ella Cheong 圖Photo│李思、何杰平Manuel Reis, Jack Ho 筆錄Transcription│校園記者林淑瑩、秦萱、朱晗媛UM Reporters Vivian Lam, Zoe Qin, Vanessa Zhu