
UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 14 封面故事.COVER STORY 審批程序繁複艱鉅 在今年初,土木工程理學士學位、電機及電腦工程理 學士學位、機電工程理學士學位更獲得《華盛頓協 議》的承認,凡2011/2012學年起入讀上述學位的 學生,以及2011學年之前入學並修滿相關課程的學 生,畢業後將有資格在多個協議成員國考取當地工程 師的專業資格。此為本澳首批學位課程獲確認符合 《華盛頓協議》標準,亦屬其境外學術評審的首例。 陳院長在四年多前來到澳大時,已決定要將學院的課 程與國際接軌。他指出整個審批過程非常繁複:「難 度最大莫過於『環環相扣』──從訂立教育目標,到 將學院對每一位畢業生的期望清晰化,再到如何安排 課程以達到期望的成果,課程的質量保證以及持續改 良,學生人格培養及學術道德規範,這些都要求各個 專業都有自己獨特的思考與清晰的定位。至於課程設 置方面,學院必須要有系統的設計使它與標準尺度磨 合。老師與助理們收集和整理大量資料,以及將每門 課程的教學內容共享。」 在科技學院成功通過《華盛頓協議》承認之前,首要 步驟是通過香港工程師學會會員的認可,陳院長對此 解釋道:「此批澳大課程是國際上第一批以這種方式 被認可的課程,因為澳門並非《華盛頓協議》會員, 無法直接提交資料申請審核,但香港屬該會會員,因 此我們須經香港工程師學會評審團的嚴謹審核後再提 交予《華盛頓協議》,最終獲得所有會員國家及地區 的認可。我們非常感激香港工程師學會對我們的支持 和信任。審評過程也得到澳門工程師學會的鼎力支 持,也因此科技學院搭起香港工程師學會與澳門工程 師學會非常友好的橋樑。」 科研向國際先進水平邁進 「這可說是科技學院多年努力的成果!」陳院長認為 能獲得《華盛頓協議》承認,首先是因為課程的質量 已經達到國際認可的標準,其二是教學團隊的素質及 對課程的要求也達到國際水平。此外,各個學術團體, 包括大學校友和學術顧問等在審批過程中也付出極 多,大家齊心協力,最後才能成功。同時在今年暑假, 科技學院的電腦及資訊本科專業(已得到香港工程師 學會認證)也會得到《首爾協議》的認證 (編按:首 爾協議是對電腦及資訊本科專業認證的國際組織)。 Accreditation Process Extremely Complex Earlier this year, three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST, namely Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering, were recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Students starting these three programmes in the 2011/2012 academic year or later, as well as those starting these programmes before 2011 and completing all required courses, will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord after graduation. These are the first degree programmes in Macao that have been recognised under the Washington Accord. It is also the first out-ofjurisdiction accreditation meeting the Washington Accord standards. When Prof. Chen joined UM four years ago, he made a quiet vow to himself to work to bring FST’s academic programmes up to international standards. Thanks to everyone’s joint effort, his wish has come true despite the difficulties encountered in the process.“The process was very complex,” said Prof. Chen.“What was the most difficult was that there were many steps, and every step was closely linked to the next one. First we needed to identify our educational objectives. Then we needed to specify our expectations for graduates of different programmes, how we planned to arrange the courses to achieve expected outcomes, how to realise quality assurance and continuous improvement, how to help students in their character development, and how to ensure academic integrity. And these required us to position every programme clearly and uniquely. Curriculum design needed to be done in a systematic way to meet the relevant standards. Our faculty members and their assistants collected and sorted through a large amount of data and portfolios, and shared the content of each course.” But that’s not all. Before gaining recognition under the Washington Accord, FST needed to first gain recognition from members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).“The three programmes are the first in the world to be recognised in this way,” Prof. Chen explained.“Macao is not a signatory to the Washington Accord, so we couldn’t submit the application to the Washington Accord directly. Hong Kong is a signatory, so we had to go through the strict evaluation by HKIE first and only then could we submit the application to the Washington Accord, and eventually we gained recognition from all the signatories. We are very grateful to HKIE for supporting us and having faith in us. We also received great support from the Macau Institution of Engineers (MIE), and we feel honoured that we built a bridge of friendship between HKIE and MIE in the process.” Aiming for International Standard “This is a great achievement of many years of hard work,” Prof. Chen said.“The three programmes have gained recognition under the Washington Accord because first, the quality of these programmes meets the standards of the Washington Accord, and second, the quality of our faculty members and their requirements for the programmes also meet international standards. Of course, the joint effort of the various parties, including our alumni and academic consultants, has also been indispensable to our success.” Prof. Chen told us that in addition to the three programmes, FST’s Computer and Information programme, which has already received accreditation from HKIE, is expected to receive accreditation under the Seoul Accord—