
編者的話 Editor’s Words 今年上半年,對澳門大學來說,可說是碩果纍纍,同 時機會與挑戰並存。 經過多年發展,澳大的學術研究漸在國際舞台上嶄露 頭角,例如,在微電子研究,澳大躋身世界排名前 10強;課程方面,科技學院和工商管理學院課程獲 得國際認可。另外,也邀請到兩位諾貝爾獎得主楊振 寧教授和斯蒂格利茨教授,以及著名詩人余光中教授 分享寶貴的經驗和知識。 各領域取得的佳績,一直激勵和推動著澳大不斷向前 邁進。澳大在今年八月全面遷入新校園,全新的科研 基地、教學設備和住宿式書院無不令人期待,但也因 為新的校園而為大學在管理上帶來不少的挑戰。 成就、機會和挑戰的背後,牽涉的是許多人的努力和 辛勞。《澳大新語》希望和讀者分享這些背後故事。 本期不僅全面報導澳大科研成就和未來目標,更探討 新校園如何提供優質學習環境,以幫助提升教學質量。 葛偉教授在專訪裡說到健康科學學院未來前行的「道 路是曲折的,但前途是光明的」,這句話不僅可以用 在這所新的學院身上,也正好用來描述澳大新的發展 前景。儘管前進的道路並不平坦,但澳大人都有信心 克服挑戰,共同推動大學取得更卓越的成就。 新的校園,新的希望,我們翹首以盼! The first half of the year 2014 has been very fruitful for the University of Macau (UM). Research in microelectronics has entered the world’s top ten. Some of the academic programmes offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology and Faculty of Business Administration have received international recognition. Apart from making progress in teaching and research, the university has also successfully invited many leaders in different fields to share experience and insights with the students, including Nobel laureates Prof. Chen Ning Yang and Prof. Joseph E. Stiglitz, and one of the Chinese-speaking world’s best known poets, Prof. Yu Kwang Chung. These achievements become more encouraging when viewed in the context of the new campus. In August 2014, relocation to the new campus, which had been carried out in stages, was fully completed. The imminent prospect of having a new campus with its own scientific research base, advanced facilities for teaching, learning and research, as well as Asia’s largest residential college system, is exciting. The new campus will undoubtedly bring new opportunities, but with new opportunities come new challenges. Behind every achievement the university has attained is years of tireless team effort. This issue of umagazine tells those behind-thescenes stories. Besides comprehensive reporting of the university’s research achievements and future goals, this issue also features indepth discussions on the various strategies for further improving the university’s teaching and learning. Prof. Ge Wei cited an old Chinese saying, “The road is tortuous, but the future is bright,” when talking about the future of the newly established Faculty of Health Sciences. Perhaps this saying is also a fitting description of the future of the university. The road to achieving our goals is not always smooth and straight, but with confidence and joint effort, it is entirely possible to elevate the university to new heights of success. And that begins with exploring the new possibilities offered by the new campus. 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong Summer/Autumn 2014 << Issue 10 第十期 >> (853) 8822 8833 (853) 8822 8822 中國澳門氹仔 大學大馬路 澳門大學傳訊部 Communications Office University of Macau Avenida da Universidade, Tapipa, Macau, China 總編輯 Editor-in-Chief Katrina Cheong 編輯 Editor Kathy Che, Ella Cheong 執行編輯 Executive Editor Lis Loi, Cravina Chong 翻譯 Translator Ruby Chen, Anthony Sou 顧問 Advisors Prof. Timothy Simpson Prof. Wu Mei 出版 Publisher University of Macau ISSN: 2077-2491 電話 Tel: 傳真 Fax: 通訊 Mail: 電郵Email: 網址Website: 是澳門大學之官方刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報導教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest development of the university in teaching, research and other areas. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 2 人物專訪.INTERVIEW

Summer/Autumn 2014 << Issue 10 第十期 >> 目錄 Contents 封面故事 Cover Story 探索新領域 澳大研究潛力無限 Exploring New Possibilities for Research 專訪 Interview 我的諾貝爾之路──楊振寧專訪 My Road to the Nobel Prize–Interview with Chen Ning Yang 機會之門為誰而開?諾貝爾獎得主斯蒂格利茨談不平等的代價 The Door of Opportunity–For Whom Does It Open? Nobel Laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz on the Price of Inequality 靈感和文學──鄉愁詩人余光中 Inspiration and Literature–Interview with Poet Yu Kwang Chung 新校園專題 New Campus Feature 以人為本 新校園創建良好育人環境 Creating a Good Learning Environment through a People-oriented New Campus 專題 Features 在優化教與學的路上 On the Road to Enhancing Teaching and Learning 服務中學習,給予中成長──學生志願者走出象牙塔 Learn through Serving, Grow through Giving–The World outside the Ivory Tower 學院專欄 Faculty Column 當科學遇見社會秩序與公正──澳大的獨特學科 Where Science Meets Social Order and Justice–A Unique Programme at UM 「毒咬」之藥:來自大自然的巡航導彈 Drugs with "Monster" Bite: Nature's Cruise Missiles 02 16 22 26 36 42 48 54 61 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 1 人物專訪.INTERVIEW

文 Te x t │ 張 愛 華 Ella Cheong 筆 錄 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 2 封面故事.COVER STORY 探索新領域 澳大研究潛力無限 Exploring New Possibilities for Research 作為本地區備受公認的公立大學,澳門大學一直致 力追求學術卓越,以高水平研究和教學品質爭取國 際認同。在過去五年,澳大迅速發展,在研究和課 程認可方面均取得了重要的成果:高端SCI 索引期 刊論文數量年增長40%,師生每年發表500篇以上 的高水平論文,每年論文獲引用超過3,500次;根 據國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE)2014年國際固 態電路會議關於第一作者論文的標準,澳大目前在 微電子研究方面排名前10強大學,以及科技學院和 工商管理學院課程獲得國際認可,證明澳大的學術 研究和教學達到國際水平。 在過去累積的成果之下,澳大未來將繼續擴大研究投 資並制定新的研究策略,以推動能配合澳門社會發展 As a recognised leading public university in the region, the University of Macau (UM) is committed to excellence in teaching and research. Over the past five years, it has made great progress in both areas. Some of the academic programmes offered by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) have gained international recognition. The number of papers published in high-level SCI-indexed journals has seen an annual increase of 40 per cent. Every year, UM staff and students publish more than 500 high-quality papers, with a citation frequency of over 3,500. UM now ranks among the top ten universities in the world in terms of research in microelectronics, according to the 2014 IEEE international Solid-State Circuits Conference standards for first-author papers. These achievements show that UM has reached international standards in some aspects of teaching and research. In the future, UM will increase investment in research and formulate new research strategies, in order to develop frontier disciplines with 文Text │張愛華Ella Cheong 圖Photo│李思、何杰平Manuel Reis, Jack Ho 筆錄Transcription│校園記者林淑瑩、秦萱、朱晗媛UM Reporters Vivian Lam, Zoe Qin, Vanessa Zhu

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 3 封面故事.COVER STORY 且具國際影響力的前沿學科,如新成立的健康科學學 院,在生物醫學和傳染病領域將嘗試新的探索和創 新,並培養高質素的研究型人才,冀能以新的研究成 果造福人類。科技學院也將招收更多高質素、具研究 精神的研究生來推動大學的研究發展。 澳大新校園設有科研基地,除了微電子和中醫藥兩大 領域的國家重點實驗室外,還將藉新校園更廣闊的硬 件空間,全力推動醫藥、能源環境與電子信息領域的 發展。澳大已與北京大學,香港大學和台灣大學合作 創建聯合研究中心,將繼續進一步深化與鄰近地區的 學術和研究合作。在新校園帶來的契機下,澳大未來 的研究發展潛力無限,也將開創一個嶄新的局面。 international impact that meet the needs of the Macao society. For instance, the newly established Faculty of Health Sciences will train high-calibre research specialists and make new explorations and innovations in the areas of biomedical sciences and infectious diseases. FST will recruit more high-quality, research-minded postgraduate students to promote research development at the university. The scientific research base on the new campus will house the two state key laboratories in microelectronics and Chinese medicine; it will also promote research in such areas as medical sciences, energy and environment, as well as information and electronics. UM has established a joint research centre with Peking University, the University of Hong Kong, and Taiwan University. In the future, it will continue to deepen academic and research collaborations with institutions in neighbouring regions. The new campus has ushered in a new era, and with the opportunities it brings, the university is faced with expanding research possibilities.

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 4 封面故事.COVER STORY 馬許願副校長: 新校園為研究發展帶來新機遇 Vice Rector Rui Martins: New campus brings new opportunities for research 於2008年9月被任命為副校長(研究)的馬許願講 座教授,專責澳大研究發展。他也是一位國際知名的 微電子研究專家,與其研究團隊致力開發高科技微電 子研究項目,並在超大規模集成電路晶片領域取得重 大成果,為澳門取得了首個該領域的專利。 《澳大新語》就澳大未來研究藍圖專訪馬副校長,以 下為訪問全文: Prof. Rui Martins was appointed UM’s vice rector for research in September 2008. Prof. Martins is a world-renowned expert on microelectronics, and is currently chair professor at UM. Prof. Martins and his research team are dedicated to high-tech microelectronics research, and they have been granted Macao’s first-ever patent in the field. In this interview, Prof. Martins talks about his vision for UM’s research development. 馬許願副校長指新校園設備完善的科研基地, 為推動研究發展創造條件。 Vice Rector (Research) Prof. Rui Martins says the Scientific Research Base provides good conditions for research development

馬:副校長(研究)馬許願講座教授 | 澳:《澳大新語》 澳: 澳門大學近年有何策略推動研究發展? 馬: 澳大在20年前已開始支持研究工作。當時我 們希望在澳大各領域啟動研究,所以鼓勵所有 教學人員向澳大的研究委員會提交研究建議 書。隨著2006 年《澳門大學章程》的修訂, 以及2008年通過公開招聘新校長,我們發現 研究數量和質量方面均需加強。因此,我們在 研究管理方面著手進行改革,包括成立研究及 發展事務辦公室,專門與研究委員會合作監察 研究工作。此外,我們亦推出「多年研究資助 計劃(Multi-Year Research Grant)」,通過 外部評審擇優進行撥款。 澳: 澳大批出研究資助計劃時有甚麼標準? 馬: 澳大崇尚學術自由,教學人員無須通過學院或 院長提交研究計劃書,只要是助理教授或以上 級別的教學人員便可直接將計劃書提交予研究 委員會。研究項目由申請者自行決定,凡屬研 究範圍以內皆可以提出。 澳: 經過多年的發展,澳大的學術和研究水平有否 顯著上升? 馬: 澳大近年致力改善教學質素,大部分教師擁有 博士學位,其中許多教師在世界著名的大學取 得博士學位,具有豐富的國際教學經驗和卓越 的學術背景,未來會繼續增聘擁有博士學位的 教師。 師生發表的論文獲重要科學期刊引用的次數也 持續上升,由美國Thomson Reuters 建立的 網際網路版引用文獻索引資料庫系統 Web of Science(WOS)顯示, 2013年澳大論文獲 引用3,500次,與2008年或2009年相比, 當時每年只獲引用100次左右。發表論文的 數量亦都逐年上升。2009年發表的論文數量 大概為120篇左右,2013年超過500篇(平 均每位教員能夠產出一篇論文),論文發表數 量在過去五年上升了四倍。 M: Vice Rector (Research) and Chair Professor Rui Martins | U: U: What strategies has UM adopted in recent years to promote research development? M: We began to support research at UM 20 years ago. Aiming to initiate research in all the areas that were covered by UM, we encouraged our colleagues to present proposals to UM’s Research Committee. Basically everybody could present proposals to the committee. With the revision of the University Charter in 2006 and the appointment of a new rector through open recruitment in 2008, we found that we should try to improve both the quantity and the quality of research. For this reason, we carried out reform on research management. For example, we established the Research & Development Administration Office, which works together with the university’s Research Committee to supervise research. We also initiated a project to provide Multi-Year Research Grant on a competitive basis, with external vetting. U: Are there any internal criteria for the approval of research proposals? M: UM upholds academic freedom. In the case of our research support, we don’t have any rule that says our faculty members must go to the department and its dean to present their proposals. No. All faculty members at the level of assistant professor or above can present their proposals directly to the Research Committee. It is totally free and they can present whatever they want to do in their areas of research. U: How much has UM progressed in teaching and research in recent years? M: In recent years, UM is committed to improving the quality of teaching. The majority of our faculty members hold PhD degrees, many of which are granted by renowned universities. Our faculty members also have rich international teaching experience and impressive academic backgrounds. UM will continue to recruit more faculty members with PhD degrees in the future. Both the number and citation frequency of published papers by UM members are on steady increase. Approximately 120 papers were published in 2009. The number rose to 500 (which is one paper per faculty member) in 2013, which is more than four times the number in 2009. According to Thomson Reuters Web of Science, in 2008 and 2009, the citation frequency of UM papers was only 100, but in 2013, it surged to 3,500. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 5 封面故事.COVER STORY

澳大每年發表的期刊論文數量 * Yearly Number of Published Journal Papers (UM)* 澳大發表期刊論文每年引用次數 * Yearly Citation Frequency of Journal Papers (UM)* U: What is the greatest challenge faced by UM in research? M: Research funding is very important for a developing university. We are capable of funding more than 50 per cent of all research proposals, while in Hong Kong it’s usually around 20 per cent. So I think that in terms of funding we are in a good situation. One of our limitations is the number of our faculty members. Although we have recruited over 500 faculty members so far, these faculty members are shared by many areas at UM. The critical mass is not very high in some specific disciplines. In some areas there are usually only one to two professors. Another thing is that Macao is a relatively small city and not well-known in the world, and because of this, sometimes we encounter difficulties in setting up cooperative bridges with other universities in and outside the region. U: Tell us about the research achievements of the two state key labs. M: In 2009, UM received the approval for establishing Macao’s first two state key labs, the State Key Laboratory of Analog and MixedSignal VLSI (AMS-VLSI Lab), and the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (QRCM Lab). Both labs have achieved some very good results over the past five years. Because of the AMSVLSI Lab, UM is now one of the ten universities that have presented the most papers at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International solid-State Circuits Conference, which is considered the “Chip Olympics”. Related papers have been ranked Most Popular Papers in the IEEE Xplore database. The QRCM Lab has also done very well. It has been granted 12 Chinese and international patents. It also ranks among the top among all state key labs in China in terms of the number of papers per person published in SCI-indexed journals. In early 2014, the two state key labs passed the mid-stage assessment with flying colours. This and the increased research space on the new campus will allow UM to achieve even better results in these two key areas. 澳: 在學術研究方面,澳大面對的最大挑戰是甚麼? 馬: 研究資助對發展中的大學十分重要。澳大有 能力資助50%以上的研究申請,香港通常是 20%,我們資助比例遠高於香港,所以研究資 助方面澳大是有優勢的,但教學人員的規模 卻是我們的一個不足之處。雖然我們已經聘 請500多位教學人員,但這500多人是分散 到不同領域和學院的。在某些學科領域甚至僅 有一至兩位教授,以至達不到臨界量(critical mass)。此外,澳門很小,在國際上知名度 也不高,這讓我們有時候與其他大學合作會遇 到一些困難,這是澳大面對的另一項挑戰。 澳: 中藥及微電子兩個國家重點實驗室的研究成 果如何? 馬: 2009年澳大獲批成立澳門首兩個國家重點實 驗室。經過數年的發展,模擬與混合信號超 大規模集成電路國家重點實驗室的晶片研究 晉身國際固態電路會議論文數量最多的前10 名大學、論文晉身權威IEEE資料庫熱門排行 榜;中藥質量研究國家重點實驗室成功申請 12項國際或國內專利,師生平均發表的SCI 期刋論文數量,名列全國重點實驗室前茅。 在2014年初,兩個國家重點實驗室完成了中 期評估。中期評估的突出成績及新校園科研 發展空間的擴大,可以讓澳大在這兩個重點 領域取得更好的發展。 *包括:科學引文索引擴展版(SCI-E)、 社會科學引文索引 (SSCI)、藝術 與人文科學引文索引 (A&HCI) * including: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) As at August 2014 資料截至2014年8月 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 6 封面故事.COVER STORY

U: Apart from microelectronics, Chinese medicine, and health sciences, are there any other priority research areas at UM? M: Computer and Information Science is another key area. Rector Wei Zhao is an expert in this field. He is a chief scientist for a project on the Internet of Things (IoT) which is under the 973 Programme, a national research development programme. This shows that UM enjoys a leading position in China in the field of IoT. Robotics and Cybernetics are other key areas. In recent years, we have recruited senior professors from around the world, including mainland China, Portugal, and the United States. These professors have done very well in research in various areas of social sciences. Macaology is one example. Macaology has now become a “world academic brand” of UM. We have also formed a multidisciplinary research team, which is focused on the studies of Macao-related issues and covers many areas. This team has published nearly 100 research papers and over 20 monographs. In the areas of sociology, criminology, and international relations, the number of published papers by UM faculty and students has also seen a marked increase. On the language front, the Chinese, Portuguese and English departments have also done very well. The above areas are all key research areas at UM. U: How can the Scientific Research Base on the new campus promote research development at UM? M: The Scientific Research Base on the new campus provides perfect “hardware” and “software” for research development. It also provides new opportunities which we didn’t have on the old campus. For example, there is more space for labs and equipment on the new campus. We are setting up a large number of new biology labs for the Faculty of Health Sciences. There is also a new animal house which allows us to keep animals in a better condition. We will probably also set up a centre for biology research—the P3 Lab, which is designed for research in infectious diseases. With a larger space on the new campus, we may also be able to create one or two spin-off companies from the research projects conducted by the state-key labs. 總建築面積123,860平方米的科研基地可助澳大開拓新的研究領域 The Scientific Research Base, with a gross floor area of 123,860m², can help UM explore new research areas. 澳: 除了微電子、中醫藥、健康科學的重點領域 外,還有哪些優先發展的研究領域﹖ 馬: 電腦及資訊科學亦是澳大的重點研究領域。趙偉 校長就是這領域的專家,他是中國內地國家重點 基礎研究發展計劃「973計劃」物聯網專案的首 席科學家,由此可見,在物聯網研究領域,澳門 在國家具有領導地位。除此之外,機械人學及控 制論也是科技方面的重點研究領域。此外,近年 我們從內地、葡萄牙及美國等地聘請資深教授加 盟,他們的研究非常突出,促進了社會科學領域 的研究和學術發展,例如「澳門學」已成為澳大 的一個「學術品牌」,並形成一支以澳門問題研 究為中心的多學科、跨領域的學術隊伍,至今已 發表有關研究論文近百篇,出版專著20多部; 在社會學、犯罪學及國際關係領域,師生的論文 發表量也顯著上升。語言方面,中文系、葡文系 及英文系亦有不錯的表現。上述領域都屬澳大的 重點研究領域。 澳: 新校園的科研空間增大,可如何促進研究發展? 馬: 新校園的科研基地,為研究發展創造了完善的 硬件和軟件條件,也為澳大帶來舊校園所沒有 的新機遇。例如,新校園為實驗室和儀器提供 了足夠發展空間,我們目前正在為健康科學學 院建立大量新的生物學實驗室。此外,新校園 有一個條件更好的新動物實驗樓。我們可能會 成立一個生物研究中心(P3 Lab)進行傳染病 防治研究,甚至有可能在國家重點實驗室研究 項目的基礎上創建一至兩間衍生公司。 UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 7 封面故事.COVER STORY

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 8 封面故事.COVER STORY 健康科學學院講座教授葛偉: 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的 生命健康問題一直備受人類的高度關注,全球各地 眾多尖端科學家也正不斷嘗試攻克眾多醫學棘手課 題,如癌症、禽流感、愛滋病等。這類前沿醫學研究 對於以往的澳大來說,幾近天方夜譚,但因為新校 園帶來的機遇,澳大在2012年創立了健康科學學院 (FHS),填補了在上述領域的空白。透過開展前沿 科研,健康科學學院望促進現代生物醫藥及健康科學 關鍵領域的知識傳播。本文專訪了協助創辦學院的代 院長葛偉講座教授,暢談該院的人才培養策略、研究 領域以及學院未來面對的挑戰。 Health has always been a topic of great concern to humankind. Leading scientists around the world are constantly trying to crack the code to some of the most challenging medical problems of our time, such as cancer, avian flu, and AIDS. In the past, cutting-edge research in such areas was almost unthinkable for the University of Macau (UM). Thanks to the opportunities brought by the new campus, UM established the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) in 2012, filling gaps in these areas. FHS hopes to promote the dissemination of knowledge in key areas of modern biomedicine and health sciences through cutting-edge research. In this article, we interview Chair Professor Ge Wei, interim dean of FHS who assisted with the founding of the faculty, about the FHS’s talent development strategy, research areas, and future challenges. FHS Chair Professor Ge Wei: “The road is tortuous, but the future is bright.” 葛偉教授指癌症是健康科學學院研究的重中之重 Prof. Ge Wei says cancer will be FHS’s most important research area

葛:健康科學學院代院長葛偉講座教授 | 澳:《澳大新語》 澳: FHS的定位是甚麼? 葛: FHS的定位是研究型學院,我們不會一開始就 要變成國際一流的學院,而是希望在不久的未 來能快速發展成一個有國際影響力、在本地和 鄰近地區具有重要地位的學院。 澳: FHS的發展有哪些優勢? 葛: 現代生物學和生物醫學研究在很大程度上倚賴於 大型設備以及最先進的技術平台,因此它對資金 和空間的要求非常高。除了常規實驗室之外, FHS在新校園將有一個3,000平方米的實驗動物 大樓,可以做一些前沿的醫學研究,這就是空間 硬件的優勢。另外一個優勢是資金,在資金配套 和研究方向方面,學校都給予了大力支持,這些 優勢令我們對學院未來的發展抱有極大的信心。 澳: FHS的研究集中哪些領域? 葛: FHS將成立五個研究中心,涵蓋學院的主要研 究領域,包括癌症、發育及衰老、分子醫學、 免疫學和傳染性疾病以及神經退化性疾病,這 幾個領域都是全球醫學研究的熱點。目前癌症 研究中心和生殖發育及衰老研究中心已經成 立,其它三個中心現正籌設中。FHS的本科和 研究生課程也會圍繞這五個方向發展。 澳: 癌症是FHS未來的重點研究項目嗎? 葛: 目前我們招聘的10位教員當中,將近一半都 是跟研究癌症有關,FHS將來的院長也是研究 癌症的專家,所以可以肯定地說,癌症是FHS 的重中之重。更長遠一點來看,我們希望在澳 大能夠成立包含基礎研究、臨床研究和最後臨 床治療的一條龍癌症中心,並希望能進一步爭 取成立專門研究癌症的國家重點實驗室,從而 全面提升澳大在這領域的研究水平。若日後澳 門、內地或鄰近地區的癌症患者在尋求治療時 首先想到澳門,那就是我們夢想實現的時候了。 G: Ge Wei, chair professor and interim dean of FHS | U: U: How does FHS position itself? G: FHS is a research-focused faculty. We don’t expect to become a world-class faculty overnight; we hope that in the near future we could develop into a faculty with international influence and an important status in Macao and in the neighbouring regions. U: What advantages does FHS have? G: Research in modern biology and biomedicine relies heavily on large equipment and state-of-the-art technologies. It also requires considerable investment and space. Apart from regular labs, we are going to have a 3,000m2 animal lab building on the new campus to conduct cutting-edge research. These are the advantages in space and facilities. Another advantage we have is funding. The university provides great support, in funding and in research direction. Because of these advantages, I am full of confidence in the faculty’s future development. U: What are FHS’s main research areas? G: We will establish five research centres, covering FHS’s main research areas, including cancer; reproduction, development and ageing; molecular medicine; immunology and infectious diseases; and neurodegenerative diseases. These are the hottest areas of research in the international medical community. The Cancer Centre and the Centre of Reproduction, Development and Ageing have already been established. Preparations for the establishment of the three other centres are underway. Our bachelor’s and postgraduate programmes will mainly focus on these five areas. U: Will cancer be FHS’s key research area in the future? G: Of the ten faculty members we’ve recruited so far, nearly half of them study cancer. The future dean of FHS is also an expert on cancer. So, yes, cancer is definitely going to be the most important key area. In the long run, we hope to establish a one-stop cancer centre at UM which integrates basic research, clinical research, and clinical treatment. We also hope to establish a state key lab that specialises in cancer research, to improve the university’s level of research in this area. Our dream is that one day cancer patients from Macao, mainland China and other neighbouring regions will think of Macao as their first choice. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 9 封面故事.COVER STORY

澳: FHS在培養研究人才方面有何策略? 葛: FHS是一個沒有「系」的學院,我們計劃在 2015年把澳大中華醫藥研究院的理學士學位 (生物醫藥學)課程轉到FHS,本科招生規模 不會很大,目標每年招收20名學生。FHS將 會主力培養高質素的博士研究生。我們希望 FHS的本科畢業生可以直接修讀博士課程,在 課程設置上必須做好相關的銜接工作,例如在 本科階段,學生就需要跟隨教授去到實驗室或 研究中心參與感興趣的研究課題。若學生對研 究產生濃厚興趣,自然會選擇升讀博士課程, 這也是FHS課程配合學校推行的研習教育模 式的一個重要方面。學生在課堂上是在吸收東 西,在實驗室研究的時候,就在創造知識,這 樣的培養模式是非常不一樣的。 U: Could you tell us about FHS’s talent development strategy? G: FHS is a faculty with no departments. We plan to have the Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Sciences) Programme, which is currently offered by UM’s Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, switched to our faculty in 2015. We won’t recruit too many undergraduates. Our goal is 20 per year. We will focus on training high-calibre PhD students. We hope those who complete undergraduate studies in our faculty can move directly to PhD studies, and that means we must make sure our curriculum well prepares them for PhD studies. For instance, undergraduate students may need to participate in research projects that interest them in the lab or research centre with individual professors. And if they develop a strong interest in research, they would naturally want to pursue PhD studies. This is also an important way for us to support the university’s research and internship education, which is one component of the “4-in-1” model of education. When students are having a class in the classroom, they are at the receiving end of knowledge, but when they are conducting research in the lab, they are creating knowledge. This model of education is very different. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 10 封面故事.COVER STORY

澳: FHS的教員主要來自哪裡? 葛: 新校園有優越的硬件環境,學校提供的資源也 很充裕,吸引了來自美國、英國、紐西蘭、新 加坡、韓國、香港等地教員,組成了相當國際 化的師資團隊。他們研究的領域都是全球性課 題,如癌症、公共衛生、愛滋病、老年癡呆等。 在招聘的人員當中,老中青都有,這種配置的 好處就是,讓年輕的教員可以從有經驗的同事 身上學習到如何設立實驗室、培養研究生以及 發表論文等。 澳: 短時間大量招聘教員有困難嗎? 葛: 除了教研,FHS未來最重要的任務之一就是招 聘新的教員。因為FHS是從零開始,學校給 我們的目標是五年內大概要招到60位教授, 即我們差不多以每年10至15位的速度招聘, 這是一個比較大規模、蠻艱鉅的任務。除了招 聘教員之外,我們還需要招聘大量的中層研究 人員及技術人員,譬如博士後研究員和有經驗 的實驗室技術員及研究助理,這類人才在澳門 相當缺乏,因此招聘起來難度較大。 澳: FHS將面對最大的挑戰是甚麼? 葛: 第一個挑戰是要招收到一流的研究生,到目前 為止,FHS所招收的研究生水平還是很高的, 但五年之後要達到大學要求的招收數百名博士 研究生的目標,這是非常艱鉅的任務,而更大 的挑戰是,我們還要保證所有研究生都有這麼 高質素水平。相信目前在香港各大學的任何一 個學院也難以達到這樣一個目標。另外,我們 還要吸引一流的博士後研究員來到澳大,這也 是一個很困難的事情。但無論如何,這是全院 努力的方向。總括而言,FHS前行的道路是曲 折的,但前途是光明的。 U: Where do FSH’s faculty members come from? G: Our faculty members come from around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Hong Kong. The excellent environment on the new campus and the generous resource support from the university are certainly a lure. Their research areas are all of international concern, such as cancer, public health, AIDS, and Alzheimer's disease. There are senior ones, middle-aged ones, and also young ones. The benefit of this composition is that young faculty members can learn from their senior colleagues, in how to set up a lab, how to train postgraduate students, and how to publish papers. U: Is it difficult to recruit so many faculty members in such a short time? G: Apart from teaching and research, one of our most important tasks in the future is to recruit more faculty members. FHS started from zero, and the university wants us to recruit 60 professors within five years, which means 10 to 15 every year. It is not easy. And apart from faculty members, we also need to recruit a large number of middle-level research and technical staff, such as post-doctoral fellows, experienced lab technicians, and research assistants. Macao is facing an acute shortage of these professionals, so it’s not easy. U: What is the biggest challenge for FHS? G: Our first challenge is to recruit first-rate PhD students. The students we’ve recruited so far are of very high quality, but it would be very difficult to meet the university’s requirement to recruit hundreds of PhD students within five years. A bigger challenge is to make sure that all the PhD students are of high quality. I think even universities in Hong Kong would find it hard to achieve that. Another challenge is that we need to attract first-rate post-doctoral fellows. But no matter how difficult, it is a goal we will work together to achieve. Overall, I think the road is tortuous, but the future is bright. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 11 封面故事.COVER STORY

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 12 封面故事.COVER STORY 科技學院院長陳俊龍: 課程獲國際承認對學院發展具重大意義 澳門大學科技學院經過30年的經驗積累,在課程結 構、工程技術人才和創新科研領域取得了突飛猛進的 發展,研究論文的數量和質量更並駕齊驅──該院目 前是全校論文產量最多的學院,約佔總論文發表量的 一半,論文更達國際先進水平。土木工程理學士學 位、電機及電腦工程理學士學位、機電工程理學士學 位三個課程今年更獲得國際上最具權威的本科工程學 位資格互認協議──《華盛頓協議》成員的承認,意 味著科技學院學生在畢業時已獲得國際工程界職業能 力公認的國際要求,反映該院工程教育品質得到了國 際社會的認可。本文訪問了一手帶領科技學院取得國 際認證的陳俊龍院長,暢談該院課程如何通過《華盛 頓協議》異常嚴格的評審,及其對推動科技學院進一 步發展的重大意義。 UM's Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) has made remarkable progress over the past 30 years. It now ranks No. 1 among all the faculties at UM in terms of published papers, accounting for approximately 50 per cent of all published papers by UM. Earlier this year, three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST were recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord, which is the most authoritative international accreditation agreement for undergraduate engineering degrees. The accreditation shows international recognition of the quality of engineering education at FST; it also means that students of the three programmes will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord after graduation. In this article, we interview FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen, who has played an instrumental role in gaining the accreditation. Prof. Chen discusses how the three programmes passed extremely stringent evaluation by the Washington Accord, and what implications the accreditation has for FST’s future development. FST Dean Prof. Philip Chen: “International recognition of our programmes is of great significance.” 陳俊龍教授指學院未來更有信心培育頂尖 的科技精英 Prof. Chen is confident in FST’s ability to nurture exemplary students in science and technology

澳門特區政府社會文化司司長張裕(左六)恭賀澳大課程獲《華盛頓協議》成員承認,他表示由此證明澳大持續優化教學質素的努力已得到國際的肯定。 Cheong U (6th from left), secretary for social affairs and culture of Macao SAR, congratulates UM on three programmes being recognised by signatories to the Washington Accord, saying it shows UM’s effort in enhancing its teaching and research is beginning to pay off. UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 13 封面故事.COVER STORY 優質課程提升學生競爭力 記者踏入位於澳大舊校園的科技學院院長辦公室,陳教授 即伸出雙手熱情歡迎。辦公室不到300平方尺,各處堆滿 了文件,幾乎把所有空間佔據,他有點不好意思地說:「地 方很少,東西很多,但學院即將陸續搬到新校園,屆時無 論辦公室環境、課室和研究空間都比現在的寬闊很多。」 陳教授在2010年1月出任科技學院院長前已是一位譽滿 國際的計算機智能系統研究專家,擁有20多年的專業經 驗。前年更成為大中華首位擔任IEEE系統人機及智能自動 學會主席的現職學者,目前也是系統人機及智能自動學會 的期刊主編。 科技學院是由土木及環境工程系、電腦及資訊科學系、電 機及電腦工程系、機電工程系、數學系所組成的學院。陳 院長表示,「學院一直致力為學生提供優質的課程,亦非 常重視與社會各界的科技機構和學術單位交流合作,務求 令學生在大學所學習到的專業知識能切合現今社會實際需 要,亦使學生的專業技能得到普遍的認同。這不單提升學 生的市場競爭力,也為社會發展培育所需人才,使學院成 為澳門科技及工程發展的教育中心。」 Offering Quality Programmes to Increase Students’ Competitiveness Hardly had we entered his office when Prof. Chen extended both his hands in warm welcome. Less than 300 square feet in size, his office was overflowing with documents. “Not enough space, but lots of stuff,” Prof. Chen smiled, a little embarrassed about the mess. “FST will start moving onto the new campus next week, and then we will have bigger offices, classrooms, and research facilities.” When Prof. Chen joined UM in January 2010 as the dean of FST, he was already a world-renowned expert on computational intelligence and intelligent systems with more than 20 years of professional experience. He was the first active scholar from the Greater China region to be elected president of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is also the editor-in-chief of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. FST is committed to offering quality programmes through its five departments: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Department of Computer and Information Science, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, and Department of Mathematics. “Apart from offering quality programmes, we also value exchange and collaboration with institutions for science, technology and engineering, to make sure that the technical expertise students acquire through our programmes meet the needs of society,” Prof. Chen said. “It helps to increase our students’ competitiveness on the job market, and also we hope that through nurturing graduates that meet society’s needs, we can develop FST into a local education centre in science, technology and engineering.”

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 14 封面故事.COVER STORY 審批程序繁複艱鉅 在今年初,土木工程理學士學位、電機及電腦工程理 學士學位、機電工程理學士學位更獲得《華盛頓協 議》的承認,凡2011/2012學年起入讀上述學位的 學生,以及2011學年之前入學並修滿相關課程的學 生,畢業後將有資格在多個協議成員國考取當地工程 師的專業資格。此為本澳首批學位課程獲確認符合 《華盛頓協議》標準,亦屬其境外學術評審的首例。 陳院長在四年多前來到澳大時,已決定要將學院的課 程與國際接軌。他指出整個審批過程非常繁複:「難 度最大莫過於『環環相扣』──從訂立教育目標,到 將學院對每一位畢業生的期望清晰化,再到如何安排 課程以達到期望的成果,課程的質量保證以及持續改 良,學生人格培養及學術道德規範,這些都要求各個 專業都有自己獨特的思考與清晰的定位。至於課程設 置方面,學院必須要有系統的設計使它與標準尺度磨 合。老師與助理們收集和整理大量資料,以及將每門 課程的教學內容共享。」 在科技學院成功通過《華盛頓協議》承認之前,首要 步驟是通過香港工程師學會會員的認可,陳院長對此 解釋道:「此批澳大課程是國際上第一批以這種方式 被認可的課程,因為澳門並非《華盛頓協議》會員, 無法直接提交資料申請審核,但香港屬該會會員,因 此我們須經香港工程師學會評審團的嚴謹審核後再提 交予《華盛頓協議》,最終獲得所有會員國家及地區 的認可。我們非常感激香港工程師學會對我們的支持 和信任。審評過程也得到澳門工程師學會的鼎力支 持,也因此科技學院搭起香港工程師學會與澳門工程 師學會非常友好的橋樑。」 科研向國際先進水平邁進 「這可說是科技學院多年努力的成果!」陳院長認為 能獲得《華盛頓協議》承認,首先是因為課程的質量 已經達到國際認可的標準,其二是教學團隊的素質及 對課程的要求也達到國際水平。此外,各個學術團體, 包括大學校友和學術顧問等在審批過程中也付出極 多,大家齊心協力,最後才能成功。同時在今年暑假, 科技學院的電腦及資訊本科專業(已得到香港工程師 學會認證)也會得到《首爾協議》的認證 (編按:首 爾協議是對電腦及資訊本科專業認證的國際組織)。 Accreditation Process Extremely Complex Earlier this year, three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST, namely Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Bachelor of Science in Electromechanical Engineering, were recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Students starting these three programmes in the 2011/2012 academic year or later, as well as those starting these programmes before 2011 and completing all required courses, will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord after graduation. These are the first degree programmes in Macao that have been recognised under the Washington Accord. It is also the first out-ofjurisdiction accreditation meeting the Washington Accord standards. When Prof. Chen joined UM four years ago, he made a quiet vow to himself to work to bring FST’s academic programmes up to international standards. Thanks to everyone’s joint effort, his wish has come true despite the difficulties encountered in the process.“The process was very complex,” said Prof. Chen.“What was the most difficult was that there were many steps, and every step was closely linked to the next one. First we needed to identify our educational objectives. Then we needed to specify our expectations for graduates of different programmes, how we planned to arrange the courses to achieve expected outcomes, how to realise quality assurance and continuous improvement, how to help students in their character development, and how to ensure academic integrity. And these required us to position every programme clearly and uniquely. Curriculum design needed to be done in a systematic way to meet the relevant standards. Our faculty members and their assistants collected and sorted through a large amount of data and portfolios, and shared the content of each course.” But that’s not all. Before gaining recognition under the Washington Accord, FST needed to first gain recognition from members of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE).“The three programmes are the first in the world to be recognised in this way,” Prof. Chen explained.“Macao is not a signatory to the Washington Accord, so we couldn’t submit the application to the Washington Accord directly. Hong Kong is a signatory, so we had to go through the strict evaluation by HKIE first and only then could we submit the application to the Washington Accord, and eventually we gained recognition from all the signatories. We are very grateful to HKIE for supporting us and having faith in us. We also received great support from the Macau Institution of Engineers (MIE), and we feel honoured that we built a bridge of friendship between HKIE and MIE in the process.” Aiming for International Standard “This is a great achievement of many years of hard work,” Prof. Chen said.“The three programmes have gained recognition under the Washington Accord because first, the quality of these programmes meets the standards of the Washington Accord, and second, the quality of our faculty members and their requirements for the programmes also meet international standards. Of course, the joint effort of the various parties, including our alumni and academic consultants, has also been indispensable to our success.” Prof. Chen told us that in addition to the three programmes, FST’s Computer and Information programme, which has already received accreditation from HKIE, is expected to receive accreditation under the Seoul Accord—

UMAGAZINE ISSUE 10 15 封面故事.COVER STORY 科技學院的三個理學士學位課程皆達到《華盛頓協 議》的標準,是國際協議上的一個新突破。畢業生將 可申請成為香港工程師學會的畢業生會員,參加學會的 工程畢業生培訓計劃,從而考取正會員資格,與國際接 軌的正會員資格達到國際專業工程師協議及亞太工程師 的標準,並享有22個專業資格互認協議的權利。 工商管理學院的理學士學位(會計學──專業會 計)及(會計學──會計與資訊系統)課程的畢業 生可獲澳洲會計師公會(CPA Australia)豁免部份 考試科目。理學士學位(會計學──專業會計)課 程同時獲香港會計師公會(HKICPA)認可,畢業 生可直接報讀專業資格課程。此外,財務學理學士 學位課程也入選享譽國際的投資行業專業團體特許 財務分析師協會(CFAI)大學課程認可計劃,成為 該計劃中亞太地區首個得到CFAI 認可的課程。全 球的投資專家、學者及其他特許財務分析師協會會 員可透過CFAI 得知澳大財務學理學士學位課程的 專業資格,從而加強相關畢業生的就業競爭力。 澳大課程獲得國際承認對大學來說意義重大,證明 澳大的學術和教學達到國際水平,加速澳大邁向一 流大學的目標,同時也肯定了澳大精品本科教育和 優秀師資團隊的教學理念。 《華盛頓協議》成員包括美國、英國、加拿大、愛爾蘭、澳大利亞、紐西蘭、中國香港、南非、日本、新加坡、台北、韓國、馬來西 亞、土耳其、俄羅斯等15個正式成員,以及孟加拉、中國、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里蘭卡、菲律賓六個預備成員。 Signatories to the Washington Accord include the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong China, South Africa, Japan, Singapore, Taipei, South Korea, Malaysia, Turkey, and Russia. Countries that have provisional signatory status include Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan, Sir Lanka, and the Philippines. 對於學院未來的發展,陳院長滿懷期待地說:「搬到 新校園後,科技學院將增設更多實驗室與實驗器材, 這對教學質量的提升提供了紮實的硬件條件。同時, 更大的辦校空間也意味著有機會招收更多高質量、有 研究精神的研究生來推動大學的研究發展。」 an international accreditation alliance that accredits Computer and Information Science programmes—this summer. Prof. Chen is full of confidence in FST’s future. “After we move onto the new campus, FST will have more labs and lab equipment, and this will provide favourable conditions for us to further enhance our teaching,” Prof. Chen says. “More space also means we will be able to recruit more high-quality, research-minded postgraduates to promote research development at the university.” Three bachelor’s degree programmes offered by FST have been recognised by the signatories to the Washington Accord. Graduates of the three programmes will be eligible to obtain professional qualifications in numerous signatories to the Washington Accord. They will also be eligible to become Corporate Member by participating in the engineering graduate training scheme “A” as a Graduate Member of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. The Corporate Member can enjoy recognition under two international engineering agreements (the International Professional Engineers Agreement, and the APEC Engineer Agreement) and 22 qualification accreditation agreements. Graduates of the Faculty of Business Administration’s (FBA) Bachelor of Science (Accounting—Professional Accountancy) programme and Bachelor of Science (Accounting—Accounting and Information Management) programme can gain exemptions from CPA Australia’s examinations in some subjects. The Bachelor of Science (Accounting— Professional Accountancy) programme has also gained recognition from the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). Graduates of this programme can directly apply for professional qualification programmes. The Bachelor of Science in Finance programme has become the first programme in the Asia-Pacific region to be recognised under the University Recognition Program of CFA Institute, which is a world-renowned global association of investment professionals. This gives graduates of this programme a competitive edge as investment experts, scholars, and other members of the institute from around the world can see the recognition on the CFA Institute’s website. The fact that some of UM’s academic programmes have gained international recognition is of great significance. It shows that UM has reached international standards in some aspects of teaching. In addition to providing fresh momentum for the university to progress towards a world-class institution, it also proves that UM’s commitment to providing quality undergraduate education and building an outstanding faculty team is beginning to pay off. 課程獲國際承認 International Recognition of Academic Programmes