
傳訊部 讀 們不難發現,本期 可謂星光熠熠── 今年剛獲頒授澳大榮譽人文學博士學位的星雲大師, 一生致力弘揚人間佛教,本刊獨家專訪大師並與讀 分享其睿智思考;國家文化部前部長、世界知名作家 同時也是澳大榮譽博士的王蒙先生,去年應邀赴我校 擔任「文學藝術家駐校計劃」首位駐校作家,暢談 他對文化發展、澳大新校園的點滴感受;今年成功 獲選湯森路透集團(Thomson Reuters)「高引用 學 」的教育學院院長范息濤講座教授、科技學院 學術科研主任李楊民教授將和讀 分享入榜感受, 亦反映出澳大近年積極全球招聘高質素教員,大大 提升科研和教學質量,越來越多教學人員獲得全國 乃至國際認可的出色成績;此外,心繫澳門的環境 工程專家、科技學院的王志石教授,從他與澳門20 多年的緣份裡,也突顯了澳大以科研和學術力量參 與社區建設發展的心力。 以上諸位大師級人物裡,既有名揚國際的外地翹楚, 也有成長於斯的本土 英,皆呈現出澳大師資的人才 濟濟和多元 容。當然,要建設世界一流大學,「大 師」雖不可少,「大樓」也很重要,備受矚目的澳大 新校園,相關工程陸續完工驗收後,全校師生們將逐 步遷入。那麼,在這史無前例的建校與遷校行動裡, 澳大面對怎樣的挑戰、又克服了那些困難?本期也將 為您揭開其神祕面紗。 除了「大師」和「大樓」之外,良好機制也不可或 缺,本期介紹的「兩岸四校中文合作計劃」,是澳大 連同北京大學、台灣大學、香 大學,繼共同成立中 華創新藥物聯合研究中心後再次建立合作機制,為兩 岸四地中文教育及學術合作開拓新路;而本期的澳大 學生創業故事,也從另一角度展現澳大人努力實現自 我、勇於迎接挑戰的創業精神。尤值一提的是,這篇報 導是由澳大校園記 團隊採訪及撰寫,校園記 計劃自 成立以來,積極深入校園,挖掘故事、報導新聞,本期 多篇文章裡 不難發現他們的身影;最後,廣邀校內各 學院老師執筆的「學院專欄」,本期將繼續與您探討國 際局勢以及生理健康領域等不同話題。 This issue of umagazine is star-studded. The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, who has dedicated his whole life to the promotion of the “Humanistic Buddhism” philosophy, shares his words of wisdom in our exclusive interview. Wang Meng, former minister of culture of the People’s Republic China, well-known writer, and the first writer in residence under the Writers-and-Artists-in-Residence Programme of the University of Macau (UM), contributes his insights on cultural development and his vision for the new UM campus. Chair Professor Fan Xitao and Prof. Li Yangmin, director of academic research in the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), UM, discuss their feelings about being named Highly Cited Researcher. Prof. Wang Zhishi, environmental engineer and professor from FST, UM, recounts the research efforts of his team over the past two decades as well as how their research is part of UM’s overall effort to help build a better community in Macao. The above-mentioned people, some with international renown and some being homegrown talent, constitute part of the outstanding faculty team at UM. Of course it’s important for any university aspiring for world-class status to have the best faculty, but having the best facilities is just as important. Fortunately for UM, this second condition will soon materialise with the university’s relocation to the new campus. The new UM campus is an unprecedented project in the history of higher education in Macao, whether in terms of scale, construction schedule or technical complexity. What challenges have UM overcome in the construction process? What challenges will UM face in the process of relocation? The “New Campus Feature” in this issue provides the latest information. In addition to faculty and facilities, another “f” that’s also indispensable to achieving a world-class status is the fellowship of, or in other words, collaboration with, other universities. This issue of umagazine includes an article on a collaboration programme among the Chinese departments at Peking University, Taiwan University, University of Hong Kong and UM, which represents a second collaborative effort on the part of the four universities following their earlier establishment of a joint research centre for Chinese innovative medicines, and which will hopefully offer a new path to Chinese education and academic collaboration between the four Chinese-speaking regions of mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. Other pieces not to be missed in this issue include the story of UM students’ entrepreneurial experiences at the Lunar New Year Fair, which was written by UM Reporters, as well as two faculty-contributed pieces—one on cultural theories of war, and another on cardio-cerebrovascular disease. I hope you enjoy this issue of umagazine. Spring/Summer 2013 <<Issue 8 第八期 >> Editor-in-chief Katrina Cheong Translator Advisors Publisher ISSN: 2077-2491 Ruby Chen Prof. Timothy Simpson Prof. Wu Mei University of Macau Katrina Cheong Executive Editor Editorial Assistant Veronica Tang Zara Ho Editor Joe Tang Communications Office