
共享服務設施 強化社區聯繫 澳大不但著力為澳門培養各方各面的優秀人 才,更積極參與推動澳門社會的蓬勃發展。目 前完工在即的橫琴新校園,澳大預計將於明年4 月開始安排職員進駐,並展開交付後的整理、 驗收、測試、裝修及設備安裝等工作,爭取明 年秋季新校園投入運作。屆時,澳大更將推出 一系列新措施,服務澳門廣大市民,包括:計 劃在現校園建立城市中心,開辦多元化成人持 續進修課程,直接服務澳門社區。據趙偉校長 透露,新校園擁有完善校園硬件設施,未來計 劃增設文學院、創意設計學院和健康科學學 院,並推出主要為澳門在職人士而設的實用型 碩士課程,如:法學、教育、社會和管理等專 業,一方面有助提升澳門市民的個人素質和競 爭力,另一方面也滿足澳門特區社會發展的殷 切人才需求。 對於坊間擔心因新校園成本上升而增加學費, 趙偉校長早前表示,若澳大調整學費,升幅不 會超過社會的通脹率,而趙偉校長更保證,校 方甚至教師職員將會提供一切協助,絕不會 出現澳大錄取的學生因經濟困難交不上學費而 放棄讀書的情況。事實上,校方多次強調,澳 大遷入新校園後,將擴大為澳門社區服務的領 域,履行取之社會、回饋社會的責任,尤其是 在澳大新校園投入使用後,透過開辦適合本地 在職人士持續進修的多元化課程,與澳門其他 兄弟院校及醫院共用先進生化醫學設備,以及 在不影響師生學習的情況下,向澳門市民開放 新校園圖書館、文化中心、體育中心等大型服 務設施等,努力強化澳大和澳門社區的聯繫, 達致社會資源分享。 教育的本質是實現人的全面發展,使之適應社 會的需求,進而引領時代的進步、人類的發 展。故此,澳大將在追求學術卓越的同時,亦 擔當起自身的社會責任,努力打造全天候、多 方位全人教育模式,透過專業教育、通識教 育、研習教育和社群教育的四位一體教育模 式,努力創建一所具特色、高水準的世界一流 大學。 Share Facilities for Closer Ties with Community In addition to producing outstanding graduates, UM also plays an active part in advancing the development of the Macao society. Construction of the new campus will be complete soon. According to the tentative plan, some staff will move to the new campus !rst around next April to carry out cleaning, quality inspection, testing, furnishing, equipment installation, etc. If everything goes smoothly, the new campus should be put into full operation around next autumn. After that, UM will launch a series of new measures to serve Macao residents; one measure will be establishing a continuing education centre on the current campus to provide a diverse range of programmes for adults. Rector Wei Zhao indicated that the new campus will be equipped with a complete set of advanced facilities, with possible addition of a faculty of arts, faculty of creative design and faculty of health sciences in the future. He also disclosed that after relocating to the new campus, UM plans to launch practical master’s programmes in a variety of !elds, such as law, education and management, which will mainly target working people, in order to improve Macao residents’ quality and competitiveness and to meet the Macao society’s demand for a high-calibre workforce. In response to public concerns that the rising cost of the new campus may lead to higher tuition fees, Rector Wei Zhao said earlier that even if UM adjusts tuition fees, the increase will not exceed the rate of in"ation. He promised that the university will provide all necessary assistance to make sure not a single admitted student will have to give up his or her place at UM due to !nancial reasons. UM has repeatedly stressed that after moving to the new campus it will continue to ful!ll its social responsibility by expanding its scope of community service. Concrete measures will include opening a diverse range of programmes tailor-made for local working people, sharing advanced biochemical and medical equipment with other sister educational institutions and hospitals in Macao, and opening campus facilities such as the library, the cultural centre, and sports venues to the public to the extent that staff and students’ work and study are not affected—all for the purpose of sharing resources and enhancing the university’s ties with the community. An intrinsic function of education is to help students achieve well-rounded development so that they can better meet the demands of society and play a leadership role in the progress of society and humanity. Therefore, while pursuing academic excellence, UM actively ful!lls its social responsibility, and works hard towards the goal of becoming a world-class university with regional characteristics through a multifaceted “4-in-1” education model that consists of discipline-speci!c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. 37