
錢濤教授獲獎項目:「瞬變信 號的時頻表示及算法實現」 評審委員會委員評價錢濤教授獲獎項目時指 出,其具有「新發現」的重大意義。而此項目 更獲五名知名專家一致評定非常出色,理論研 究取得相當進展,學術建樹甚大。那麼,這項 研究到底是關於什麼的呢? 「把複雜的東西用簡單的方 法來表示」 「按最古老的分類方法,數學大致可分為三個大 方向:分析、代數、幾何。我這項目是屬於分 析類的,實際上就是微積分的進一步發展。函 數的作用就是把一個數變成另外一個數,而核 心就是怎樣把一個複雜的函數用一些簡單的、 可以掌握的函數來表達,也就是一種變換或分 解。實際上我的(研究)就和這個有關。」 錢教授向經典的傅里葉分析理論發起挑戰, 「我們將他的理解、範圍、表達往前推了一 步,過去傅里葉理論就像在一間學校裡,不管 學生高矮胖瘦,只有一套校服,而我們則量體 裁衣,根據你的特徵來做。這樣收效就更快, 用簡單表達複雜的,用幾項就能達到原來能量 的百分之九十幾。比如說傳輸一個信號,我可 以用較少的參數來表達複雜的函數,若是要傳 輸到別的地方去,就比較快也比較省時間。」 可以想見,錢教授開啟的理論基礎,日後在數 學、工程學等領域具有廣泛應用價值,尤在數 碼科技日新月異的當下,在數據及訊號分析及 處理技術方面的應用潛力更不可限量。 Prof. Qian Tao’s Prize-winning Project, “Time-Frequency Analysis of Transient Signals and Algorithm: Harmonic and Clifford Analysis of Signals” The Assessment Committee rated Prof. Qian Tao’s project as having the considered it to be exceedingly outstanding, with marked progress and impressive achievements in theoretical research. What is this research about? Expressing Complex Things in Simple Ways into three areas — analysis, algebra and geometry, and my research belongs some simple, more workable ways, which is in effect a process of conversion or division. And my research has to do with this.” In his research, Prof. Qian challenged the classic Fourier theory. “We took his interpretation, scope and expression one step further,” explains Prof. Qian. “The classic Fourier theory is like a one-sized school uniform for students of different heights and sizes. Ours is more like a tailor-made suit. We tried to express complex things in simple ways, so we could achieve approximately the same effect faster. For example, if I need to transmit a signal, and if I could use fewer parameters to express a complex function, that would mean less time in transmitting.” It is not hard to imagine the enormous potential of this research in terms of practical applications in maths, engineering, data and signal analysis and processing technology, especially given the rapid advancement of digital technologies. INTERVIEW 人 物 專 訪 錢濤的理論拓展在數學、工程學等領域具有廣 泛應用價值。 Qian Tao’s research has enormous potential for extensive applications in maths, engineering and other areas. 錢濤獲首屆澳門科學技術獎唯一一項「自然科學獎」一等獎 30 umagazine | issue 07