
師,如北京大學的程民德院士、澳大利亞的 Alan McIntosh院士,「對學生來說,先要有好 的老師或導師在前面指引他們。待修煉成熟 後,就能發展屬於自己的學術成果。」 近年,澳大以國際化辦學方式、卓越的教學及 創新科研培育優秀人才,全力打造具有區域特 色、教學與科研並重的一流大學,而作為基礎 學科之一的數學,自然也成為這一波教育改革 的重點,「自趙偉擔任校長之後,他大力發展 數學系,一方面支持發展本科教育,建立數學 本科,破除了『澳門不需要數學本科』的說法; 另一方面就是澳大在全世界範圍廣招資深、優 秀的教授,優中選優,幾百個(應徵學者)裡只 選幾個。所以我相信,澳大將來會建立起更強 大的師資隊伍。」 接下來,錢濤的日子將更加忙碌:除了教兩門 課、帶三個博士後研究生之外,還要帶四個碩 士生、六個博士生,明年可能還要招兩個,但 錢濤卻樂在其中,「年輕人一定要有自己的興 趣和方向,對於人生價值、想做的事,要有自 己的認知和堅持。做為老師,我們應該鼓勵學 生尋找追求的目標,讓學生有所作為。」 Qian Tao believes that despite its small size, Macao is on a par with mainland China in terms of education quality, and perhaps it is even blessed with a unique advantage mainland China doesn’t have. “Macao is located between mainland China and the West, and the academic atmosphere of UM is quite good, with many international exchange opportunities,” comments Qian Tao. further education abroad.” In 1986 Qian Tao began to actively participate in international academic exchange activities. He has been to a dozen or so countries where he conducted research and published a large number of academic papers in collaboration with mathematicians from around the world. He has been invited to speak at numerous important international conferences. He credits his being able to constantly break new ground in his academic research to the help and guidance of his teachers, including Prof. Cheng Minde from Peking University, a former member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Alan McIntosh from Australia, fellow of the Australian Academy of Science. “It’s important for students to have good teachers or mentors to guide them, until they are academically mature enough to produce their own fruits.” In recent years, UM has launched a series of reform measures, with the goal of becoming a world-class with regional characteristics and equal emphasis on teaching and research, a university that produces outstanding graduates through an international-standard mode of operation, excellent teaching and innovative research. As one of the foundational subjects, maths naturally rector, Prof. Wei Zhao has spared no effort to develop our department,” remarks Qian Tao. “He broke through the misconception that Macao doesn’t need an undergraduate programme in maths, and supported the launch of an undergraduate programme in maths. Also we search internationally for outstanding professors through a very strict selection process. Usually we would select only a few out of several hundred applicants. So I sincerely believe UM’s faculty will become stronger and stronger.” With four master’s students, six PhD students and three postdoctoral students to supervise, two courses to teach, and probably two more new students to take under his wing next year, Qian Tao expects the coming days to be even busier. But he knows he will enjoy every minute. “Young people must have interests and direction, and once they decide what they want to do with their life, they should go for it and not give up easily. As teachers, we should encourage our students to pursue their goals,” says Qian Tao. 錢濤鼓勵學生要有自己的興趣和方向,不斷尋找追求自己的目標。 Qian Tao encourages his students to have interests and pursue their goals 29