
INTERVIEW 專 訪 新方向、新起點 ─ 澳大「學生事務」專題報導 New Direction, New Start Feature on Student Affairs at UM 環視全球大學教育的發展趨勢,大多數高校已意識到課堂內外的學習具有互補 性,而培養新時代的大學生,專業知識(硬實力)與博雅教育(軟實力)兩方面均 不可或缺,新型的大學教育模式需要兩者的完美結合。 Many higher education institutions around the world have come to realize that classroom education and education outside the classroom should complement each other, that both professional expertise (hard skills) and liberal arts general education (soft skills) are indispensable in nurturing university students in this new era, and that a new mode of education requires the perfect balance. 因此,全球的知名大學均極重視學生事務,其 教育功能也在不斷擴大。澳門大學(澳大)一直 重視學生的課堂外的學習,2008年趙偉校長上 任後,更推出「四位一體」新教育模式,提倡透 過融合專業教育、通識教育、研習教育和社群 教育,推動和實踐全人教育的理念,這一方面 加強了學生的學術與研究硬實力,另一方面通 過社群教育(主要以住宿式書院制度)培養學生 專業以外的軟實力,包括樂觀積極、團隊合作 精神、溝通技巧、責任感、同理心、是非道德 判斷、終身學習等所有關乎個人修養與價值觀 的能力。 That’s why renowned universities attach great importance to student affairs via living and learning experiences. The educational function of student affairs is continuously expanding as the University of Macau (UM) attaches great importance to education outside the classroom. In 2008 after Prof. Wei Zhao took of!ce as the rector, UM launched a new “4-in-1” education model, which aims to implement whole person education through the combination of discipline-speci!c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. Such an education model not only strengthens students’ hard skills, but also helps students to develop – through community and peer education anchored in a residential college (RC) system – soft skills such as optimism, team spirit, effective communication, sense of responsibility, empathy, ability to exercise sound moral judgment, and lifelong learning, etc.. 撰文│張愛華 攝影│何杰平、張愛華、黎詩琪 Text by Ella Cheong Photos by Jack Ho, Ella Cheong, Kay Lai 14 umagazine | issue 07