
issue: 07 第七期 Autumn/Winter 2012 Autumn/Winter 2012 7

各位讀者不難發現,本期 的 焦點聚於「人」:今年澳大向阿登‧李‧ 貝蒙特教授、星雲大師、蘇樹輝博士 及姚期智教授四位傑出人士頒授榮譽 博士學位,表彰他們在研究、文化與 教育方面的重大貢獻。我們把握機會 邀請來三位大師級科學家——姚期智 教授伉儷和劉炯朗教授進行一場難得 的對談,分享他們在人生和學術探索 路上的睿智經驗;另一方面,今年首 屆澳門科學技術獎上摘取唯一一項「自 然科學獎」一等獎的我校數學系錢濤 教授,也和我們分享他的激盪人生故 事,令我們對如何做學問和做人,多 了一份深刻而具體的感受⋯⋯ 從這些大師的寶貴人生經歷中,我們 不難體會到,大學教育的核心價值, 除了知識的教授和技術的承傳,更在 於涵養人格、開拓胸襟,學生們應在 大學階段建立自己的人生格局、鍛 鍊駕馭人生的能力。那麼,澳大將如 何在學生事務層面——尤其是在明年 遷入新校區後——達成這些目標呢? 我們透過專訪學生事務副校長程海東 教授、學生事務長余小明博士,以及 曾參與澳門學生事務高級研修班的學 員,從不同角度剖析澳大將如何透過 落實「四位一體」教育模式,全方位打 造學生的軟硬實力,創建具特色、高 水準的世界一流大學。 作為澳門規模最大的國際化、綜合性 公立大學,澳大除了培養人才,更責 無旁貸地肩負起社會責任,本期策劃 的專題文章,將有助於大家深入了解 澳大與社區的互動及聯繫。此外,從 今期開始推出的「學院專欄」,廣邀校 內不同學院的老師執筆,分享他(她) 們的精闢觀點和深入看法,相信必會 令各位讀者有所得益。 This issue of focuses on people. This year the University of Macau (UM) conferred honorary doctorates upon four distinguished individuals, Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai and Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in research, culture and education. A close encounter at UM with these eminent individuals was an interview opportunity too good to miss. So we invited Prof. Andrew Yao, his wife Prof. Frances Yao, and his former teacher Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu for an interview to share their life experiences and some insightful views on higher education and success. Another person that shares his inspiring life story in this issue is Prof. Qian Tao from the Department of Mathematics, who received the sole first prize of the Macao Science and Technology Award in the Natural Science Award category. Hopefully their stories can help readers gain some new understanding about how to be a better traveller in the journey of life and the never-ending journey of scholarship. If there is anything in common that we could easily learn from their stories, it’s that the core value of higher education should not be limited to the acquisition of knowledge and skills — higher education should also promote character development, opens one’s eyes and mind, broadens horizons, and helps draw a blueprint for life. How can UM achieve these objectives through its student affairs professionals — especially after relocation to the new campus next year? We interviewed Vice Rector (Student Affairs) Prof. Haydn Chen, Dean of Students Dr. Peter Yu, as well as some participants of an earlier advanced training course in student affairs offered by the Macau Student Affairs Institute. They discussed how UM plans to help students acquire and improve soft skills and become a world-class university with characteristics, through the implementation of the “4-in-1” education model. As the largest comprehensive public university in Macao, UM takes it upon itself to fulfill its social responsibility in addition to producing outstanding graduates. This issue’s feature will give readers a better understanding of the interactions and ties between UM and the community. Also worth reading are articles in the newlylaunched “Faculty Column”, in which faculty members share their insightful views on a diverse range of issues. 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong 電話 Tel: (853) 2883 1662 傳真 Fax: (853) 2883 5467 通訊 Mail: 中國澳門氹仔徐日昇寅公馬路 澳門大學傳訊部 Communications Of!ce University of Macau Av. Padre Tomas Pereira, Taipa, Macau, China 電郵 Email: 網址 Website: 主編 Editor-in-chief Katrina Cheong 編輯 Editor Joe Tang 執行編輯 Executive Editor Kris Chi 編輯助理 Editorial Assistant Veronica Tang Zara Ho 撰稿 Writers Albee Lei Ella Cheong Joe Tang Tak-Wing Ngo Rose Lai 翻譯 Translator Ruby Chen 顧問 Advisors Prof. Tim Simpson Prof. Wu Mei 出版 Publisher University of Macau ISBN:2077-2491 是澳門大學的刊物,每年出版兩期,旨在報道教學、科研及大學發展的最新動向。 is a biannual publication of the University of Macau. It aims to provide information on the latest developments of the university in teaching, research and other areas. Autumn/Winter 2012 <<Issue 7第七期>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

封面故事 Cover Story 002 大師對談:劉炯朗 x 姚期智 x 儲楓 —— 教育應讓人才發揮最大潛力 Conversations between Masters: David Chung-Laung Liu x Andrew Chi-Chih Yao x Frances Yao— Education Should Help People Reach Maximum Potential 專訪 Interview 012 新方向、新起點 ── 澳大學生事務專題報導 New Direction, New Start — Feature on Student Affairs at UM 024「數學是我看世界的方式」── 專訪錢濤教授 “Maths Is My Way of Looking At the World” Interview with Professor Qian Tao 專題 Features 032澳門大學:創一流大學擔社會責任 lling Social Responsibility 038科研讓生命更精彩 ──「iINTERACT」眼球追蹤系統 c Research Enriches Life — “iINTERACT” Eye Tracking System 學院專欄 Faculty Column 042新的字母時代 The New Alphabet Era 046發展管理中的制度缺失 Institutional Voids in Development Administration Autumn/Winter 2012 << Issue 7第七期 >> 1

COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 大師對談: 劉炯朗X 姚期智X 儲楓 教育應讓人才發揮最大潛力 Conversations between Masters: David Chung-Laung Liux Andrew Chi-Chih Yaox Frances Yao Education Should Help People Reach Maximum Potential 策劃│編輯部 訪談及整理│鄧曉炯 筆錄│高紅(澳大校園記者) 攝影│李思、何杰平 Planned by the editorial board Interviewed & Edited by Joe Tang Transcribed by Elisa Gao (UM Reporter) Photos by Manual Reis, Jack Ho 2

2012年11月16日,澳門大學(澳大)在文化 中心舉行2012年榮譽學位及高等學位頒授典 禮,在澳門特別行政區行政長官兼澳大校監 崔世安博士主持下,澳大向阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授 (Arden Lee Bement, Jr.)、蘇樹輝博士及姚期 智教授頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰他們在科學 研究、文化與教育等方面的重大貢獻。代表榮 譽博士在典禮上致辭的姚期智教授表示,「歷 經三十餘載的發展,澳大不僅在教學、研究領 域成績斐然,在社會服務方面更取得了卓越成 就,正朝著世界一流大學邁進。」姚教授對澳大 的高度評價,實令澳大人倍感鼓舞。 追溯起來,姚期智教授和澳門的緣份,始於其 澳門人導師、國際知名計算機科學家劉炯朗。 幸運的是,在頒授典禮當日,姚、劉兩師徒均 同在座,而更巧的是,姚教授的太太儲楓亦在 場。算起來,當年專業本屬物理學的姚期智, 就是在儲楓建議下轉向新興的計算機領域,而 本身亦成就卓越的儲楓,目前在北京清華大學 擔任講席教授,與先生比翼齊飛。 當 然不會放過這個難得良機,力邀三位大師對談 分享感受。姚氏夫婦加上姚教授的恩師劉炯 朗,訪談室內頓時滿溢一片溫馨氣氛。而我們 的話題,就從姚、劉二人差不多40年前的那段 師生緣份開始⋯⋯ On 16 November 2012, the University of Macau (UM) conferred honorary doctorates upon Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai and Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in research, culture and education. The ceremony was presided by Dr Chui Sai On, Chief Executive of Macao SAR and chancellor of UM. In his speech on behalf of the other honorary degree recipients, Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao said, “Through over thirty years of development, UM has attained impressive achievements in teaching, research and community service, and is now working towards the goal of becoming a world-class university.” Of the four recipients, Prof. Yao deserves special mention because his ties with Macao dated back nearly forty years when he studied under Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu, a world-renowned computer scientist who received his early education in Macao and who watched with pride as his former student received the honorary degree. A close encounter at UM with two eminent computer scientists was an interview opportunity too good to be missed. So the editorial team of invited the two masters for an interview, to which they generously agreed. To our pleasant surprise, Prof. Yao’s wife Frances Yao, who was also at the ceremony, joined our interview. An accomplished scholar in her own right, Frances is a chair professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing. It was Frances who suggested to Prof. Yao forty years ago that he should switch from physics to computer science, a relatively new !eld at the time. And our interview began with Prof. Yao recalling how that suggestion led him to become a student of Prof. Liu, who would later have a profound in"uence on his life. UM confers an honorary doctorate upon Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (2nd from left) at a ceremony presided by Dr. Chui Sai On (2nd from right), chief executive of Macao SAR and chancellor of UM. 在澳門特別行政區行政長官兼澳大校監崔世安博士(右二)主持下,澳大向姚期智教授(左二)頒授榮譽博士學位。 3

COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 L: David Chung-Laung Liu Y: Andrew Chi-Chih Yao F: Frances Yao J: Journalist Liu: “The ‘Yao Class’ is as important as the ‘Qian Class’ ” Y: I studied under Prof. Liu from 1973 to 1975 at the University of Illinois. I was very fortunate to have such a good role model as Prof. Liu at a young age. He is a well-versed scholar and he knows how to educate students according to their strengths. For example, for students who didn’t have a lot of systematic ideas but were diligent and had a solid grasp of the fundamentals and theories, he would assign some tasks that suited their strengths; for those who had original ideas, he would give them a lot of freedom and would encourage them to think independently. That’s why his students have achieved success in different ways. He saw the strengths in every student and helped them achieve maximum potential. This has had a huge in!uence on me, especially for my teaching at Tsinghua University in recent years. 劉:劉炯朗 姚:姚期智 儲:儲楓 記:記者 劉炯朗:「姚班」就像當年的 「錢班」一樣重要 姚: 我1973到75年在伊利諾大學的時候在 劉教授門下。劉教授除了學問好,還懂 得怎樣造就人才。我對他印象很深,是 我早年就看到一個好老師的典範。劉教 授最重要的就是因材施教,他的學生不 見得全部數學都特別好,但每個人都有 長處,可能有些人沒有什麼觀念性的想 法,但基本功不錯,也很用功,那劉教 授就給他一些能用數學表達出來的問題 去做;而對於自己有想法的學生,劉教 授就會給他們很多自由,鼓勵他們獨立 思考。所以他的學生取得了各式各樣不 同的成功,這對我影響很大,尤其是我 最近幾年在清華教學生。劉教授當年的 風範,對我有非常大的影響。 Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu 劉炯朗教授 4 umagazine | issue 07

劉: 姚教授在哈佛大學拿到(物理)博士 學位,他的老師是諾貝爾獎得主Sheldon Lee Glashow。姚教授這兩天(在澳大) 做的演講「量子計算:一門偉大科 學的誕生」與今年諾貝爾獎也有很密 切的關係,使很多平時不可能的事情 都變成可能。所以我和姚教授是學無 先後,達者為先。姚教授最讓我佩服 的,是他八年前決定回國,到北京清 華大學。其實這也是我們很多人的願 望,但姚教授他是全身心投入。再講 一點我覺得姚教授很了不起的,他剛 去(清華)打算開研究所的課,後來發 現得從頭教起,所以本科基礎課都是姚 教授一手教的,在清華這幾年,他的 學生已經出人頭地,在國際上最重要 的會議上發表很多文章,現在只要是 姚教授的學生,像美國MIT(麻省理工學 院)、Stanford(史丹福大學)、Carnegie Mellon(卡內基梅隆大學)這些學校都歡 迎。現在全世界最傑出的研究生願意到 清華去,留下來為姚教授工作,所以這 個「姚班」跟當年的「錢班」是一樣重要 的。(編按:「錢」指錢學森) 姚: 這裡我可以談一談在清華的情況,剛開 始我希望很快地組成一支研究隊伍, 專注在我本行(計算機科學)的理論方 面。因為中國計算機科學理論方面不 太行,但這方面國際上很重視,比如說 有20%的圖靈獎都是和理論有關,但在 中國基本都沒有。(記:您覺得這個跟中 國的教育制度有關嗎?)跟中國的科學 研究重點有關係。中國在很長一段時間 都是比較注重實用,需要一個東西馬上 能看到有用之處。國內的計算機科學比 較注重工程方面,不太注重科學基礎。 所以我在清華就很想讓(理論)這方面生 根,但我感覺要從本科開始,於是我們 在清華二次招生,本科生報到的那個禮 拜,我們就透過考試選拔了30個學生 進來(姚班),這有點類似澳大的榮譽學 院。現在大概已有四個班畢業了。我們 應該很快能看到成效,我對此非常非常 樂觀。像劉教授跟我從事的,尤其是對 中國學生的培養,對提升中國計算機科 學有很大幫助。 L: Prof. Yao received his PhD degree in physics from Harvard University, under the supervision of Sheldon Lee Glashow, a Nobel Prize laureate. Over the past two days Prof. Yao gave a lecture on quantum computing, which was related to this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics, and which has the potential to make possible what’s otherwise impossible. I may have started a little bit earlier than Prof. Yao, but in the journey of scholarship we are not so much teacher and student as travel companions who learn from each other and cheer each other on. What I !nd most admirable about Prof. Yao is his decision to return to China to teach at Tsinghua University eight years ago. This is a common wish of many people, but what sets Prof. Yao apart is the fact that he devotes himself to it with all his heart. Prof. Yao joined Tsinghua University with the intention of launching postgraduate programmes, but he soon realised he had to start with undergraduate courses, and so he did. Students he taught at Tsinghua University over the years have established themselves, with many papers published at major international conferences. Now Prof. Yao’s students are welcomed by top universities like MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, etc. His students are sought-after by top universities and the world’s best postgraduates are willing to go to Beijing to work for him—I think that’s quite something! That’s why I think the “Yao Class” is as important as the “Qian Class”. (editor’s note: “Qian” refers to Qian Xuesen.) Y: I’d like to talk a little bit about my early days at Tsinghua University. At !rst I was hoping to quickly set up a research team to focus on the theoretical aspect of computer science, because it is internationally recognised to be important—for example, 20 per cent of the Turing Award-winning projects are related to theory; but it is an area China has long neglected. (J: do you think this has to do with China’s education system?) I think it has to do with China’s priority in scienti!c research. For a long time China has focused on practicality; in other words, it wants to see immediate results. Computer science in China tends to focus on the engineering aspect, with little attention to scienti!c foundation. So I was really hoping it the awareness of the importance of the theory could take root at Tsinghua, but I also felt this should start with undergraduate education. So we conducted a second undergraduate recruitment. During the freshmen check-in week, we selected thirty students through exams for the Yao Class, which is similar to the Honours College at UM. We have since graduated four classes. I am very positive that we should see results pretty soon. I believe what Prof. Liu and I are doing, especially educating Chinese students, goes a long way towards raising computer science in China to a higher level. 5

COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 剛到清華的時候,我們還做了一件事 情,就是特別舉辦了很多會議,讓學生 出去交流,我們在這方面花了很多資 源,除了讓學生增長見識,也是為打造 品牌。因為一旦有了這個品牌,就能讓 別人感覺到我們的學生是非常非常優秀 的,以後就會非常願意接受我們的學 生。所以經過六、七年努力,現在這個 品牌已經打出來,所有美國計算機科學 (專業)方面的優秀大學都知道我們這個 (姚)班。所以我覺得,當初做這件事是 對的。 姚期智:大學教育要讓年輕人 能回答兩個問題 記: 你們覺得教育的本質是什麼?一個好的 教育制度又應是怎樣的呢? 姚: 大學教育,尤其是本科教育,最重要 的,就是要讓年輕人能在大學教育裡回 答兩個問題:第一,他們發現什麼是自 己最感興趣的事情;第二,他們發現 自己做什麼最拿手、最 有能力?我覺得,整個 大學最重要的,就是讓 學生能發現這些事情, 當然最好還有地方能讓 他們發揮最大的潛力。 為什麼我覺得這事情重 要呢?因為我覺得一個 社會或國家能比別的社 會或國家更有優勢,就 是因為能把人才發揮到 最優化的程度。這聽起 來容易,但做起來非常 困難,這也是辦一所好 大學最困難的地方,而 不能說美國怎麼做,我 們就怎麼做,因為大家 的條件都不一樣。比如 說美國最好的大學有很 多頂尖的學者教授,他 們不需要特別去教育學 生,老師們只要做好本 來應該做的事情,學生 們有充分的自由,接觸 不同的課,他們就有機 會透過這些好老師,找 Another thing I did when I !rst joined Tsinghua was to organise many conferences to give students opportunities for international exchange. We devoted a lot of resources, and our purpose was two-fold: broadening students’ horizons and building a brand internationally. Because once we have built a brand and make people realise our students are truly outstanding, they would be happy to accept our students for further studies after their graduation. Now it’s been about seven years since we launched the project, and I’m glad to say that we have successfully built a brand—universities in the US that excel in computer science now all know our (Yao) Class. So I know we did the right thing. Yao: “University education should help young people answer two questions.” J: What do you think is the intrinsic mission of education? What’s your idea of a good education system? Y: I think the most important mission of university education, especially undergraduate education, is to help young people answer two questions. The !rst is, “What am I really interested in?” The second is, “What do I excel at?” Of course it would be even better to provide a Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 姚期智教授 6 umagazine | issue 07

到自己的興趣。但像這種方法,在亞洲 比如中國就沒辦法,因為我們沒有那麼 多的、足夠的人才,即使整個亞洲加起 來也不可能有哈佛那樣(多的頂尖學者和 教授)。所以我們就必須要花心思,讓我 們的學生達到這樣的境界。我覺得,教 育對我來講,它的基本使命,就是這件 事情。 儲: 我過去幾年在香港教書,但要吸引學生 學科技是比較大的挑戰。受(香港)社會 環境影響,學生對法律、經濟、商業這 些科目的興趣比較高。所以我們就要循 循善誘,介紹科學的趣味以及裡面的思 路,它(科學)和文學藝術一樣,你一旦 瞭解之後,會非常非常吸引你,但要花 很大功夫才能體會到當中的奧妙,不是 件容易做到的事情。 劉: 我從一個不同角度來談談吧。有人問 我:你在世界頂尖的學校,學到什麼東 西?我說,第一、我知道天高地厚,因 為看到那麼多老師同學都是世界上最傑 出的人才,但我也知道天有多高、地有 多厚,換句話說,跟他們在一起,我會 很努力,大家不會相差太遠。所以一方 面要知道天高地厚,另一方面也要知道 天有多高、地有多厚。中國過去沒有這 樣的機會,讓我們的學生一方面很謙 卑,一方面也能建立信心。姚教授在清 華大學,一方面讓學生們眼界大開,你 看姚教授本人,還有他請來的朋友都是 計算機科學裡最頂尖的;而同時姚教授 也帶給他們信心,他的學生已在最好的 國際會議上發表文章,我覺得這個就是 教育的目的。 還有就是怎樣鼓舞學生下功夫做學問。 成為世界級的學者,一定要有個大師在 那邊給他做榜樣。我覺得姚教授做的 很重要的一件事情,就是讓學生看到: 啊,假如我努力的話,也許有一天,我 也可以到達這個(水平)。像姚教授、楊 振寧教授、丘成桐教授,他們建立了這 種大師級的榜樣給學生,不光是教他們 東西,還鼓舞他們,這是非常非常重要 的。 platform for students to achieve their maximum potential. But basically I think helping young people !nd answers to the two questions is the most important thing any university could do, because whether a country can have an advantage over other countries depends on whether its people can achieve their maximum potential. As with many other things, this is easier said than done, and it is the greatest challenge for any university that aims for excellence. We can’t just mechanically copy the practices of US universities because the circumstances are different. The best universities in the US have many top professors and scholars. These professors don’t have to go out of their way to educate the students; they just need to do their job. Even so their students still stand a better chance of discovering their interests than their Chinese counterparts because they have suf!cient freedom to access different courses and interact with all these excellent teachers. But this approach simply wouldn’t work in China or other parts of Asia, because we just can’t hold a candle to Harvard in terms of faculty strength, not even with all professors from Asia combined. So we have to be creative and design ways that suit us to help our students achieve a similar outcome. For me, that’s the intrinsic mission of education. F: I’ve taught in Hong Kong for a couple of years, and from my personal experience, I feel that it’s dif!cult to make Hong Kong students interested in science and technology; they are more interested in subjects like law, economics and business administration, probably because those are what society is interested in. So we have to draw them in patiently, by introducing them to the fun side of science and the logic behind it. Like art and literature, science is something that will fascinate you once you understand it better; but appreciating the beauty of science is not easy, it takes a lot of work to get there. L: I’m going to answer this question from a different angle. I was once asked: “What did you learn from the best university in the world?” I answered: “I was at once humbled and hopeful, humbled because I was surrounded by so many extremely talented people, hopeful because I was with them every day, and I knew that if I worked really hard, I would not be lagging behind too much. ” I think it’s very important to keep our students both humbled and hopeful, in other words, to instil in them both humility and con!dence. Prof. Yao does exactly that! He opens students’ eyes because he himself and the people he invites to give lectures are all top computer scientists. He boosts students’ con!dence through various ways, including helping them to publish papers at top international conferences. I think that instilling in students both humility and con!dence is an important mission of education. 7

COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 我覺得,現在教育制度受社會大環境影 響,目前的教育制度難以培養學生讀書 的興趣,沒有讓他們學會讀書的方法, 而如果他有興趣有方法了,把他吸進 去,他再也出不來。而姚教授就像一塊 磁鐵,把學生們吸引過來,他們自然就 會往下走。說實在話,姚教授帶起了一 股風氣,有很多年輕教授跟著他。你像 美國麻省理工學院裡有一百多個教授、 幾百個非常傑出的學生,這樣的環境就 會讓你覺得鼓舞,這非常重要,「姚班」 就有這個好處,30個人都在相互鼓舞。 I think another mission of education is to motivate students to devote themselves to scholarship by the teacher’s own example. In order to become a world-class scholar, you must have a master to serve as your role model. I think a very important thing Prof. Yao has done for his students is to make them realise that as long as they work hard, they might one day attain the same level. It’s very important for teachers to not just teach but also motivate, which is exactly what masters like Prof. Yao, Prof. Franklin Chen-Ning Yang and Prof. Shing-Tung Yau have done. In today’s society, with the current education system, it’s very dif!cult to make students interested in learning, much less to teach them the correct method to learn, which is a shame. Because with interest and correct method, a teacher could draw students like a magnet, like Prof. Yao does. There are over one hundred professors and several hundred outstanding students at MIT, and this creates an environment that keeps you motivated, which is very important. And this is what happens in the “Yao Class”—thirty people are motivating each other. Prof. Frances Yao 儲楓教授 8 umagazine | issue 07

儲楓:要對國家、社會、人類 做更大貢獻 記: 從科研到教育,不管從哪個角度、用哪 種標準來看,三位已經取得令人矚目的 成功。那麼,你們對「成功」又如何定 義? 姚: 我覺得,成功就是你自己想想,對自己 一生的經過是不是覺得相當滿意?是不 是盡了自己最大的力量,能對世界產生 一些影響?如果一個人覺得說我盡了最 大的力量來做事情,我覺得就是一個成 功的人。 劉: 我同意姚教授所講。我是1952年離開澳 門的,算起來已經60年了,但我覺得, 就跟60年前一樣,我會盡力做到最好, 自己在做事、讀書還有做人等方面,一 直都盡力做到最好。比如我當年在(澳 門)蔡高中學讀書的時候,國內正值動 亂時期,進大學是從來沒想過的,那時 澳門沒有大學,只有去香港讀大學,但 自己做夢也沒想過,我沒錢,什麼都沒 有,我當學生的時候,連飯都沒得吃, 學費都交不出來,看不見前途。但我 還是非常努力讀書。到現在,像我最近 七、八年來,每個禮拜都做一個電台節 目,那是件小得不能再小的事情,但是 就像剛剛姚教授講的,我還是盡力去做 好。做人做事,一定要盡你的力才行。 儲: 劉校長從美國回台灣做校長,在台灣清 華大學發展了多方面的經驗、智慧和才 能,在學術界發揮了更大的作用,我覺 得這是個非常有意義的選擇,而且他也 帶了很多學生,這間接也對姚教授、我 以及其他教授回到亞洲來,有種帶頭的 作用。所以我覺得,所謂成功,就是在 你施展所長的方面,選擇對國家、對社 會、對人類能做更大貢獻的機會和方 向,這能令個人事業的成功更有意義。 後記 Postscript 科學創見,起於精思妙想,成於探索實踐,盛 於人才培養。不管是姚氏夫婦、還是劉教授, 他(她)們熱心教學,以身作則,始終把培養人 才、服務社會作為崇高的使命目標,為之傾注 精力心血,其成就不但有目共睹,更對澳大日 後構建全天候、多方位的教育模式,以及創建 具特色的世界一流大學帶來了深刻的啟發。 Scienti!c inventions begin with original ideas, develop with explorations and practice, and prosper with talent nurturing. What Prof. Yao, Frances and Prof. Liu have in common is their dedication to education and to serving society. Their achievements speak for themselves, and are deeply inspirational for UM in its efforts to implement a multi-faceted education model and to become a world-class university. Frances: “Choose the path where you can contribute the most to the world.” J: You three have achieved remarkable success in research and education. What is your de!nition of “success”? Y: I think success is when you look back on your life and ask yourself if you are pleased with the journey and if you have tried your best and have had some impact on the world, you can say yes. L: I couldn’t agree more. “Always try your best” has been my motto since a young age. When I was in middle school, China was in a state of turbulence, and going to university was something I never dared to think about even in my wildest dreams—for one thing, Macao didn’t have any university, only Hong Kong did; for another, I had no money, I couldn’t even afford tuition fees and I constantly worried about where my next meal would come from. To put it simply, I couldn’t see a future, but still I studied very hard, because of my belief in that motto. It’s been sixty years since I left Macao in 1952, but this attitude hasn’t changed one bit. I’ve been hosting a radio programme for seven or eight years now, and even for a little thing like that, I always do my best. F: Prof. Liu returned to Taiwan from the US to be the president of Tsing Hua University, where in addition to teaching, he used his experience, wisdom and talents to develop Tsing Hua in various areas and played a greater role in the academic circle. More importantly, I think his return has had a motivational impact on me, Prof. Yao and other professors who have chosen or might one day choose to return to Asia. So I think to achieve meaningful success, you should choose a path where you can use your strengths to make the greatest contribution to your country and the world. (The English is a translation of the interview conducted in Chinese) 9

COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 姚期智教授 Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 知名計算機科學家、澳大榮譽博士,國際計算機理論方面最頂尖的學者之一。2000年,姚教授獲全球首 要計算機協會(ACM)授予圖靈獎,成為該獎創立以來首位獲獎的亞裔學者,也是迄今為止唯一獲此殊榮 的華裔計算機科學家。姚教授曾於麻省理工學院、普林斯頓大學、史丹福大學、加州大學伯克利分校等 多所美國知名高等學府任教。2004年出任北京清華大學計算機科學專業教授,先後創辦計算機科學實驗 班、理論計算機科學研究中心、交叉資訊研究院和量子資訊中心。姚教授亦受聘於香港中文大學為博文講 座教授。 Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao is a well-known computer scientist and recipient of an honorary doctorate from UM. He is recognised as one of the world’s leading scholars in the theory of computation. He received the Turing Award in 2000 from the world’s leading Association for Computing Machinery, becoming the !rst and the only overseas Chinese computer scientist to date to have won this award since its founding. Prof. Yao has taught at numerous renowned universities in the US, including MIT, Princeton University, Stanford University, and the University of California, Berkeley. In 2004 he became a professor of computer science at Tsinghua University, Beijing, where he successively founded a computer science pilot class (more commonly known as the “Yao Class”), the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, and the Center for Quantum Information. He is also a Distinguished Professor-at-Large at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. 劉炯朗教授 Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu 國際知名計算機科學家、澳大榮譽博士及台灣清華大學蒙民偉榮譽講座教授。先後於麻省理工學院、伊 利諾大學、台灣清華大學等高校任教,曾任伊利諾大學(香檳校區)助理副校長及台灣清華大學校長。迄 今發表180餘篇學術論文,出版了八部學術專著、七部中文散文集。2005年至今於新竹IC975廣播電台每 週主持一期的人文科技節目。 Prof. David Chung-Laung Liu is a world-renowned computer scientist, recipient of an honorary doctorate from UM, and William Mong Honorary Chair Professor of Computer Science at Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He has taught at MIT, the University of Illinois and Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He was associate provost at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and president of Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. He has published over 180 technical papers, eight technical books and seven Chinese essay collections. He has been hosting a weekly radio programme on technology and humanities for the radio station IC975 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, since 2005. 儲楓教授 Prof. Frances Yao 北京清華大學交叉信息院講席教授。1973年獲麻省理工學院計算機博士學位,先後在美國伊利諾大 學、布朗大學及史丹福大學任教。2003年加入香港城市大學電腦科學系並任系主任。研究跨越理論計 算機科學各方向,專長於計算幾何與組合演算法。其論文“Speed-up in Dynamic Programming”和“A Scheduling Model for Reduced CPU Energy”被視為演算法研究重要新分支的源頭。 Prof. Frances Yao is a chair professor at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University, Beijing. She received her PhD degree in mathematics from MIT in 1973. She has taught at the University of Illinois, Brown University and Stanford University. She joined the City University of Hong Kong in 2003 and served as the head of the Department of Computer Science. Her research interests cover various areas in theoretical computer science, specialising in computational geometry and combinatorial algorithms. Her papers “Speed-up in Dynamic Programming” and “A Scheduling Model for Reduced CPU Energy” ushered in an important new branch in the studies of algorithms. 10 umagazine | issue 07


COVER STORY 封 面 故 事 澳門大學今年向阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授、星雲 大師、蘇樹輝博士及姚期智教授四位傑出人士 頒授榮譽博士學位,以表彰他們在研究、文化 與教育等方面的重大貢獻。頒授典禮於2012年 11月16日舉行,澳門特別行政區行政長官兼澳大 校監崔世安博士親臨主持。 UM this year conferred honorary doctorates upon four distinguished individuals, namely Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., the Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai and Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, in recognition of their outstanding contributions in research, culture and education. The conferment ceremony was held on 16 November 2012. Dr. Chui Sai On, chief executive of Macao SAR and chancellor of UM, presided over the ceremony. Three honorary degree recipients (left to right, Prof. Andrew Chi-Chih Yao (3rd), Prof. Arden Lee Bement (4th), Dr. Ambrose SoShu Fai (6th) with Macao SAR Chief Executive Dr. Chui Sai On and UM’s top management 三位榮譽博士(左三:姚期智教授,左四:阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授、左六:蘇樹輝博士)與行政長官崔世安博士及澳大領導層合影。 12 umagazine | issue 07

知名材料科學家阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授 Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., renowned materials scientist 獲頒榮譽理學博士學位的知名材料科學家阿登‧李‧貝蒙特教授,在業界、學術界及政府機構中作出了重大貢獻並出任許多重要領導職 務,曾主管多間國際機構於科技方面的重要事務,現為美國國家工程院院士。貝蒙特教授致力於材料研究,尤其是支持先進的工程轉 化技術,曾先後擔任美國麻省理工學院核材料學教授、美國-蘇聯雙邊磁流體動力學交流計劃成員、麻省理工學院聚變技術研究計劃 主管、美國國防部研究與工程副部長、國家標準技術研究所主任等。此外,在他出任美國國家科學基金會主席期間,領導國家科學基 金會在中國北京設立辦事處,促進中美科技合作。 Prof. Arden Lee Bement, Jr., recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Science honoris causa, has made outstanding contributions in his many important leadership roles in industry, academia, and government agencies. He was in charge of science and technology affairs at numerous international organisations. He is currently a member of the United States National Academy of Engineering. Prof. Bement conducts materials research in support of advanced engineering conversion technologies. He successively served as professor of nuclear materials at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), member of the US-USSR Bilateral Exchange Program in MHD, head of the MIT Fusion Technology Program, deputy undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, and director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He was the director of the US National Science Foundation (NSF). Under his directorship, NSF opened its of!ce in Beijing, China, which played an important role in enhancing Sino-US collaboration in science and technology. 佛光山開山宗長星雲大師 The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order 佛光山開山宗長星雲大師名貫寰宇獲頒榮譽人文學博士學位,他曾先後創建200餘所道場,樹立佛教制度新風,信眾遍及天下, 在全球均具極高知名度與影響力。星雲大師畢生精研宗教哲學,博聞強識,著作等身,學術造詣精深,人文修為甚高,此外,他更 熱心公益,致力弘揚教育、文化和慈善事業,利濟眾生,於國內外創辦多所教育機構,包括:九所美術館、26所圖書館及出版社、 12所書局、50餘所中華學校、16所佛教學院等。大師一生得獎無數,舉其熒熒大者,如1978年榮膺首獲美國東方大學榮譽博士的 比丘,1992年被公推為世界佛教徒友誼會永久榮譽會長,1995年榮獲全印度佛教大會頒贈「佛寶獎」。 The Most Venerable Master Hsing Yun, recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Humanities honoris causa, is the founder of the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order. He has established himself as an in"uential world religious and philanthropic !gure, with a large following worldwide. He has built more than two hundred temples all over the world. He has dedicated his whole life to the study of the philosophy of religion. He is wellread, a proli!c author, and is committed to the advancement of philanthropic, educational and cultural causes. He has foundeda large number of educational institutions both at home and abroad, including nine art galleries, twenty-six libraries and publishers, twelvebookstores, over !fty Chinese schools, and sixteen Tsung Lin Buddhist colleges. Master Hsing Yun has received numerous honours. In 1978, he became the !rst Buddhist monk to receive an honorary doctorate from the Eastern University in the US. In 1992, he was elected honorary president of the World Fellowship of Buddhists. In 1995, he received the Buddha Ratna Award from the All India Buddhist Conference. 著名商界翹楚蘇樹輝博士 Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai, distinguished !gure in the business world 獲頒榮譽社會科學博士學位的著名商界翹楚蘇樹輝博士,為澳門博彩控股有限公司行政總裁、澳門博彩股份有限公司董事。為全國政 協委員、葡萄牙共和國駐香港特別行政區名譽領事、澳門特別行政區政府經濟發展委員會成員、澳門特別行政區政府文化諮詢委員會 成員,以及澳門陸軍俱樂部理事會主席等,對推動澳門、香港、中國及葡萄牙的經濟和文化交流合作,特別是促進澳門在中國與葡語 系國家之間的平台作用,貢獻良多。同時,他在服務澳門博彩旅遊業逾35年間,促進了澳門博彩業的專業化、規範化和多元化。蘇 博士為書法家,並舉辦多次個人書法作品展。2009年,蘇博士獲澳門特別行政區政府頒授文化功績勳章。 Dr. Ambrose So Shu Fai, recipient of the Degree of Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa, has made signi!cant contributionsto the economic and cultural exchange and collaboration between Macao, Hong Kong, China and Portugal, especially in fostering Macao’s role as a platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. He is presently CEO of SJM Holdings Limited, Director of Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A., member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Portugal in Hong Kong SAR, member of the Economic Development Council and of the Cultural Consultative Council of the Macao SAR government, and President of the Board of Directors of the Macau Military Club. Dr. So has served in Macao’s gaming and tourism industry for more than 35 years, during which time he has made relentless efforts to the professionalism, regulation and diversi!cation of the gaming industry. Dr. Soisadevotedcalligrapherandhasheldnumeroussoloexhibitions.In2009hewasawardedtheMedalofCulturalMeritbythe MacaoSAR government. 13

INTERVIEW 專 訪 新方向、新起點 ─ 澳大「學生事務」專題報導 New Direction, New Start Feature on Student Affairs at UM 環視全球大學教育的發展趨勢,大多數高校已意識到課堂內外的學習具有互補 性,而培養新時代的大學生,專業知識(硬實力)與博雅教育(軟實力)兩方面均 不可或缺,新型的大學教育模式需要兩者的完美結合。 Many higher education institutions around the world have come to realize that classroom education and education outside the classroom should complement each other, that both professional expertise (hard skills) and liberal arts general education (soft skills) are indispensable in nurturing university students in this new era, and that a new mode of education requires the perfect balance. 因此,全球的知名大學均極重視學生事務,其 教育功能也在不斷擴大。澳門大學(澳大)一直 重視學生的課堂外的學習,2008年趙偉校長上 任後,更推出「四位一體」新教育模式,提倡透 過融合專業教育、通識教育、研習教育和社群 教育,推動和實踐全人教育的理念,這一方面 加強了學生的學術與研究硬實力,另一方面通 過社群教育(主要以住宿式書院制度)培養學生 專業以外的軟實力,包括樂觀積極、團隊合作 精神、溝通技巧、責任感、同理心、是非道德 判斷、終身學習等所有關乎個人修養與價值觀 的能力。 That’s why renowned universities attach great importance to student affairs via living and learning experiences. The educational function of student affairs is continuously expanding as the University of Macau (UM) attaches great importance to education outside the classroom. In 2008 after Prof. Wei Zhao took of!ce as the rector, UM launched a new “4-in-1” education model, which aims to implement whole person education through the combination of discipline-speci!c education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. Such an education model not only strengthens students’ hard skills, but also helps students to develop – through community and peer education anchored in a residential college (RC) system – soft skills such as optimism, team spirit, effective communication, sense of responsibility, empathy, ability to exercise sound moral judgment, and lifelong learning, etc.. 撰文│張愛華 攝影│何杰平、張愛華、黎詩琪 Text by Ella Cheong Photos by Jack Ho, Ella Cheong, Kay Lai 14 umagazine | issue 07

The rapid development of UM is placing higher demands on student affairs work. After the new campus on Hengqin Island is put into use, an RC system will be fully implemented. This inevitably requires the training of a large number of outstanding student affairs professionals. Therefore, UM recently created two senior positions responsible for student affairs: Vice Rector for Student Affairs, and Dean of Students. The former is held by Prof. Haydn Chen, who has rich experience in higher education management, and the latter is held by Dr. Peter Yu, who has over twenty years of experience in student affairs. Additionally, in May 2012 UM established Asia’s !rst-ever Macau Student Affairs Institute, and invited top-notch student affairs and education experts from across the globe to provide an advanced training course. In this issue of umagazine, we invited Prof. Haydn Chen and Dr. Peter Yu to discuss from different perspectives how UM plans to help students acquire and improve soft skills, as well as how UM will enhance student management. We also interviewed some participants of the training course to learn what new understanding of student affairs they have gained from the course. 隨著澳大不斷發展,對學生事務工作亦提出了 更高要求,橫琴新校區啟用後將全面引入住宿 式書院,屆時需要大量優秀的學生事務人員來 拓展學生事務。故此,澳大特別新增兩個專門 負責學生事務的高層職位 ── 學生事務副校 長和學生事務長,前者由擁有豐富高校管理經 驗的程海東教授出任,後者由從事了20多年 學生事務管理工作的余小明博士出任。此外, 澳大今年5月亦舉辦了亞洲前所未有的澳門學 生事務高級研修班,請來全球頂尖的學生事務 專家、教育專家,全面提升高校學生事務發展 人員的質素。因此,我們特別邀請程海東教 授、余小明博士,從不同角度剖析澳大將如何 打造學生的軟實力,全面加強學生管理方面的 工作。同時,我們也專門走訪曾參與澳門學生 事務高級研修班的學員,暢談完成修讀課程之 後,對學生事務工作的新領悟、新啟發。 15

INTERVIEW 專 訪 程海東:人的品格更重要 Haydn Chen: Character Is More Important 傳統的系與所開授的課堂學習,重點在於教授 學生專業知識,由於專業知識培養學生特殊能 力,因此更容易受重視,而課堂外亦即學生事 務領域則恰恰相反。課堂外的學習是開放式 的,時間長、空間大,內容豐富多樣,方法也 千變萬化。它不一定有現成課本,難以量化, 似乎缺乏一定的衡量標準。但微妙之處卻在 於,社會卻對之極為重視,比如很多著名跨國 機構聘請見習生,非常重視申請人的語文溝 通、分析與解決問題、人際關係、團隊合作、 國際視野、自我學習與激勵、情緒管理以及領 導潛能等多方面的軟硬實力。 明年澳大新校區啟用後,將設立8至12所亞洲 最大規模的住宿式書院,屆時學生可享受更多 校園生活。書院與學院制度相輔相成,每所書 院由約500人組成,不同學科、不同年級、不 同族群的學生一起學習、生活和娛樂,互相學 習,互相激勵,共同成長。在書院裡,師生將 同宿共膳經常交流,形成一個跨學科的學習共 同體。那麼,對於澳大學生軟實力的培養,以 及推行在即的書院制度,澳大首任專責學生事 務的副校長程海東教授又有何看法和規劃呢? 程:程海東教授 記:記者 記: 您認為21世紀最需要的是甚麼人才?澳 大又如何配合社會發展的需要? 程、 21世紀的人才應具備以下能力、一、 學習能力;二、服務熱忱;三、國際 視野;四、實踐能力;五、多元智慧; 六、人文素養;七、正向的人生觀。現 在我們經常聽到說大學生態度不好,熱 情不夠,行動力不足,合作性不強,抗 壓力不大等責備之聲,其實這些與專業 無關,屬於人格特質,而博雅教育的目 的正是培養這些特質。20世紀的大學教 育偏重於專業知識,科技重於人文,專 業重於通才,但博雅教育注重培養學生 成為知識的自由人而非知識的奴隸,因 為若學生具備知識卻不懂獨立分析,那 不過是個機械人而已。20世紀末的大學 教育開始意識到,教育應以學生的學習 成效為目的,於是開始關注人文與科技 Conventional classroom education, which focuses on imparting specialty knowledge, tends to be valued more readily, partly because knowledge is quanti!able and is aimed at educating students in speci!c skills. Education outside the classroom in the domain of general or whole person education, however, is a totally different matter, in that it is open-ended, requires more time and space, deals with a diverse range of issues, and has no!xed teaching methods or textbooks. The lack of a textbook and examinations makes it dif!cult to quantify and measure the outcome of this kind of education. But the tricky thing is that skills which normally can only be acquired through such education are greatly valued by society. For instance, many multinational companies hiring interns look for communication skills, analytical and problemsolving ability, interpersonal effectiveness, team spirit, a global mindset, selfeducation and motivation, mood management, and leadership potential. After the new campus is put into use next year, between eight and twelve RCs will be established, forming the largest RC system in Asia. When that happens, students will be able to enjoy a richer campus life. The RC system will be a perfect complement to the faculty system. Each RC will be inhabited by approximately !ve hundred people. Students of different majors, years of study and ethnicity will live and learn together and from one another. Living and dining together in the same RCs will give staff and students ample opportunities to interact and make each RC into a multi-disciplinary learning community. What’s Prof. Haydn Chen’s opinion on soft skills acquisition and the RC system to be implemented on the new UM campus in the near future? And what plans does he have in these two areas? C: Prof. Haydn Chen J: Journalist J: What kinds of people are most needed in the twenty-!rst century? How can UM meet the needs of the developing society? C: People most needed by the twenty-!rst century should possess the following skills and traits: (1) excellent learning ability, (2) passion for service, (3) a global mindset, (4) practical ability, (5) multifaceted intelligence, (6) internalised liberal arts knowledge and caring about humanity, and (7) a positive outlook on life. Nowadays we often hear complaints about university students’ poor attitude as well as their lack of passion, action, cooperativeness and stress-handling skills. These actually have little to do with which major subject they chose to study at college. These are personality traits, and the development of these traits is exactly the purpose of liberal arts education. In the last century, universities tended to focus on imparting professional expertise, with greater emphasis on science subjects than on the humanities, with priority on training specialists instead of generalists. But liberal arts education aims to help every student become an independent agent of 16 umagazine | issue 07